Diabetes Information Page
For you or a loved one...

I was diagnosed as an Insulin Dependent Diabetic in June '97, and I immediately hit the 'Net to see what I could learn about this unwelcome invader into my life. These are some of the best sites that I have found, but I am sure I will find more as I travel and research my disease. If you have one I may want to include, just Email me.
Diabetes.com is a storehouse of information for the diabetic. From the history of insulin to the newest advances in treatment and diagnosis
Jo Ann's Diabetes Page. The life and story of a diabetic woman.
Diabetes Forum is the place for chat, recipes, ideas on regulating your lifestyle and much more.
American Diabetes Association is the place to check for anything.
Diabetes Self Management is a good site, that is selling a good magazine. They offer a free issue and lots of information.
FAQ from Ohio State. The questions you always wanted to ask, but didn't know where.

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This page was last updated on August 11, 1999