This is a page of ideas for teaching English in Taiwan. Browse the great English teaching ideas and help yourself to the ideas that you like. While you are here you can add your own EFL ESL English teaching ideas that work so well for you and help your fellow English teachers.
Ideas for teaching EFL, ESL and English in Taiwan: Taiwan Teacher - the EFL site that exceeds your needs.

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Ideas for teaching EFL, ESL and English in Taiwan: Taiwan Teacher - the EFL site that exceeds your needs.

Hi there! Welcome to the Taiwan Teacher EFL Ideas, tips and tricks page. A page where people can share all those great ideas they have for making their classes interesting and enjoyable with others. All the ideas on this page are free for you to adapt and use in your own classroom.

While you are here why don't you add to the list. Give back one of your own 'trade secrets' and help you fellow teachers.

If you have any questions, suggestions, or comments feel free to email me at

I'd also like to take this opportunity to say a special thank you to Joan Diez for the legion of truly great ideas she has submitted to this page. Her wit and wisdom have made this page one of the premier EFL ideas pages available on the web today. Thank you, Joan.

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Index of ideas!

But.....Where are you? From Joan Diez

The Spelling Officer From Joan Diez

Have you noticed......? From Joan Diez

Neighbors From Joan Diez

My Word! From Joan Diez

The Visitor From Joan Diez

Crime and Punishment From Joan Diez

Buy Now! From Joan Diez

Hungry Brats From Joan Diez

The Way to the Holidays … and Back! Ready, Steady… Go! From Joan Diez

Welcome Aboard! - A special letter for your pupils. From Joan Diez

Speak Now… Or Hold Your Piece Forever! - A list of suggested conversation topics From Joan Diez

Show Some Respect! - Geography, Sociology and Personal Attitudes From Joan Diez

The Good Writers’ Society - An Idea for Team Writing From Joan Diez

Rivers - Music for Thought Grades: 6 - 12 From Joan Diez

Who are you?/Who's he/she? From Andrea Ribeiro

Summarise From T.G.

A written Conversation Exercise From Fitzcarl Reid

The Snake Game From Greg Converse

Pass the story From Anne Berne

Scrambled sentences

Follow on questions

Scrambled stories

A warmup activity

Describing things

Teaching family relationships

A drilling exercise

Send me your ideas!