The Primordial Tradition

Rhymes, Spells, and Catechisms


A Song for the Smith:

Is Gil Smith within?
Aye, though He be not thin!
Well, can He set a shoe?
Aye, marry, even two!
Here's a nail, there's a nail;
Tick, tack! Never fail!
An alternative last couplet might read: "Here and here and here's a nail / Tick, tack, toe! Never fail!" both as a pun on toes and nails, and also as a reference to the three-by-three "Tick-tack-toe" magic square of Saturn, who was the interregnal planet of the Smith, before the restoration of Bacchus (in Sagittarius) allowed Jupiter to return to His proper place in the Smith's sign of Aquarius. (See The Restored Primordial Pattern: The Original Zodiac and the Planetary Double Helix.)

Another song for the Smith, celebrating His journey down from the Mid-Summer to Yule, passing through the Early-Fall Realm of Gifts (Cathedral-Town) on the way:

I came down from Braembaeli Hill,
Down for the Guild of Gabriel.
As I passed through Cathedral Town,
I found a Mantle, found a Crown,
Found a Cord with nine bronze bells,
Found My Hammer and six-penny nails.
Up MhAT! Down TONh! [or Up Mike! Down K'eak!]
Blow the Bellows Old Man.
(The four Gifts He describes are the first, fourth, seventh, and tenth Gift-Feasts in the Converse Calendar. His own gift is the last, the Hammer, completing a grand cross of the Fixed Signs: Taurus' Mantle, Leo's Crown, Scorpio's Cord, and Aquarius' Hammer. "Mhat" and "Tonh" are names for the Taurus Diviner and Scorpio Fowler; "Mike" is Leo's Creator and "K'eak" is Capricorn's Mason, completing the downward passage of the Sun; Aquarius' "George" or "Gil" may be substituted for "K'eak" to retain the Fixed Cross pattern.)

And a Riddle for the Smith:

A shoemaker makes shoes without leather,
With all the four elements put together;
Fire, Water, Earth, and Air,
And every customer takes two pair!
This Riddle seems to refer to Jupiter as the Smith, as is hinted by the number both of elements and of shoes, referring perhaps to the four-by-four magic square of Jupiter.

A Song for the Forester, sung especially at Her death in May:

ShULh, ShULh, ShULh-E-RhUNh
(f, e, d-d-A; c-A-c-e, d-d-d-d-A; f-f, e-e, d-d-d, d-f; d, c-e-d, c, A-c, d-d. f-f, e, d-c, d-d)
(Tree, Tree, Tree of Rowan,
Tree of the rush of the Sea maroon,
I flow into May, the Savior Queen,
Queen Chalice of the Seas of the Wood-speech.
Sing the Song of the Quickbeam.)

Here I sit on Maiia-tide Hill,
Here I sit and cry my fill.
And every tear falls in the well,
The chalice of the wood, sa-roo-ra.
I am gone o'er the water.

A Chant for the Red Hunter or ZADOCHIEL, pairing each Animal with the symbol of its Reverse, determined by switching Mainray and Subray; e.g: Bear (Red: Turquoise) and Hawk (Turquoise: Red):

I like the Bear and the Bear likes me,
I ride the Bear where the Hawk flies free.
I like the Horse that's full of power,
I ride the Horse by the Bee-balm [or Red-Cross] flower.
I like the Goat who stands all alone,
I ride the Goat by the Ruby stone.
I like the Elephant whose trunk can toss,
I ride the Elephant by the Iron Cross.
I like the Dolphin who swims so free,
I ride the Dolphin by the Red-oak tree.
I like the Ram who can pull a wagon,
I ride the Ram as I would the Dragon.
I like the Bull who needs no halter,
I ride the Bull by the horned altar.
I like the Snake and the Snake feels the same,
I ride the Snake who whispers my Name.
I like the Unicorn whose eyes are like stars,
I ride the Unicorn near ruddy Mars.
I like the Lion, who revives a whole nation,
I ride the Lion by my constellation.
I like the Deer as we run along;
I ride the Deer and she sings my song.
I like the Wolf and we're never bored (or, near Mid-Fall ford),
I ride the Wolf with a fiery sword.

A Song for the Quests of the Red Hunter or Warrior:

A Private in Cohort, by Cowards abhorr'd,
Must win o'er the Wolf to gain the great Sword,
And follow me down to the Land of the Nord.
My Corporals are named for bearing the Lance;
They toss up their swords at the Equinox dance.
My Sergeants are they who, knowing no rest,
May now Bear their shields with Falcon-plum'd crest.
+ + + +
My Lieutenants on Horseback are each a great Knight,
Equally sired by Equine delight,
Enjoying red blazons of Quatrefoil bright.
My Company Captains on capering Goats,
Bear chevrons in chief on Ruby-squared coats.
Those become Majors who pass'neath the Arch
Of the Royal Smith-Masons at Solsticetide march.
+ + + +
Next, to Colonel a Regiment,
The man must master the Elephant:
For him the Iron Cross is meant.
The Battalion's General must place his flaunch [or, haunch]
On Dolphin's back to gain the Red Branch.
The Marshall, the Ram must overwhelm,
To court the Dragon's horned helm.
+ + + +
March, Marshall, to Martyr at Equinoxtide,
And Bull to the Altar the old Earl must ride;
Then mount up the Serpent to Magical choir,
For knowing his Name the man does require [or, desire].
Unicorn, Lion, shall Midsummer cross,
For Planet and Stars his robe to emboss.
At Lammas the man must be following
The fell fallow Stag, his Song for to sing;
Until at long last, he falls back to earth,
At new-fallen Autumn he comes to rebirth.

A Cumulative Chant for the Red Hunter or ZADOCHIEL, giving the Animals in the sequence of the Converse Calendar, pairing each Animal with its subray's Tree, and giving it a canonical Mantra:

I like the Pig and the Pig likes me,
I feed [or ride] the Pig by the old Vine-tree,
Pig goes OENh, OENh, OENh.
I like the Horse and the Horse likes me,
I ride the Horse by the Chestnut tree,
Horse goes NE, NE,
Pig goes OENh, OENh, OENh.
I like the Goat and the Goat likes me,
I feed [or ride] the Goat by the Elder tree,
Goat goes KNhAE, KNhAE,
Horse goes NE, NE, etc.
(Followed by Elephant, Birch, WUNG; Whale, Ash, ShU; Ram, Alder, NAA; Cow, Willow, MhUATh; Snake, Rowan, VE; Rhino, Poplar, RhIMh; Lion, Hollyoak, MAO; Deer, Hazel, FERhMh; Wolf, Apple, DhAU).

An Invocation of the Lunar Sage or Scholar (Early-Summer, or 10:00 a.m.-- Noon):

A silvery dollar,
Ten o'clock Scholar,
What makes You go so soon?
You did but come at ten o'clock,
And now You are gone at noon.