A Catechism or Invocation of the Twelve Buddhic Archangels and their Atmic Demiurges:
Who maketh One-oh? I, saith MICHEAL:
One is for the SUN ALONE, and ever has He been-oh.Who nameth Two-oh? I, saith EREMIEL:
Two is for the POET-TWINS, weaving spells between-oh.Who giveth Three-oh? I, saith ANACHIEL:
Three is for the TREBLE THRIVERS, clothed all in green-oh.Who wardeth Four-oh? I, saith ZADOCHIEL:
Four is for the DRAGON RIDERS, bearing blades so keen-oh.Who groweth Five-oh? I, saith URIEL:
Five is for the PLANTERS BOLD, the Centaurs on the moor-oh.Who maketh Six-oh? I, saith GWRIEL:
Six is for the ALCHEMISTS, their Dwarves before the door-oh.Who carveth Seven-oh? I, saith RWKAEL:
Seven is for the FREEMASONS, bright shiners in the floor-oh.Who bendeth Eight-oh? I, saith SHAICHUNAEL:
Eight is for the FOREST JOINERS, keeping sacred hours-oh.Who broodeth Nine-oh? I, saith AURAEL:
Nine is for the VESSEL WALKERS, musing on the Powers-oh.Who loveth Ten-oh? I, saith RATHAEL:
Ten is for the HEALERS' SEAL, and treasures of the towers-oh.Who singeth Eleven-oh? I, saith IOFAEL:
Eleven is for the SPIRIT-MAIDS who sing the loaves to leaven-oh.Who knoweth Twelve-oh? I, saith MYRRHAEL:
Twelve is for the SAGES WISE, who see us all in heaven-oh.
A Counting-Catechism for the Atmic Demiurges:
Twelve SCHOLARS scratching paper,
With dusty Cup and waxen Taper;Eleven CHANTERS singing spells,
Playing Harps and ringing Bells;Ten MANTICS in their Tower,
Counting Treasure by the hour;Nine FOWLERS in their Nave,
Seeking out the Peacock brave;Eight JOINERS of the Wood,
Working with their Axe so good;Seven MASONS in their Hall,
Carving Stones both great and small;Six SMITHS do make a Guild,
All with Gold and Silver filled;Five PLANTERS in the Garth,
Sowing Seeds into the earth;Four HUNTERS in Dragon's Court,
Wielding Swords in dancing sport;Three PRIESTS in Church of God,
Emerald Ring and Triple Rod;Two MAGES rhyming Names,
Magic poetry and games;One CREATOR who shall See,
All in perfect harmony.
(OR: Twelve SCHOLARS in their College, wise in all the hidden knowledge; Eleven CHANTERS in their Choirs, singing spells and playing lyres; etc. More irreverent final three lines: Three PRIESTS and their Green Dog; Two MAGES choked in a bog; One whose EYE is in the Log!)
A "nonsense" Counting Chant, giving a version of the Atmic Demiurges' names, from one to twelve:
IMIR, VEME, DHRIU, DWER,(EE-mee-ruh, VEH-meh, dhuh-REE-oo, doov-EH-ruh; JAW-voo-nyuh, GOOV-oong-guh, KOOV-oo-skee, CHEH-hruh; HNAH-oo-hnuh, THAH-oo-hnuh, EH-hluf, pah-EH-hruh.)
Ibram, Maiia, Ann, and Don,
Andrew, George, Nicholai, Shawn,
Thomas, Matthew, Merhiam, Paul.
Another, closely approximating the names of the twelve Apostles; where "Vemaiia" would be "Simeon;" "Gae'w" would be "Cephas" or Peter (Ju-piter); and "Iekuw" would be "Jacob" or "James":
Baerhaolm, Vemaiia, Iudha, Iudawiz,
Aindreu, Gae'w, Iekuw, Shawn [or: Ioshenu],
Taunhas, Matthew, Ailfe, Philhip.
A Bedtime, Meditation, or Spell-working Rhyme for Invoking the Archangels of the Four (Fixed) Quarters:
[Inscribing the Pentacle to the East] RAPHAEL,These four Pentacles --- when inscribed in the Wheel of the Year, with their "top" points bridging each of the Equinoxes and Solstices --- perfectly mark all of the identical and opposite subrays to each Month's Ray; in other words, the 24 High Feasts appearing at the head and feet of each of the Demiurges in the Temple's twelve panels.
[Inscribing the Pentacle to the South] MICHEAL,
[Inscribing the Pentacle to the West] AURAEL,
[Inscribing the Pentacle to the North] GABRIEL:
Four corners to my bed,
Four Archangels round my head.
One to watch and One to pray,
And two to bear my soul away.
All bless this house from thatch to floor,
Twelve Coven Gentles [or: 12 Apostles] guard each door.
Four Archangels to my bed:
MICHEAL stands at the head.
Standing at the sides as well,
GABRIEL stands at my feet,
All to watch me while I sleep.
Or this one, invoking the four Monads:
All bless this house from thatch to floor,
Twelve Archangels ward each door.
Four Royals to my bed:
METATRON stands at the head;
And standing at the sides once more,
SANDALPHON stands at my feet,
All to watch me while I sleep.
A standard Catechism from any of the eight major Festivals --- Hallowtide, Solsticetide (Mid-Wintertide or Yuletide), Candletide, Equinox (Mid-Springtide), Maytide, Solsticetide (Mid-Summertide), Lammastide, Equinox (Mid-Falltide) --- to the one following 90 degrees (roughly, 90 days) later:
How many days to Maytide? [or Candletide, Yuletide, etc.]
'Tis fourscore days and ten.
Can I get there from Candletide? [or Hallowtide, Mid-Falltide, etc.]
Yes, there and back again!
Or this, for example, from Candletide to Maytide, via Mid-Springtide, or Equinox:
How many days to Maytide?
'Tis fourscore days and ten.
Can I get there by Equinox?
Yes, there and back again!
The Song of the Hours and the Calendar of Atmic Demiurges; note that in the Primordial Calendar, the Equinoxes and Solstices (aligned with the 6:00's and 12:00's) are considered the middle of each season, as is remembered in the old terms "Mid-Summer" (Summer Solstice) and "Mid-Winter" (Winter Solstice).:
'Tween LATE-SUMMER hours of Twelve and Two,
CREATOR brings new point of view.'Tween LAMMAS hours of Two and Four,
CHANTRESS sings the loaves once more.'Tween EARLY-FALL hours of Four and Six,
Green PRIEST offers crucifix.'Tween LATE-FALL hours of Six and Eight,
FOWLER spreads her wings out straight.'Tween HALLOWS hours of Eight and Ten,
GARDENER stores the seed again.'Tween EARLY-WINTER hours of Ten and Twelve,
MASON comes to dig and delve.'Tween LATE-WINTER hours of Twelve and Two,
BLACKSMITH makes a new horse-shoe.'Tween TREEMONTH hours of Two and Four,
CARPENTER joins my oaken door.'Tween EARLY-SPRING hours of Four and Six,
HUNTER rides to crucifix.'Tween LATE-SPRING hours of Six and Eight,
ABBESS holds the treasure-plate.'Tween MAYTIDE hours of Eight and Ten,
POET praises May again.'Tween EARLY-SUMMER hours of Ten and Twelve,
SCHOLAR takes the books to shelve.
A short version:
One, two; Point of view;
Three, four; Sing once more;
Five, six; Crucifix;
Seven, eight; Fly out straight;
Nine, ten; Seeds again;
Eleven, twelve; Dig and delve.
One, two; New horse-shoe;
Three, four; Oaken door;
Five, six; Crucifix;
Seven, eight; Treasure plate;
Nine, ten; May again;
Eleven, twelve; Scholars shelve.
Yet another version, using the Tarot forms of "King" and "Queen" (Emperor and Empress) for the Hunter and the Fowler, and "Priestess" for the Abbess or Diviner:
One, two; The Sun makes you.
Three, four; Sing Lammas once more.
Five, six; Priest's crucifix.
Seven, eight; The Queen flies straight.
Nine, ten; The Herbal men.
Eleven, twelve; The Masons delve.
One, two; Blacksmith's shoe.
Three, four; Join trees once more.
Five, six; King's crucifix.
Seven, eight; Priestess' plate.
Nine, ten; The Magic men.
Eleven, twelve; The Scholars shelve.
Still another version, using the eight Canonical Hours (revised: Prime for Noon, Tierce for 3:00 p.m., Sext for 6:00 p.m., Nones for 9:00 p.m., Vespers for Midnight, Compline for 3:00 a.m., Matins for 6:00 a.m., and Lauds for 9:00 a.m.) to align with the seasons of the Year. Note again that in the Primordial Calendar, the Equinoxes and Solstices (aligned with the 6:00's and 12:00's) are considered the middle of each season, as is remembered in the old terms "Mid-Summer" (Summer Solstice) and "Mid-Winter" (Winter Solstice).
After-Prime, is Late-Summer time.
Tierce, Tierce, sing Lammas-tide verse.
Before-Sext, give Early-Fall text,
After-Sext, seek Late-Fall next.
Nones, Nones, sow Hallowtide bones.
Fore-Vespers, carve Winter's hoar whispers,
After-Vespers, forge Late-Winter's best spurs.
Compline, tend Trees to join.
Fore-Matins, ride in Early-Spring satins,
After-Matins, hold Late-Spring patens.
Lauds, Lauds, May-Poet applauds.
Before-Prime, learn in Early-Summer time.
A Catechism of the Deaths of the Twelve Demiurges, or "Twelve of the Gentlefolk:"
Twelve Demiurges come falling down from Heaven,
The Priest gets bitten, and now there are eleven.
Eleven Demiurges swim in Fall-tide fen,
The Abbess gets drowned, and now there are but ten.
Ten Demiurges in a garden wine and dine,
Chantress can't swallow, and now there are but nine.
Nine Demiurges come down to Hallow's Gate,
The Poet gets swung, and now there are but eight.
Eight Demiurges crawl down in Winter Cavern,
The Maker goes blind, and now there are but seven.
Seven Demiurges are chipping stone with picks,
The Sage picks herself, and now there are but six.
Six Demiurges at Springtide Cross arrive,
Hunter vents his spleen, and now there are but five.
Five Demiurges climb up to Abbey Tor,
Fowler gets delivered, and now there are but four.
Four Demiurges a-Maying by a tree,
Forestress falls in the well, and now there are but three.
Three Demiurges go playing in the dew,
Planter's lost his horn, and now there are but two.
Two Demiurges sit in the Summer sun,
Smith gets burned up, and now there is but one.
One old Mason, sitting all alone,
She climbs back up to Heaven, and now there is none.
A Catechism or Invocation of the Archangels: the Twelve Bells:
"My College of Arms, Shall blazon thy brow,"
[Or: "My College shall prove, The Arms (or: Stars) on thy robe,"
or: "My College shall blazon, Thy robe in good season,"
or: "My College shall prove, And blazon thy robe,"]
Blare the bright golden bells, Of St. Michiel's."My Choir hath charms, And enchantments enow,"
[Or: Chant spells in my Choir, For Lammastide fair;"]
Sing the platinum bells, Of St. Iofael's."Come to Cathedral, And heed what I rede well,"
[Or: "Come to my Chapel, Of green rod and apple,"...]
Drum the green copper bells, Of St. Anachiel's."Nine fowlers, nine tailors, And nine Autumn sailors,"
Toll the bronze naval bells, Of St. Aurael's."Enjoy Hallowed hours, In my Garden of flowers,"
Thunder the tin bells, Of St. Uriel's."In Wintertide Hall, I've crystals for all,"
Clink the quaint pewter bells, Of St. Rwkael's."In Yuletide Guild, Go guarding the Grail,"
Gong the great leaden bells, Of St. Gabriel's.
[Or: "Hammers and tongs, Ring Yuletide gongs,
Go the great leaden bells, Of St. Gabriel's.]"My Ship is all filled, With comfits for sale,"
[Or: "Oranges and limes, at Candlemas time,"...]
Chime the sweet bells, Of St. Shaishunael's."A-hunting we ride, At Early-Spring tide,"
[Or: "A-coursing..."]
Drone the red iron bells, Of St. Zadochiel's."Late springs our pleasure, Love's healing our treasure,"
Thrum th'antimony bells, Of St. Raphael's."Maybe I'll name thee, If only you pay me,"
Vibrate the bells, Of St. Eremiel's."Ply wisdom and knowledge, At Prelate's own College,"
[Or: "In wisdom we tape on, the Prelate's white apron,"]
Peal the pale silver bells, Of St. Myrrhael's.
(c-A-c-A-F, G-A-Bb-G-c-A-F; c-c-f-e-d-c, A-Bb-G-c-F; small letters are one octave higher)
NEXT: PART II: CATECHISMS of SPECIFIC MONADS (Metatron, Melchizadek, Sandalphon, Melchior)