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Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, move over! Here is the "Best Political Platform" for the U.S. Neolib.net What is a "neoliberal"? Have you heard this term being thrown around? What is neoliberalism? Is this a political philosophy someone is promoting? Night Owl Mk. II Philosophy of Life Good arguments, "Agree with me or show me where I'm wrong" Minimum Wage Law Who is made better off by a minimum wage law? If such a law is good for society, why not increase the minimum wage to $30 or $40 or $50 per hour? Labor Theory of Value Does anyone really defend the labor theory of value anymore? Where are you Marxists? Come and defend this theory or admit that Marxism makes no sense. Have you all jumped ship? That's a Lie! A listing of lies popularly told and accepted in society. Know any good lies? Add your own example(s) to the list. OK2Kill When is killing right and when is it wrong? Capital punishment, euthanasia, etc. ForbiddenIdeas.com like those just above. Do you know of any good "forbidden ideas"? ideas that make some people (the mindless idiot types) want to call you a commie or nazi or worse, just for mentioning them? Have some fun -- get called something evil by adding your own "forbidden idea" to the list. You haven't lived life to the fullest until you've been called a dirty name by some idiot. WhyTheyHateUs.net The "war on terror" // Militant Islam vs. the West Extensive list of minor political parties (You might have to scroll down a little to get past the 2 major parties.) Shorter list of alternative political parties (These are some of the more serious ones.): Do you know of a good website that should be listed with the above? The best kind are those that are controversial and give some invitation to visitors to get their own opinions posted in response. click here to give your suggestion. Also, if you have your own web page, we might trade links. *If you know of a better political platform than this one, or to point
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Below are some good message boards which are easy to get into. You have to register, but it's easy and you can post right away. These ones are open to all viewpoints. They don't kick you off or censor you arbitrarily as long as you obey the reasonable rules of politeness, etc.These boards let you move from one post to another on the same topic without needing to click to another page. You can just scroll down through multiple messages which address the topic and argue with each other. These are a great debate forum for people who like to argue. Arguing is good. FreeStateProject.org
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Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, move over! Here is the "Best Political Platform" for the U.S. Neolib.net What is a "neoliberal"? Have you heard this term being thrown around? What is neoliberalism? Is this a political philosophy someone is promoting? Night Owl Mk. II Philosophy of Life Good arguments, "Agree with me or show me where I'm wrong" Minimum Wage Law Who is made better off by a minimum wage law? If such a law is good for society, why not increase the minimum wage to $30 or $40 or $50 per hour? Labor Theory of Value Does anyone really defend the labor theory of value anymore? Where are you Marxists? Come and defend this theory or admit that Marxism makes no sense. Have you all jumped ship? That's a Lie! A listing of lies popularly told and accepted in society. Know any good lies? Add your own example(s) to the list. OK2Kill When is killing right and when is it wrong? Capital punishment, euthanasia, etc. ForbiddenIdeas.com like those just above. Do you know of any good "forbidden ideas"? ideas that make some people (the mindless idiot types) want to call you a commie or nazi or worse, just for mentioning them? Have some fun -- get called something evil by adding your own "forbidden idea" to the list. You haven't lived life to the fullest until you've been called a dirty name by some idiot. WhyTheyHateUs.net The "war on terror" // Militant Islam vs. the West Extensive list of minor political parties (You might have to scroll down a little to get past the 2 major parties.) Shorter list of alternative political parties (These are some of the more serious ones.): Do you know of a good website that should be listed with the above? The best kind are those that are controversial and give some invitation to visitors to get their own opinions posted in response. click here to give your suggestion. Also, if you have your own web page, we might trade links. *If you know of a better political platform than this one, or to point
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Below are some good message boards which are easy to get into. You have to register, but it's easy and you can post right away. These ones are open to all viewpoints. They don't kick you off or censor you arbitrarily as long as you obey the reasonable rules of politeness, etc.These boards let you move from one post to another on the same topic without needing to click to another page. You can just scroll down through multiple messages which address the topic and argue with each other. These are a great debate forum for people who like to argue. Arguing is good. FreeStateProject.org
More sites will be added to this list. This listing will be limited to high-quality message board sites only which allow easy access and are open to all viewpoints on the announced topics. Here are some other pages/topics of
Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, move over! Here is the "Best Political Platform" for the U.S. Neolib.net What is a "neoliberal"? Have you heard this term being thrown around? What is neoliberalism? Is this a political philosophy someone is promoting? Night Owl Mk. II Philosophy of Life Good arguments, "Agree with me or show me where I'm wrong" Minimum Wage Law Who is made better off by a minimum wage law? If such a law is good for society, why not increase the minimum wage to $30 or $40 or $50 per hour? Labor Theory of Value Does anyone really defend the labor theory of value anymore? Where are you Marxists? Come and defend this theory or admit that Marxism makes no sense. Have you all jumped ship? That's a Lie! A listing of lies popularly told and accepted in society. Know any good lies? Add your own example(s) to the list. OK2Kill When is killing right and when is it wrong? Capital punishment, euthanasia, etc. ForbiddenIdeas.com like those just above. Do you know of any good "forbidden ideas"? ideas that make some people (the mindless idiot types) want to call you a commie or nazi or worse, just for mentioning them? Have some fun -- get called something evil by adding your own "forbidden idea" to the list. You haven't lived life to the fullest until you've been called a dirty name by some idiot. WhyTheyHateUs.net The "war on terror" // Militant Islam vs. the West Extensive list of minor political parties (You might have to scroll down a little to get past the 2 major parties.) Shorter list of alternative political parties (These are some of the more serious ones.): Do you know of a good website that should be listed with the above? The best kind are those that are controversial and give some invitation to visitors to get their own opinions posted in response. click here to give your suggestion. Also, if you have your own web page, we might trade links. *If you know of a better political platform than this one, or to point
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Below are some good message boards which are easy to get into. You have to register, but it's easy and you can post right away. These ones are open to all viewpoints. They don't kick you off or censor you arbitrarily as long as you obey the reasonable rules of politeness, etc.These boards let you move from one post to another on the same topic without needing to click to another page. You can just scroll down through multiple messages which address the topic and argue with each other. These are a great debate forum for people who like to argue. Arguing is good. FreeStateProject.org
More sites will be added to this list. This listing will be limited to high-quality message board sites only which allow easy access and are open to all viewpoints on the announced topics. Here are some other pages/topics of
Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, move over! Here is the "Best Political Platform" for the U.S. Neolib.net What is a "neoliberal"? Have you heard this term being thrown around? What is neoliberalism? Is this a political philosophy someone is promoting? Night Owl Mk. II Philosophy of Life Good arguments, "Agree with me or show me where I'm wrong" Minimum Wage Law Who is made better off by a minimum wage law? If such a law is good for society, why not increase the minimum wage to $30 or $40 or $50 per hour? Labor Theory of Value Does anyone really defend the labor theory of value anymore? Where are you Marxists? Come and defend this theory or admit that Marxism makes no sense. Have you all jumped ship? That's a Lie! A listing of lies popularly told and accepted in society. Know any good lies? Add your own example(s) to the list. OK2Kill When is killing right and when is it wrong? Capital punishment, euthanasia, etc. ForbiddenIdeas.com like those just above. Do you know of any good "forbidden ideas"? ideas that make some people (the mindless idiot types) want to call you a commie or nazi or worse, just for mentioning them? Have some fun -- get called something evil by adding your own "forbidden idea" to the list. You haven't lived life to the fullest until you've been called a dirty name by some idiot. WhyTheyHateUs.net The "war on terror" // Militant Islam vs. the West Extensive list of minor political parties (You might have to scroll down a little to get past the 2 major parties.) Shorter list of alternative political parties (These are some of the more serious ones.): Do you know of a good website that should be listed with the above? The best kind are those that are controversial and give some invitation to visitors to get their own opinions posted in response. click here to give your suggestion. Also, if you have your own web page, we might trade links. *If you know of a better political platform than this one, or to point
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Below are some good message boards which are easy to get into. You have to register, but it's easy and you can post right away. These ones are open to all viewpoints. They don't kick you off or censor you arbitrarily as long as you obey the reasonable rules of politeness, etc.These boards let you move from one post to another on the same topic without needing to click to another page. You can just scroll down through multiple messages which address the topic and argue with each other. These are a great debate forum for people who like to argue. Arguing is good. FreeStateProject.org
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The following are the best* positions on most of the major political issues. I. Criminal Justice1. Sterilize convicted felons, as there is ample evidence of a genetic component to criminal behavior (as well as to most other behavior patterns).2. Replace the current practice of incarcerating criminal convicts with a system of implanting computerized tracking devices/monitors onto the bodies of convicts which will record their movements and thus make it impossible for them to commit further crimes without being detected, because the system will provide a record of all their movements since the implantation, like a roadmap, showing their presence at the crime scene at the time when the crime took place. Possibly have the tracking devices/monitors removed when the convict reaches the age of 40 (35?) or has worn it for a prescribed number of years or is judged to no longer be a threat.3. Let the death penalty be used for those convicted violent felons who demonstrate by their repeated violent criminal behavior that the above tracking/monitoring system is not effective in deterring them from committing further violent felony crimes. 4. Let mentally retarded offenders be treated the same as other offenders. Let it not be a social obligation to provide expensive "rehabilitation" programs and institutionalization of offenders or to hire expensive caretakers and specialists and assume responsibility for the health care costs of the offenders. Rather, let it be society's obligation to do whatever is necessary to prevent further criminal behavior by offenders and to do this at minimum cost, so there is minimum burden on taxpayers and society can reserve its resources for improving the lives of all, rather than wasting it providing expensive warehousing for a few. 5. Have all arrests and criminal convictions and detentions by police, including detentions of suspected terrorists, be subject to grand jury review. Let all claims of police brutality be investigated by a grand jury, whether or not criminal charges are filed against the police. 6. Let the primary guiding principle for justice be prevention of crime at the lowest possible cost, not abstract notions about "retribution" or "paying one's debt to society" or making the "punishment fit the crime" and so on. Where practical, let criminals pay restitution to their victims, though this is probably not possible in most cases. Also, where detention is necessary rather than "house arrest" with monitoring, have the prisoners do productive labor to help defray the cost of their detention, but being cautious to ensure that the work is necessary to produce some social benefit and is not a form of makework. 7. Let the jury system be reformed so that jurors are enabled to make more rational deliberation and not be dominated by the lawyers and judges. Let jurors be entrusted with more information and be less restricted in what they may know about the facts of a case they are hearing. Give the defendant in a criminal case the option of having the court proceeding done without the jury present, and instead let the jury convene after the court sessions are completed and hear the case by means of audio recordings done at the trial and by means of the trial transcript. Thus, allow the option of trial without the jury having visual contact of the defendant and witnesses, so that their deliberation will be based on an assessment of the facts of the case and not on their visual impressions of the defendant and witnesses. Perhaps even restrict jury deliberation to the reading of the transcript, without audio recordings of the testimony, so that jurors will not be influenced by the sound of the voices of the witnesses, but only by the facts of the case, thus eliminating the element of melodrama and emotion and prejudice and instinctive reactions to the personalities of the witnesses.
1. Begin research on producing a new kind of food which will contain in it an ingredient which will sterilize the one who eats it. Then mass-produce this food and make it available to anyone who wants it. Possibly distribute it worldwide, or at least to third-world countries, perhaps having other developed countries share in the cost of producing and distributing the food. Have this food contain enough nutrients to be able to provide a well-balanced diet, so that one could survive and be healthy consuming this food without consuming anything else. Let its container be appropriately labeled so the one eating it knows that it contains the sterilizing ingredient. 2. Abolish all current welfare programs, or all programs intended to benefit a select victim group, such as "the poor" (which really means certain poor who succeed in getting themselves into the program, but not all poor), to the exclusion of others. Instead provide opportunities extended to all. Have no programs based on pity toward select victim groups, and thus do away with the need to pay billions of dollars annually to the administrators, bureaucrats and social workers who select which victims are to receive the public pity and which ones are to be excluded from the programs. Although all welfare programs based on pity toward select victim groups should ideally be abolished, nevertheless as long as any such programs continue to exist, e.g., food stamps, subsidized housing, etc., impose the requirement that recipients of such welfare be sterilized as a condition for remaining in the program and receiving the benefits beyond a designated time allowance. 3. Possibly expand the existing school lunch program and headstart program to include all children rather than being targeted only toward select poor communities to the exclusion of others. Have the school lunch program changed so that only healthy foods are provided. Reduce or eliminate meat, and restrict the food mostly to raw fruits and vegetables. Eliminate high fat foods and most processed foods. 4. Abolish minimum wage laws, which do not benefit all poor people but only a select victim group at the expense of everyone else, even at the expense of other poor people who are not wage-earners or who are a part of the underground economy. Let everyone be paid according to the value of their work or their production, not according to pity for them or their need for the money, which debases a job into a form of welfare in disguise. Maximize the production of wealth by eliminating pity or charity as an entitlement and instead require that all income be earned, so no one gains income without earning it, i.e., producing equal value, and so the maximum amount of efficient work and production will take place. 5. As a practical matter permit private charities (organizations which give free benefits to select "needy" victims who succeed in persuading the providers that they are special), but let there be no government support to charity in any form. Abolish any kind of tax credit or deduction for charitable contributions or any other form of subsidy to charity. Possibly support philanthropic activities which provide benefits to all of society and do not target their efforts toward select victims. 6. Let wealth be redistributed from the rich to the poor by means which create benefits available to all, including education opportunities and social infrastructure, which everyone can take advantage of and which ought to be sufficient for the most "needy" as a means to lift themselves up. III. Social Security 1. Abolish Social Security in its present form. Possibly replace it with a system of private individual accounts, which would not necessarily mean investing the funds in the stock market. Possibly repay some funds to those who have paid Social Security taxes, especially those approaching retirement. But do not try to fully compensate those who paid into the program, because realistically these payments were in effect taxes, similar to income tax, which were actually intended to fund government programs, despite the pretense that they were targeted to retirement benefits to the payers. So finally admit the deception and repay some of it according to a realistic formula, and admit that the system has been largely a pyramid scheme to raise funds for government programs, and pledge to never again impose such a scheme onto the citizenry. 2. Let there be no taxpayer bailout or other entitlement for senior citizens who failed to save enough for retirement during their working years and who should suffer the consequences of this as an example to the younger generation. Let senior citizens, most of whom are capable of working and supporting themselves, apply for employment to serve on a grand jury (see section XV of this platform), or let them earn their way performing other functions using the knowledge they have accumulated over so many years and which should not go to waste. Let them live off their savings/investments, which they are entitled to because they earned it, but be done with the current prevalent notion that the old are entitled to leech off the younger generation or the taxpayers just because they are old. Rather, transfer these resources to the very young, to children, who truly cannot earn their own way and are dependant upon adults and who are being robbed by today's selfish senior citizen lobby which doesn't care about the country's future but only about their own current instant gratification and is plundering scarce resources away from the younger generation and into paying their own extravagant six-digit medical bills. 3. Abolish Medicare.
1. Abolish all corporate welfare.End all forms of subsidies to companies to promote their products abroad or to promote exports in any manner or to pay their relocation costs. Have all loans to other countries or loan guarantees or bailouts, including IMF schemes, be subject to grand jury review to insure that the U.S. taxpayers will realize a profit from the transaction, and let the grand jury nullify any such transaction which it finds not to be profitable to U.S. taxpayers. Let the burden be upon the proponents of such a transaction to prove that it will be profitable to taxpayers. Abolish all taxpayer subsidies to professional sports teams, including subsidies for construction of sports stadiums. Let pro sports teams and all businesses be required to compete in the marketplace without special favor from the taxpayers. 2. If there is to be an income tax, let all income be subject to this tax without respect to the source of the income. Let capital gains and dividend income be subject to the same tax rates as all other income, and let inheritance income be subject to the same tax rates. Let no category of income be exempt from the income tax. If need be, abolish the income tax entirely, but do not impose it on certain kinds of income while exempting others. V. Taxes 1. Let fiscal policy be based on the principle that spending programs and revenues must be in balance, and there is never a justification to increase or decrease taxes unless it is to bring revenues to such a level as to match the spending which has been decided upon. Let there be an end to all notions of "stimulating the economy" or of giving the economy a "shot in the arm" or a "jump-start", all of which are code phrases for giving an unearned benefit to certain select interest groups at the expense of others, and instead follow the fundamental principle that the revenues must be made to match the spending level in a given fiscal year. Or let fiscal policy actually aim to produce a modest budgetary surplus each year, and let these surpluses accumulate to a certain level over time and be available for emergency purposes. Let borrowing be made the exception. Abandon the false notion that there must be government deficits in order to "stimulate the economy" and "create jobs", all of which is only code language for welfare in disguise to certain special interests at someone else's expense. Rather let the government spend what it must on its own necessary programs only, and let it raise revenue sufficient to pay for these programs, and then let the rest of the economy be determined by whatever buying and selling goes on in the marketplace, without arbitrary judgments that there needs to be more "growth" or more "consumer demand" or that there is "stagnation" or "sluggishness" or "overheating" and other perceived misbehavior by the players in the marketplace. Stop making these unnecessary and unproven judgments and leave the marketplace alone to go wherever the buyers and sellers choose to take it. 2. Let the basic premise of tax assessment be the following: Those who rely more on government services shall pay higher taxes, those who rely less on government shall pay less. Though it may be difficult, let it be calculated, and confirmed by grand jury review, what are the relative reliances on the government by different categories of taxpayers, such as income categories, and let individuals and businesses be taxed in proportion to their dependency upon the government. Let the rich pay higher taxes based upon their calculated higher reliance upon the government, upon government services, upon government protection of their property and enforcement of their contracts, also upon the degree to which they are indebted to the government for the attainment of their wealth. Let this be the basis for higher taxation of the rich, if it is not already, and calculate the appropriate tax burden according to this premise, and let it not be based upon abstract notions of their "moral obligation" to make a greater sacrifice and so on. 3. Possibly replace the income tax with a national sales tax, but if income tax is retained, let all income categories be taxed the same, without any exceptions for certain privileged categories such as capital gains income and inheritance income. 4. Let there be a graduated property (land) tax (by which is meant that a higher total value of property is taxed at a higher rate), which will create a disincentive to ever-increasing concentration of land ownership into the hands of fewer owners. For purposes of taxing land, let the value of a property be based upon its real market value rather than the determination of a "tax assessor". In order to insure that property taxes are assessed correctly and not arbitrarily, and that the real market value is the basis for assessment, let the following system of valuation be adopted: require that all land be put officially "up for sale" at all times; let offers or bids for any property be registered and be accompanied by a nonrefundable deposit (nonrefundable if the owner elects to sell to the bidder, but refundable if the offer is rejected by the owner and then withdrawn by the bidder); let the official value of the property be based upon the amount offered for it by the bidders, and let the owner make the choice whether to pay a higher tax or sell the property; let it be required that there be more than one offer or bid for a property (perhaps 3 or 4 offers) before the owner is required to make the choice whether to sell or accede to the higher valuation of the property and thus pay the higher tax. 5. Let there be a tax on corporate stock sales, thus raising some revenue for the government while having virtually no downside as with most other taxes, because it will create a disincentive to speculators who repeatedly buy and sell but will not discourage those investors who buy stock and hold on to it for a long period. Also, reform the stock market so that dividends are made the primary source of profit for stock investors and not speculation on rising and falling stock prices. 6. Let there be a voluntary contract insurance tax on all contracts which involve a liability above a designated base figure, such as $5,000 (or $10,000, or $20,000). Let there be a tax or fee on any such contract and make this fee proportional to the amount stated in the contract, such as .5% of the amount, and let this be paid in order to make the contract legally binding. Without payment of this fee, let the contract be legally unenforceable beyond the designated base figure ($5,000, or $10,000, or $20,000). (This tax will in effect be a user fee paid by one or both parties to the contract.) 7. Charge fees for the use of some of the roads, freeways, and center city areas, where the population or traffic is unusually dense. Follow the example of the city of London, which issues permits to drivers who use the roads in the central downtown area. Likewise issue permits for use of freeways during the busier periods of the day. Let there be other user fees for raising revenue to the government. And let some existing user fees be increased, if the benefit to the user is greater than the amount of the present fees, or if the benefit imposes some cost onto society which is greater than the fee being paid. E.g., possibly increase the fees paid by users of national or state parks who drive vehicles into the park or who fly in sightseeing planes over the park.
1. Strengthen the Environmental Protection Agency (also state environmental agencies) and have all its actions be subject to grand jury review to insure that they are achieving their intended goal of making the environment cleaner and are not violating the legitimate rights of property owners, also to insure the proper balance between local and federal jurisdiction, i.e., that the EPA does not unduly impose its authority over against the local agency. 2. Increase the gasoline tax to give an incentive to motorists to drive less or to seek less polluting forms of transportation, and also to give manufacturers an incentive to strive to ever higher levels of fuel efficiency. Decrease reliance on fuel efficiency standards, which accomplish nothing which cannot be achieved more efficiently through higher gasoline taxes and which are arbitrary and offer no incentive to manufacturers to strive for higher fuel efficiency than that required in the mandated standards. 3. Construct bicycle roads in major metropolitan areas, at taxpayer expense, which are separate from motor traffic and are made attractive to bicyclists, as an incentive to motorists to substitute bicycle travel for some of their motor vehicle driving. 4. In one fashion or another, make polluters pay a sufficiently high price for their pollution to offset the damage they inflict. Since some level of pollution is inevitable, let the polluters decide how much price they are willing to pay, and set the price/penalty high enough so that the gain in revenue to the public treasury is enough to compensate the rest of society for the inconvenience of each increment of damage caused by each polluter. Let there be an ever higher price for ever higher levels of pollution, thus giving to polluters a constant incentive to reduce their pollution as much as possible, whereas arbitrary cutoff levels or emission standards give them an incentive only to meet that standard and not to strive to do even better. Let the goal be to have polluters keep trying to reduce their emissions and never be satisfied with any level of pollution. 5. Let there be total recycling of all waste matter. Let there be recycling centers where workers (wearing protective clothing) sift through all the waste which cannot be separated by machine and separate out all the items into their different categories. If need be, have prisoners do this work in order to help pay the cost of their detention. Do everything possible to reprocess the material for new production. 6. Speed up the process of replacing telephone poles with underground cables. Set a time limit, such as five years, for the complete elimination of all telephone poles.
1. Abolish all subsidies of any kind to agriculture, including price supports and government loans and protective trade barriers, all of which turn farmers into parasites who leech off consumers and taxpayers.Stop promoting parasitic subsidies, price supports, protective tariffs, bailouts, and other welfare to farmers in the name of "preserving the family farm", which is an insult to true family farms which earn their own way honestly by serving consumers in the competitive marketplace. Stop protection of sugar and peanut farmers (and other special interests), which causes artificially high prices to consumers and to those companies which require these ingredients in their production process. 2. Fund research into new farm technologies, such as genetic altering of crops, and have all such research and all such technologies be subject to grand jury investigation to insure that consumers are served. Promote sustainable and environmentally-friendly farming technology and penalize hazardous practices such as overuse of dangerous pesticides. 3. Let the free market reign in agriculture, but also have all the food production process be subject to grand jury review, from the farming to the processing to the distributing, to insure a safe reliable food supply to consumers, which is the proper ultimate goal of farming. Let the relevant government agencies, such as the FDA and the DA, play their appropriate roles, but have grand jury oversight also in order to insure that these agencies are not corrupted by special interests within the industries being regulated. Let the Department of Agriculture be reduced to a research and information agency for farmers rather than a distributor to them of parasitic subsidies and loans, and possibly also give it some regulatory function in matters such as pesticide control.
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