Spanish language school logo Spanish Language School - La Paz - Baja California Sur - Mexico
Centro de Idiomas, Cultura y Comunicación
Madero 2460 y Legaspi, La Paz 23000 BCS, Mexico / Phone (52)612 125 75 54 Fax (52)612 125 73 88
La Paz
General info
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Intensive Spanish
Medical - Business
Spanish Travelers
Study + Vacation
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Price list
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2005 Special Deals 
Group rate: (2005 new prices)
This option is especially designed for those who want to take classes together, such as families, group of students, group of friends or relatives.
Group price:
Registration: US$ 80/member of the group.
Tuition : US$ 24/hour of class for the entire group.

EXAMPLE for a group of 5
1 week intensive class will cost only 

US$ 185.60/person 
(individual  rate : US$ 300 / saving US$ 115)
4 week intensive class will cost only 
US$ 502.40/person
( individual price : US$ 890 / saving US$ 388)
Homestay is not included

What is a group and how does it work:
A group is composed of a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 6 students registering together. Its members must be at the same level of Spanish and they must take classes at the same time and together.
Note: small groups can be mixed with other students to get a maximum of 6 students/class.

If you have any questions or any comments send us an email

2005 Deals / Special offers
Celebrating 6 Years 1999-2005
For 2 people registering at the same time (same form , validity all year)
If two people register at the same time, using the same online form, we will only count one registration fee, (savings US$ 80) and give a 20% discount on the tuition.
(this offer cannot be added up with other offers)

Summer 2005
For all classes taken from July 1st to August 31st 2005
20% discount .
Celebrating 6 Years 1999-2005: extra US$ 100 discount for a 4 week stay! (4 weeks for US$ 612 instead of $ 890)
(this offer cannot be added up with other offers)

Xmas 2005 and New Year
From December 19th to 31st, 20% discount.
Celebrating 6 Years 1999-2005:   extra 10% discount on 2 week stays! (2 weeks for US$ 350 instead of $ 500)
(this offer cannot be added up with other offers)


These specials don't apply for Groups, Medical and Business Spanish.
Our deals cannot be added up.
Not valid for private (one on one) classes .
More info: send us an email

Intensive Spanish Program (Total Immersion )
More details about the Total Immersion Program & levels - Sessions - Prices - Hot Deals - Other programs

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