The Primordial Tradition

Rhymes, Spells, and Catechisms

PART II: SPECIFIC MONADS (Metatron, Melchizadek or Melchizadoch, Sandalphon, and Melchior)

The Nine Joys of Melchizadoch (covering the Nine Monadic Initiations of Manifestation, on the Waning Arc from Mid-Summer's Noon to Yuletide's Midnight):

The first joy of Melchizadoch, it was the Joy of One,
He assumed Mid-Summer's Spirit-veil of Father Metatron.

The next joy of Melchizadoch, it was the Joy of Two,
He put on the robe of Micheal, all blazed of Stars he strew.

The next joy of Melchizadoch, it was the Joy of Three,
He took up the veil of Iofael, to vibrate Song in glee.

The next joy of Melchizadoch, it was the Joy of Four,
He sat the Throne of Anachiel, to weigh the Souls once more.

The next joy of Melchizadoch, it was the Joy of Five,
To meet his own sweet Melchior, at Fall-Cross did arrive.

The next joy of Melchizadoch, it was the Joy of Six,
He flew up in the skies so high, on Aurael's Phoenix.

The next joy of Melchizadoch, it was the Joy of Seven,
He plucked the Bloom of Uriel, the Body for to leaven.

The next joy of Melchizadoch, it was the Joy of Eight,
He carved the Stone of Rwkael, the Diamond shining bright.

The last joy of Melchizadoch, it was the Joy of Nine,
He came to Mother Sandalphon, when Yuletide's stars did shine.

On the Equinox, the descending Melchizadek briefly meets His lover, Melchior, the ascending Female Christ, and was traditionally considered to briefly "triumph" over her in the "battle of the sexes" at the year's fall into darkness, as She was said to "triumph" in turn at the Spring Equinox. Here is a Fall-Equinox teasing song sung by the men, commemorating His "triumph" --- His plant is the Holly, as hers is the Ivy:

Holly standeth in the hall fair to behold;
Ivy stands without the door; she is full sore a-cold.
Holly and his merry men, they dance now and they sing;
Ivy and her maidens, they weep and their hands a-wring.
Holly he hath berries as red as any rose;
The foresters, the hunters, keep them from the does.
Ivy she hath berries as black as any sloe;
There come the owls, and eat them as they go.
Holly he hath birds a full fair flock;
The nightingale, the popinjay, the gentle laverock;
Good Ivy, say to us, what birds hast thou?
None but the owlet that cries How! How!

Another couplet, to the same end:

Oh the Holly and the Ivy, when they are both full grown,
Of all the trees that are in the wood, the Holly bears the crown.

The Nine Joys of Melchior (covering the Nine Monadic Initiations of Ascension, on the Waxing Arc from Yuletide's Midnight to Mid-Summer's Noon):

The first great joy of Melchior, it was the Joy of One,
She was born of Midnight's Monad, our Mother Sandalphon.

The next great joy of Melchior, it was the Joy of Two,
Her Name was ringed on Gabriel's Greal, that Honeymead doth brew.

The next great joy of Melchior, it was the Joy of Three,
She's Baptised 'neath the branches of Sheshunael's World Tree.

The next great joy of Melchior, it was the joy of Four,
She was Transfigured and Confirmed by Zadochiel's Dragon-roar.

The next great joy of Melchior, it was the Joy of Five,
to meet her sweet Melchizadoch, at Dawn's Cross did arrive.

The next great joy of Melchior, it was the Joy of Six,
She entered Rathael's radiant Tower, her heart to mend and fix.

The next great joy of Melchior, it was the Joy of Seven,
The Holy Name of Eremiel she breathed through all of Heaven.

The next great Joy of Melchior, it was the Joy of Eight,
She did ascend to Myrrhael, her Spheres to contemplate.

The last great joy of Melchior, it was the Joy of Nine,
She's crowned by Father Metatron, at Mid-day bright and fine.