Free Trade Forever Depressed about Chinese imports? sweatshops? deplorable working conditions in South Succotash? Cheer up! A little healthy exploitation never hurt anyone! |
$500 challenge!You get $500 if you can prove that
the trade deficit is a bad thing.
Below are some good message boards which are easy to get into. You have to register, but it's easy and you can post right away. These ones are open to all viewpoints. They don't kick you off or censor you arbitrarily as long as you obey the reasonable rules of politeness, etc.These boards let you move from one post to another on the same topic without needing to click to another page. You can just scroll down through multiple messages which address the topic and argue with each other. These are a great debate forum for people who like to argue. Arguing is good. FreeStateProject.org
More sites will be added to this list. This listing will be limited to high-quality message board sites only which allow easy access and are open to all viewpoints on the announced topics. Here are some other pages/topics of
Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, move over! Here is the "Best Political Platform" for the U.S. Neolib.net What is a "neoliberal"? Have you heard this term being thrown around? What is neoliberalism? Is this a political philosophy someone is promoting? Night Owl Mk. II Philosophy of Life Good arguments, "Agree with me or show me where I'm wrong" Minimum Wage Law Who is made better off by a minimum wage law? If such a law is good for society, why not increase the minimum wage to $30 or $40 or $50 per hour? Does anyone really defend the labor theory of value anymore? Where are you Marxists? Come and defend this theory or admit that Marxism makes no sense. Have you all jumped ship? |
The Sucking Sound and YouDo you have a bitch against "free trade"?Introduction
Some popular arguments against free trade, refuted and debunked. You are invited first to read:
Ravi Batra, The Myth of Free Trade (The Pooring of America), copyright 1993, Touchstone Edition 1996, Simon & Schuster Inc., ISBN 0-684-83355-7; and
Gus R. Stelzer, The Nightmare of Camelot . . . an Expose of the Free Trade Trojan Horse, copyright 1994, Peanut Butter Publishing, 226 2nd Avenue West, Seattle, WA 98119, ISBN 089716-555-1.
Although the above date back to 1993/94, all the basic arguments presented are current.
Dr. Ravi Batra is a professor of economics at Southern Methodist University in Texas.
Gus R. Stelzer is a retired senior executive of General Motors and a former member of the World Affairs Council and of the Institute for the Americas.
Part 1: What about those declining wages?
Part 2: What about those high tariffs in the 19th century?
Part 3, page 1: What about that deindustrialization?
Part 3, page 2: What about that deindustrialization? cont'd
Part 4: What about that multiplier effect?
Part 5: Compete? Yes, but not with them foreigners!
Part 6: Lower Cost vs. Higher Income
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