Check out my watch(es) dudes and deudettes!
My love affair with Omega watches started of course with the most recent James Bond films starring Pierce Brosnan as 007 himself. Of course they don't include any of his gadgets in the watches (wink wink..sure) but I was impressed by the sheer attractiveness and seduction when I first laid real good eyes on one when I was in Greece last summer. Needless to say, my willpower wussed out on me, but I have one of the most kick-ass watches built, and Q himself came from around the corner to show me how to do all the neat shit with it that 007 does! ("Now pay attention 00666 this is how you..."). I am now convinced that I will never buy another watch, not even a Rolex! and will pass this timepiece down to my son or grandson, if I am fortunate enough. So ladies you see I do have not only good genes but more than ample resourses to invest in my offspring, so what are you waiting for! Anyway, take a look for yourself! And if you like what you see check out for a complete selection of these and other fine timepieces from around the world! Enjoy!
All Photographs courtesy of
This is my Omega watch, BEHOLD THE POWER!!!!!

I just ordered this one from, this is the true James Bond Model!

This one is a James Bond model as well, I'll order it for my birthday on February 5th!

This one is a wee bit out of my price range for now...

Same for this one

If you have to ask, even I can't afford it!

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