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![]() Hi! Welcome to my Links page. Take your time and have a good look around. There are lots of goodies for you to choose from here. Check back here often as I'll be updating the page all the time. If you find any dead links please let me know. It's very annoying to keep getting "404 - Forbidden" or "405 - Not Found" error messages when searching through someone's links page. So do me and your fellow cybernauts a favor and tell me about any dead links. If you know of any other great EFL / ESL sites let me know and I'll check it out. Or if you run an EFL site and would like to have a reciprocal link drop me a line and we'll work it out. You can email me at taiteach.geo@yahoo.com. |
english-net.com (A new free lesson every week)
Everyday English
freeENGLISH (Free - but you have to download a component)
PEAKenglish.com (They're free)
English by email (Free - Elek Máthé)
Monster English (Business English email 'word of the Day', quizzes, etc.)
Tutor 2000
Cyber School
American English Language Foundation
EdUSA online
NetLean Languages
EnglishTown Online English Course (they're free)
EnglishConnection Online English Course
English 101 Online
The Virtual English Language Center
EFI's Online Study Courses (they're free) (download software to speak and listen)
Ruth Vilmi's Online Course at HUT
ABC Checkers Online course (They're free)
Owl Online English Course
Ron's Online ESOL Classroom
Intensive ESL practice by email
Okanagan University College's Online ESL
Study English Online for Free (Paolo Rossetti)
The Idiom Connection (Ken Lawrence)
ESL Blues
English Lessons and tests (Elek Máthé)
Business English Vocabulary Exercises
Business English Grammar Quizzes
Superteach grammar lessons
TESL Journal Self Study Quizzes
Internet Aided Language Learning (INTALL)
International House Language Exercises
Jim Schweizer's Online Quizzes
OWL's Grammar and General writing Handouts
Learning Oral English Online
Sakuragaoka Jr. and Sr. High School
Online Exercises and Tests for the EFL Learner
Idioms (From the Cambridge Dictionary Site)
Phrasal Verbs (From the Cambridge Dictionary Site)
Food Preparation Game (From the Cambridge Dictionary Site)
Compound Verb Quiz
Word Games and Puzzles
Caroline's EFL Web Site
English Word Games
Business English Hangman
Teaching English in Taiwan Michael Turton
Foreigners and Taiwan's Academia by Stephen G. Craft
A Teacher's life in Taiwan by Tim Nall
Teaching English in Taiwan by Hall Houston
Teaching in Taiwan by Chris Murphy
Teaching English in Taiwan FAQ by Chris Murphy
Advice about Taiwan by Neill
Teach English in Taiwan by Keith Banerjee
Life and Living in Taiwan ELSI Taiwan Language School
Games for ESL teachers in Taiwan Michael Turton
TFCI Resources (Teachers for Christ International)
Games (The Internet TESL Journal)
Games (Chris Murphy)
Word Games (Longman Dictionaries)
John and Sarah's TEFL Pitstop
One World, One People John Korber
Sakuragaoka Jr. and Sr. High School
Ernie's Activity page
Marmo's Phonetic Cards
The ESL Teacher Connection
The English Teacher's Assistant Newsletter
PIZZAZ!...Wordless Books
Hands-on English
GlobalStudy's "English Programs Around the World"
The EFL Directory 1998
ELSI Taiwan Language Schools
London Meridian College
Studyabroad's ESL List
TEFL China Teahouse
English as a Second Language (Rong-Chang Li)
Globalstudy - The ESL Corner (Reviews of Websites for Learning and Teaching ESL/EFL)
The Far East EFL Teachers' Co-op
Tha Grey List
Dave Sperling's ESL Cafe
Linguistic Funland
Young Learners Web Site - an IATEFL Special Interest Group
Frizzy University Network (FUN)
Vancouver ESL Kista Reili
The Holiday Zone Julie Vickery
Vera Mello's Home Page. Vera Mello
John's ESL Resources John Erskin
One World, One People John Korber
Doug's Korean Konnection Doug Thompson
Canadian-American Language Schools
White Horse English School
Taipei Language Institute
My Language School
Hua Language Institute
Cambridge Language Center
Taipei American School
Kid Castle
Gram English Center
Hess Language School
Gauden Language School
ELSI - Taiwan
Cornel Language School
Studio Classroom (A Taiwanese magazine for students)
ESL Magazine
The Language Teacher Online (JALT)
The Internet TESL Journal
U-Net's EFL Magazine
English Teaching professional
English as a Second Language - About.com
ESL International (General job information and search engine)
Search in Volterre-Fr
Sites Neteachers Thought were Cool!
ESL Study Hall Christine Meloni
ESLoop (list of member pages)
Linguistic Funland (Search the funland)
Dave Sperling's ESLcafe Web Guide
The Internet TESL Journal (links for students)
The Internet TESL Journal (links for teachers)
The Internet TESL Journal (search all links)
General Reference
Cambridge Dictionary
Newbury House Dictionary (40,000 words - small but interesting student dictionary)
Oxford English Dictionary (Pay subscription service - but what a great dictionary)
Brewers Dictionary of Phrase and Fable (from the new enlarged edition of 1894)
One Look Dictionaries (503 Dictionaries in one database)
Websters Dictionary
Websters Thesaurus
Roget's Thesaurus
A Rhyming Dictionary (Great for writing poetry)
Larry's Aussie Slang and Phrase Dictionary
Aussie Slang Dictionary
The Acronym Finder (over 61,00 acronyms/abbreviations and their meanings)
The Devil's Dictionary - Ambrose Bierce (interesting definitions)
Synonym Dictionary (What's another word for.......?)
Wordsmyth English Dictionary - Thesaurus
Taipei Times Online
Around Kaohsiung
Travel in Taiwan
Taiwan History Online
Chinese Holidays and Festivals
Stone Monkey (Taiwanese Expat magazine)
China Times Newspaper
National Network of Foreign Spouses - Taiwan
National Palace Museum (Chinese Art Treasures)
Government Information Office
Names, Addresses and Telephone Numbers of GIO Offices Abroad
Taiwan Central Weather Bureau
Last updated February 9, 2000