Canyon Springs Church Calendar of Events :

For more information on all events please contact the church office at 858-586-9492.

Oct. 26 Men’s Nuts-n-Bolts Fellowship Study
 6:51-7:51 a.m.  Steve Huffman’s Garage The guys are studying excerpts from The Man in the Mirror on “Improving on Our Roles at Home and at Work”

Oct. 29 Meet the Pastor Dessert
 6:00-8:00 p.m. Get to know Pastor Jack & Jilane over coffee and dessert. This is an adults only event.

Nov. 2 Men’s Nuts-n-Bolts Fellowship Study
 6:51-7:51 a.m.  Steve Huffman’s Garage  The guys are studying excerpts from The Man in the Mirror on “Improving on Our Roles at Home and at Work”

Nov. 3 Autumn Madness—A Children’s Festival
 6:16-8:15 p.m.  Ages Kindergarten through 5th grade  Dingeman Elementary School 11840 Scripps Creek Drive  Fun, food, games, prizes, & more for the kids. Parents are invited to participate or they can drop the kids off.

Nov. 5 Men’s Afternoon at the Links
 Carmel Mtn. Ranch Country Club  Tee off is at 2:00 p.m. & we plan on having dinner together to relive our victories on the greens!  Estimated cost $20.00

Nov. 9 Men’s Nuts-n-Bolts Fellowship Study
6:51-7:51 a.m. Steve Huffman’s Garage  The guys are studying excerpts from The Man in the Mirror on “Improving on Our Roles at Home and at Work”

Nov. 10-12 Women’s Retreat—Cruising in Community
 Pine Valley Christian Camp

Nov. 16 Men’s Nuts-n-Bolts Fellowship Study
6:51-7:51 a.m.  Steve Huffman’s Garage The guys are studying excerpts from The Man in the Mirror on “Improving on Our Roles at Home and at Work”

Nov. 17 Tables of 8  6:00-9:00 p.m.
This is a chance to get to know the folks at Canyon Springs Church over a meal.

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