Spanish language school logoSpanish Language School - La Paz - Baja California Sur - Mexico
Centro de Idiomas, Cultura y Comunicación
Madero 2460 y Legaspi, La Paz 23000 BCS, Mexico / Phone (52)612 125 75 54 Fax (52)612 125 73 88
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Comments from some of our former students.

In order to respect our students' privacy we dont give out their email addresses. Close to their first name we will indicate which ones agreed to be contacted.
If you want to write to one of our former students you need to send us an email. We will write to the student and then we will inform you.
Remark:  not all students are filling out a feedback form .

From Ursula B. , Switzerland (you can contact her)
Perfektes Lernmaterial, sehr gut aufgebaut, gut zusammengestellt aus verschiedenen Unterlagen, immer wieder angepasst und überarbeitet. Freundliche Lehrer, verschiedene Lernmöglichkeiten, eingehen auf persönliche Wünsche.
(Intensive Spanish - 4 weeks)
From Becca T. , California (you can contact her)
Teachers are very good and very patient. The school is clean and organized. Its location is good, near "downtown" La Paz.
(4 weeks Intensive and Medical Spanish)
From Karen M. , California (you can contact her)
(her comment was in Spanish, for your convenience we translated it)
" ...The courses are good. I liked the opportunity to spend some time in some hospitals and next time I want to renew and increase this experience..."
(4 weeks Intensive and Medical Spanish)
From Richard D. , California (you can contact him)
The teachers are very knowledgeable and committed to students needs and goals.
Excellent location and facilities
Everything was delivered as promised.
( 2 weeks intensive Spanish)
From Marilyn C. , Washington State (you can contact her)
It's a very good school. It was not easy for me but I felt that I learned many more words and ways of speaking. I liked doing the homework and challenges of trying ro concentrate each day. It was very intense for me but also a lots of fun. The teacher Aleyda made the class fun.
(Intensive Spanish - 2 weeks)
From Mark H. , Massachusetts  (you can contact him)
I learned an enormous amount of practical Spanish in a very systematic way, in a very short period of time. Great help for my work at home.
(Intensive Spanish - 2 weeks)
From Marian L. , Slovakia (you can contact him)
Great atmosphere, teachers are professional, very good attitude. Quiet city and good opportunities for water sports and vacation.
(2 weeks Intensive Spanish)
From Burt M. , Montana ( doesn't want to be contacted)
Nice school, great teachers, great town.
(1 week Intensive Spanish)
From Kim S. , Montana (doesn't want to be contacted)
The 2 teachers were fabulous, both were of the highest quality
(1 week intensive Spanish)
From Larae B. , California (doesn't want to be contacted)
Great environment with great people. The instructors are really great and bring so much information about the culture + experience of Mexico while teaching the language.
( 2 weeks Intensive Spanish)
De Michel D. , Switzerland (vous pouvez le contacter)
Très bon cours où la possibilité était donnée à l'étudiant de pouvoir s'exprimer librement dans toutes les situations rencontrées durant le séjour plutôt que de faire uniquement des exercices. J'ai adoré les discussions de groupe.
Si un étudiant de Suisse Romande désire des renseignements sur La Paz et l'école qu'il me contacte.
( 4 semaines Espagnol intensif)
From Anne M. , Washington State (you can contact her)
Excellent teachers, very personable. Relaxing environment
( 2 weeks Intensive and Medical Spanish)
From Teak M. , Washington State (you can contact him)
Very good teachers interested in each student. Clean friendly environment. Helpful staff, willing to stop and review things when they got too difficult. A wonderful experience in La Paz with many great outside activities in and on the sea.
(Intensive and Medical Spanish - 2 weeks)
From Hugh N. , California (you can contact him)
La Paz is an excellent safe and relaxing town to practice your Spanish and this school is a very friendly place to learn at.
( 3 weeks intensive Spanish)
From Cheri N. , California (you can contact her)
Good place for both formal and informal knowledge acquisition of Spanish and Mexican culture.
(3 weeks intensive Spanish)
From Jacques C. , Canada (you can contact him)
L'école est très propre et les cours commencent à l'heure. Les professeurs sont très sérieux, il n'y a pas de temps perdu durant les classes. Je suis également sûr que les niveaux I et II sont tout aussi bien organisés.
(Intensive Spanish)
From Gregor Z. , Switzerland (doesn't want to be contacted)
- Angenehme Atmosphäre im Klassenzimmer
- die Anzahl Schüler pro Klasse ist sehr ideal für den intensiven Unterricht
- Guter Studenplan (Anzahl Lektionen und Arbeitsbeginn um 08.30)
(4  weeks Intensive Spanish)
From Peter &  B. , Rhode Island (you can contact him)
The material was well thought out. The school adapted to our needs
(Intensive Spanish)
From David W. , Switzerland
Very practical solution to stay with a family and to also learn there to speak more than just in the school. Good located place for learning and having fun in a nice way
(4 week Intensive Spanish)
From Geoffrey M. , New York (no email)
In spite of my negative memory skills (some what important to education) I feel that I've made progress both within myself and generally understandings Mexican culture & language. Thanks - that's why I enrolled
(4 weeks Intensive Spanish)
From Tim P. , Vermont  (you contact him)
The classes are small and the teachers are supportive and patient. When students get stuck with something, the teachers know how to help. They also know when to move on to other exercises and not spend too much time on one thing. The classes were a great refresher for my "rusty" Spanish
(Intensive Spanish)
From David H. , Illinois (you can contact him)
The classes were excellent - the teachers very, very, good. Course work was very relevant and helpful. Highly recommend the class
(2 weeks Intensive Spanish)
From Reta S. , California (you can contact her)
- a nice environment to learn in
- close to the central activity area of La Paz
- flexible curriculum, custom to personal needs
- pleasant and helpful teachers
( 2 weeks Intensive Spanish)
From AL McL , California (you can contact him)
The courses are good, well organized and fast paced. The home stay was great, our hosts spent time talking with us - very nice house and great food. I liked the international group of students - not just Americans - very interesting group.
(2 weeks Intensive Spanish)
From Michelle C. , Oregon, (you can contact her)
CICC La Paz is a beautiful school, in a great city. It is a good place to improve your Spanish speaking skills.
(2 weeks Intensive Spanish)
From Trevor D. , Washington State (you can contact him)
Beautiful place, friendly relaxed atmosphere, knowledgeable teachers.
(2 weeks Intensive Spanish)
From Susan McL, California (you can contact her)
Me gustó que usted nos probó el primer día con un examen para decidir cual es la mejor clase para nosotros. También me gustó que había mucha conversación durante las clases. Había muchos papeles que estudiar :)
(Intensive Spanish 2 weeks)
From Gretchen T. , Washington State (you can contact her)
I entered school with very little knowledge of the language and after one week I was to understand and speak Spanish. Very good class.
(Intensive and Medical Spanish)
From Julie T. , Washington State (you can contact her)
Excellent teachers, convenient location, flexible director. Clean and comfortable surroundings, appropriate texts.
(Intensive Spanish)
From Lélia M, France (unreachable)
Good teaching overall. Immersion works well, nice class size. Variety of teachers is beneficial. Great atmosphere in class. Good location, classrooms and court yard. Excursion was a plus. Family placement excellent.
(4 weeks intensive Spanish)
From Pete H, Washington State, USA (unreachable)
Good texts and skilled instructors. Homestay was great.
(2 weeks intensive Spanish)
From Donna M. , Alberta, Canada (you can contact her)
Very pleasant atmosphere, excellent instruction.  A very positive experience. I learnt a lot
(1 week Spanish for travelers)
From Keith M. , Alberta, Canada (you can contact him)
I was very comfortable with my learning. The teacher was very informative and of a great help.
(1 week Spanish for travelers)
From Joel R. , Israel (you can contact him)
Good time, great time and I actually can hold my own in Spanish after 2 weeks arriving.
(2 weeks intensive Spanish)
From Ramun O., Switzerland (you can contact him)
- nette und kompetente Lehrer
- gemütliche Umgebung
- Hilfsbereite Schulleitung
(nice and qualified teachers - agreable surroundings - helpful school manager)
(3 weeks intensive Spanish)
From Gina M, California, USA (you can contact her)
Good learning environment. The teachers listen to concerns and questions.
(2 weeks intensive Spanish)
From Daphne H., Washington State, USA (you can contact her)
The courses are very well organized and the course material is great. The teachers are knowledgeable and encouraging.
My homestay family was fabulous.
(2 weeks intensive Spanish)
From Elliot W. , England (doesn't want to be contacted)
Buen administrador, well run / structured. Step by step learning
(2 weeks intensive Spanish)
From Eugenie H. , England (you can contact her)
Friendly, relaxed and fair. Good food!
(2 weeks intensive Spanish)
From Martin J. , England (no email)
Very good for beginners like me. I learnt a lot in only a 10 short hours. A good miy of Spanish and English descriptions.
(1 week Spanish for travelers)
From Jamie C. , Australia (cannot be contacted)
The opportunity to get a foundation in Spanish is excellent and the one week course was a good start.
(1 week Spanish for travelers)
From Jarrad H. , Australia (cannot be contacted)
A great place to start while travelling in a relaxed but positive atmosphere and in a very nice town.
(1 week Spanish for travelers)
From Martin M. , Sweden (doesn't want to be contacted)
Muchas chicas bonitas
(5 weeks intensive Spanish)
From Mikael B. , Sweden (doesn't want to be contacted)
Good teachers - Friendly atmosphere - Small classes
(5 weeks intensive Spanish)
From Maya H.. , California USA (you can contact her)
An organized, well run school with outstanding teachers The experience of living among the people here and attending school cannot be substituted.
(4 weeks intensive Spanish)
From Sheila C. , Idaho, USA (you can contact her)
The course is well designed for rapid learning. The organisation is very good.
(6 weeks intensive Spanish)
From Kirk L, San Diego, California, USA (you can contact him)
Everyone is very understanding and patient in trying to help us learn. I think that one week is not enough, even for those who can already get by, although I learned a lot in the short time I was there.
One of the best kept secrets in La Paz
(1 week intensive Spanish)
From Taylor M. , La Paz, Mexico (you can contact him)
Good teacher contact because few students; this also allows tailored material and classes.
(6 weeks intensive Spanish)
From Ai N.. , Tokyo, Japan (you can contact her)
I am very happy with my classes. We had a lot of conversation and I learnt a lot. The school is friendly and it's nice to learn in small group
(4 weeks intensive Spanish)
From Einat G. , Israel (you can contact her)
The atmosphere is great, you always feel like someone is there for you, especially if you're alone in a foreign city. Teachers are really nice and have a lot of patience
(1 week intensive Spanish)
From Jens T. , Germany (you cannot contact him)
Nice teachers and a fun way to learn a language
(8 weeks intensive Spanish)
From Seong L. , Korea (you can contact her)
It's a nice place for studying with friendly teachers. The school is located in a nice town and close to downtown. I got academic credit for my studies.
(9 weeks intensive Spanish)
From Dmitry T. , Russia (you can contact him)
La Paz is a very nice city. Teachers of CICC are good. It's a very good way to learn a language. It is an unforgetable experience
(4 weeks intensive Spanish)
From Antoine P. , Paris, France (you can contact him)
C'est une école sérieuse où on apprend très bien l'espagnol. La Paz est une ville très sympathique. Si tu veux passer de bonnes vacances et apprendre l'espagnol, ici (La Paz) est un très bon endroit.
(it's a serious school where you learn Spanish well. La Paz is a nice city. If you want to have good vacation and learn Spanish, La Paz (here) is a very good spot)
(4 weeks intensive Spanish)
From Bob J. , La Paz, Mexico (you can contact him)
Format is thorough and logical. Teachers are interested in their students progress..
(4 weeks intensive Spanish)
From Lisa D. , Colorado, USA (you can contact her)
CICC presents a very well crafted intensive program. You will be taught in a small class, at your own level. the teachers are very flexible and will provide various apportunities for learning the language - games, discussions, creative writing, museum visits, etc. I heartily recommend CICC.
(4 weeks intensive Spanish)
From Dennis D. , Washington State, USA (you can contact him)
Everyone was helpful and understanding. Always friendly and seemed to know their material well.
(2 weeks intensive Spanish)
From Shinichi Y. , Japan (you can contact him)
It was nice, I enjoyed the classes so much.
Classes are small, you can ask easily if you have some questions.
(2 weeks intensive Spanish)
From Bernadette K. , Utah, USA (doesn't want to be contacted)
Great personal assistance. Wonderful and helpful teachers. Location is great. Thanks.
(2 weeks intensive Spanish)
From Mike R. , Utah, USA (you can contact him)
Teachers are very patient and supportive. CICC  made language learning accessible, fun but challenging
(2 weeks intensive Spanish)
From Earl A. , Utah, USA (you can contact him)
The professors are very patient and understanding
(2 weeks intensive Spanish)
From Christine J. , Utah, USA (you can contact her)
Small classes, excellent teachers, great location in a lovely, authentic and safe town. Great curriculum (I really like not working out of a textbook but doing the exercises you provided)
(2 weeks intensive Spanish)
From Concepción P. , Texas, USA (you can contact her) Great facility and location. Very patient and knowledgeable teachers
(2 weeks intensive Spanish)
From Toby C. , CA, USA (you can contact her) My experience at CICC  was the highlight of my trip. I am at ease in the language in a way that is new for me, not only in speaking but I am experiencing a dramatic improvement of my comprehension as well. And only in two weeks! I think this say a lot about you, your program and Antonio. Nest time I hope to stay longer.
(2 weeks intensive Spanish - one to one class)
From Mike D., Canada (you can contact him) Everything was excellent, in particular:
- the good surroundings
- the quality of instruction
- the fact that you keep students with different levels in different classes 
- tailored course to students needs
(4 weeks intensive Spanish)
From Pedro D., Colorado, USA, (you can contact him) I really liked the variety of lessons, history of Mexico, exercises,...
It's a nice school, small and with very personal attention.
(4 weeks intensive Spanish )
From Nadine B., Switzerland, (you can contact her) I liked all the teachers, Norma is very patient, Martha is also very good and Antonio so interesting to listen to. I liked the school and Baja is great, I will come back
(4 weeks intensive Spanish)
From Jack H., California, USA, I stayed at the Lorimar hotel, at a nice walking distance from school, clean and inexpensive. I liked the school, very good curriculum and excellent instructors. I also liked the facilities
(one week intensive Spanish)
From Catherine G., Switzerland (you can contact her) Es una buena escuela en general. No hay demasiados alumnos y podemos estudiar mucho y mejorar rápidamente ( it's generally a good school, not too many students and the opportunity to learn a lot and fast) Un clima muy agradable y una naturaleza muy interesante (a nice climate and an interesting nature)
( 4 weeks intensive Spanish)
From Katie P., Colorado, USA, (you can contact her) ¡Bueno! It's reasonably priced, content of learning is a good combination of reading, writing, conversation and homework. We covered a lot of material in one week! I improved a lot.
(one week - Spanish intensive)
From Mike W., Colorado, USA :(you can contact him)  the school is comfortably paced, the setting is friendly and interesting. I learnt a great deal and enjoyed the learning ( I also see that I have so very much to learn) One week is perhaps too little and I want to return for one month intensive with a host family. (intensive Spanish  - one week)
From Reed V., California, USA :(you can contact him) In very few words: generally excellent, great teachers,nice small class size, friendly people and good location. I will recommend the school and I' m thinking of taking the next level.
(2 weeks intensive and medical Spanish)
From Andy S., Switzerland, (you can contact him) Norma is an excellent teacher and La Paz is a beautiful place. I am staying with a very good impression of the school. I improved my Spanish a lot ,but after 8 weeks it was too much for me, sorry. I will recommend your school to all my co-workers. According to me, 2 months is the ideal stay .
(10 weeks intensive Spanish)
our comment: thanks Andy, you also started as a total beginner and walked out almost perfectly fluent in Spanish; you did a great job and I easily understand that you were tired after 2 very intensive and studious months.
From Matthias K., Switzerland, (you can contact him) I really enjoyed my stay in La Paz and I have a very good impression of the school. I learned a lot during the 2 first months, then I got a bit lost. I will recommend your school, especially for beginners, as I was,  and no question,  I will come back. I also enjoyed the beautiful beaches, I went diving and I appreciated La Paz for being so quiet and with such nice people. My impression: "muy bonita" Just tell your students, especially the German speaking ones, to come equipped with a dictionary and a grammar book (German-Spanish) in order to find the equivalencies of some grammatical words.
( 10 weeks intensive Spanish)
our comment: thanks Matthias, you started as a total beginner and walked out almost perfectly fluent in Spanish; you're now one of our "success story" and YES, we are following your advices.
From Petra A., Germany: (you can contact her) I studied in many language schools but this one (cicc La Paz) is probably the best. Small classes, very good and professional teachers, nice friendly atmosphere and not too many German speaking people. Very good classes and very nice little city!
(6 weeks intensive Spanish)
From Eleonore R., Sweden  (you can contact her) My general impression is good and teachers are excellent. It's a nice school at a good place. (4 weeks intensive Spanish)
From Roger R. , Switzerland (you can contact him) Very nice people and my general impression is good. Personally I would have prefered to have two different books, one for grammar and one for conversation but anyway I loved the "family atmosphere. I will recommend your school. (4 weeks intensive Spanish)
Our comment: thanks Roger we will have two different books very soon.
From Brigitt H, Switzerland (doesn't want to be contacted) For me too it was a little too fast especially with the different tenses but I really like the structure of the curriculum. I improved  my Spanish a lot ( intensive Spanish - 5 weeks)
From Ralph H. , Switzerland (doesn't want to be contacted) Even if it was a little fast for me, I have a very good general impression. The teachers always  make very interesting lessons.( 5 weeks intensive Spanish)
From Bobby & Wendy., La Paz (don't want to be contacted). "The classes were very well structured and easy to follow. Studying is very important. We had a good time, Martha is a sweatheart."
Intensive Spanish - 10 weeks - special schedule
From Pam Mc., Texas (you can contact her) "Thanks a lot. I had a great time here. Antonio, Martha, Norma and Mark are wonderful."
Intensive Spanish - 4 weeks
From Christy L., Texas (you can contact her) I really enjoyed the small classes. Martha and Norma are wonderful teachers.
Intensive Spanish - 4 weeks
From Richard S., British Columbia, Canada.(you can contact him) "The director of the school, Marc, and his staff of instructors are dedicated and professional and do whatever is necessary to assist you with your learning experience as well as your stay in La Paz."
Intensive Spanish - 4 weeks
From Mike B., Austin, Texas. (you can contact him) "Los maestros son excelentes. Aprendi mucho.(teachers are excellent and  I learned a lot)
Intensive Spanish - 4 weeks
From Bryan W., Washington, (doesn't want to be contacted) "me gusta mucho esta escuela porque los maestros son muy simpáticos y me ayudaron mucho con mi español." (I like this school very much because all the teachers are very nice and helped me a lot with my Spanish)
Intensive Spanish - Private class
From Jean-Pierre L, Paris, France (doesn't have an email) "Je ne regrette pas d'avoir cassé ma tirelire! Mon meilleur voyage. Tout était parfait. Les cours sont excellents, les profs attentifs, l'école est jolie et le "petit suisse" (le directeur) d'un grand secours"
(translation: I don't have any regrets to have broken my piggy bank. My best travel. Courses are excellent, teachers are dedicated, the school is nice and the "little Swiss" (the director) very helpful.
(little Swiss is a pun because it's also a cheese name, thanks Jean-Pierre!!!)
(Intensive Spanish - 4 weeks)
From Dougal P, New Zealand, (you can contact him) "In two words: VERY GOOD"
(Intensive Spanish/special schedule)
From Mira M, Luzern, Switzerland (you can contact her) "Except two or three small details, very personal, the course is PERFEKT. The school by itself was also GENIAL, everything that I was expecting including my "family".
Intensive Spanish - 4 weeks
From Tom I., La.Paz, Baja California (you can contact him) "A very clean and organized school with Matha (the teacher) being a very patient and nice person.
(Intensive Spanish - 5 weeks)
From Jim S. , L.A. California (you can contact him) "It was a wonderful experience to be here. Norma is a wonderful teacher and we had a good time together. It was interesting that every day I would see, hear or read something I learned that morning. I think the approach here is good, practice, practice and practice.
It's very casual and friendly; the atmosphere is easy going and the training was more like fun than work"
(Intensive Spanish - 4 weeks)
From Erich K. ., Switzerland (you can contact him) Das "Centro de Idiomas, Cultura y Comunicación ist eine sehr gute Schule um mit dem Spanischlernen zu beginnen. Die Lehrer und Marc sind sehr nett. Auch das "Surrounding" stimmt : Playas, el clima y ... mucho más"
(translation: The Centro de Idiomas is a very good school to start to learn Spanish. The teacher and Marc are very nice. Also the surroundings are great: beaches, weather and .... a lot more)
(Intensive Spanish - 4 weeks)
From Petra G.., Switzerland (doesn't want to be contacted)"Alles gut, und Familiäre Atmosphäre, gute Grösse der Schule und der Klassen"
(translation: Everything good, and nice family atmosphere, good size of the school and of the classes)(Intensive Spanish - 2 weeks)
From Veronika C., Deutschland (doesn't want to be contacted) "Unglaublich : 4 Wochen Aufenthalt, 4 Wochen Sonnenschein. Erledigen der Hausaufgaben folglich am Strand! Danke für alles!"
(translation: incredible 4 weeks stay, 4 sunny weeks. Doing homeworks at the beach. Thanks for everything)(Intensive Spanish - 3 weeks)
From Rodney, California (you can contact him)
"I enjoyed and learned a lot. You've got a great thing gone. I wish you the best of luck and see you next winter with my wife". (Intensive Spanish)
From Lisa and her two kids, California (you can contact her)
General impression, atmosphere, teaching in general and teachers are excellent. (Intensive class and Spanish for young teenagers)
From Bill and Tricia, Pennsylvania (don't want to be contacted)
We loved your school and this Traveler's class was very interesting. We learned a lot, it was fun and your teacher Norma is great
From Matthew, Oregon (you can contact him but ... he's never home!!!!!)
I have been in many Spanish schools, to yours I will come back next winter. (Intensive class)
From Carol and Anne, Alaska (don't want to be contacted)
We enjoyed the class very much and think it was a big help with communication. Carol also suggest that we create an audiotape to go with our Travelers' Spanish course. Answer: we're working on it!
(Spanish for travelers)
From Andy and his two kids, British Columbia, Canada (don't want to be contacted)
Thanks for the course - The kids enjoyed and actually learned from the Spanish experience. Martha was very patient and understanding at the kids concerns. She was always positive. The kids said the course was fun.
(Spanish for travelers and class for children)
From Michelle, California (you can contact her) :
"This was so far the best course I have taken" "The instructors were top notch and showed real dedication"
(Intensive program)
From Bret, California (you can contact him)
"Martha and Antonio are GREAT!!" "You have a beautiful city and school ! Best of luck"
(Intensive program)
From Maureen, Virginia (you can contact her)
"I enjoyed the course very much. The teachers were knowledgeable, helpful and fun". " I would enjoy another course"
(Intensive program)
From David, Oregon (doesn't want to be contacted)
"Que buenissimo, que divertido" "Me encanta la manera de enseñar de los maestros"
(Translation: How great and how fun. I enjoyed the way the instructors teach .)
(Intensive program)
From Lori, Oregon (doesn't want to be contacted)
"Los cursos fueron muy buenos" (the course was very good) "Thanks and good luck"
(Intensive program)
From Carey, Oregon (you can contact her)
Carey, level Intermediate II, asks us for more verb drills. We listened to her. Her feeling was a good improvement of her Spanish.(Intensive program)
From Pam, Oregon (you can contact her)
Generally very satisfied. "your flexibility with the program was very beneficial"
(Intensive program)
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