Check out my car!!!
October 7th, 1993 will forever have a special place in my heart. On this day it will be noted that after considerable arm-twisting at the car-dealer we finally arrived at a cut rate price and took delivery of the lovely 1993 Honda Accord EX coupe with an Arcadia Green Pearl exterior and Ivory interior. This was, and still is, my very first new car, and it has been my pride and joy even to this day, a good seven years (eight if you count the date it rolled off the assembly line), after I first sniffed the intoxicating new car smell that she emitted. I'll let you in on a favorite summer pastime of mine. On a hot Saturday or Sunday morning with nothing to do, I like to park her out in the middle of the driveway and just wash her and was her and clean out her interior and basically detail her with a fine-toothed comb! Call me crazy, but she still purrs like a kitten, even after almost 75,000 miles! And for the Coup-des-Gras, NOT A SINGLE BIT OF TROUBLE....NONE...NADA...NYET...OXI!!! Not a single thing has gone wrong with her, the only time she has ever seen a mechanic is for routine maintenance and to replace wear and tear items...AND THAT'S IT!!! I love her...

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