
Pastor- Jack Hawkins
Jack is a veteran of 18 years of ministry. Before
becoming Canyon Springs founding pastor Jack
spent seven years ministering to students and
families at Forest Home Christian Conference
Center. Jack is a popular speaker who has had the
privilege of speaking to over 25,000 people at
Forest Home and other camps, churches and
conferences. His mom thinks he looks like Joe
Montana, but everyone else thinks he looks like
Larry Bird.
Director- Jim Firth
Jim is a nationally published song writer and
studio musician. With 18 years of experience, Jim
has worked on commercial, film, and video scoring
and has accompanied popular artists like Larnell
Harris, Ron Kenoly, Denise Williams and many
Director- Daniel Coronado
Daniel grew up in San Diego where he was kid
number 8 out of 10, where he learned to eat
quickly or starve. Daniel has spent the last 8
years working with youth in Georgia (Ya'll should
have seen him) but moved with his wife Bernadette
and two children to start Canyon Springs youth
ministry "Get R.E.A.L" which stands for
Radically, Eternally, Altered, Life. Daniel has a
big heart for junior high and high school
students and would love the chance to get to know
Director- Jill Ippolito
While Jill's passion for children is only exceeded
by her love of chocolate, Canyon Springs is proud
to have her serve as the Children's Director.
After graduating from Westmont College with a
degree in elementary education, Jill spent five
years teaching elementary school in San Diego
County. As the mother of three daughters, Jill
strives to live a balanced life of wife, mother,
children's director, neighbor, friend and
consumer of all things chocolate.
of Finance- Bill Davis
Bill Davis and his wife Edie moved into Scripps
Ranch in 1980 and are dyed-in-the-wool Ranchers
from the top of their SUV to the bottom of Bill's
well polished wing tips. Bill is Vice President
in charge of development at the San Diego YMCA
as well as being the Canyon Springs money man.
of Men's Ministry- Steve Huffman
Steve is the director of our men's ministry which
includes our Nut's-n-Bolt's men's fellowship,
golf tournaments, tennis clubs, tailgate parties
and many other creative ways to help the men at
Canyon Springs connect better with God and with
each other.
of Communications- Susan Strobel
Susan has spent the first 10 years of her working
life as a Ph.D. level chemist in biotech (can you
say "over-qualified?") and has a great
heart for keeping the people at Canyon Springs in
the know regarding the many ways to connect at
Canyon Springs.
us by email: Canyon
Springs Church
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