Books, Authors and Reading
There is no substitute for a good book
Although a bad one has been known to come close :-)
I have been an AVID (or 'addicted') reader for as long as I can remember. My parents' (especially my mother) gave me a love of reading early in life that I have passed on to my daughters. I have listed some of my favorite authors, books and links to other reading related sites. Cruise through, enjoy yourself and when you sign off-line, pick up a book.
Mystery Authors and Links
Dean Koontz --- Some more of everything
Mary Willis Walker --- Under The Beetles' Cellar
or just a general guide to mystery writers
Science Fiction/Fantasy/Speculative Fiction Authors and Links
Anne McCaffrey --- The Dragonriders of Pern, The Ship Who...series
Stephen R. Donaldson --- The Mordant series
Future Fantasy Bookstore --- Lists of new books, authors and exerpts
Book Information/Bestseller Lists
Barnes and Noble --- (one of my favorite places on Earth!) --- This is a listing of their bestsellers.
Book Browser --- A clearinghouse for finding books. Listed by author, series, dates, titles, etc.
Firsts --- A game for readers. Guess what book the first line comes from.
Just-So Cards --- Electronic postcards with a literary feel. Send one to your favorite co-reader.
The Readers Corner --- Mystery, Romance, Fantasy
Check out alt.books.Stephen-King! Wonderful people, interesting discussions and the best welcome baskets on the Web.
Another newsgroup I am having a blast on is alt.callahans, based (loosely) on the books of Spider Robinson and 'Callahans Place'.
rec.arts.books FAQ --- A newsgroup for readers. This answers some of the most common questions.

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This page was last updated on August 11, 1999