The Prehistory Foundation The Karlovo Conference, January 2001
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Steps leading into the tomb

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The International Symposium Odryssian Kingship and Nobility was held in Karlovo (Bulgaria) between January 15 and January 18, 2001. It had a character of workshop on pre- and Odryssian kingship and nobility in Thrace attended by c. 40 participants and guests. The participants contributed by standard and cutting edge researches on the political power and cultural pattern in Thrace that included newly formulated problems on the archaeology and history in the later prehistory and classical antiquity in Thrace.

On the first day of the symposium Dr. G. Kitov for the first time reported his results of excavations and documentation of Starosel and Alexandrovo monuments and introduce new films on the Thracian culture based on these discoveries. Prof. M. Tacheva, Prof. Z. Archibald, Dr. L. Nikolova, Dr. L. Domaradzka, Mrs D. Stoyanova, Mr P. Kalchev and other participants reported their new investigations on the Thracian politics, economy and burial rites. Archaeologists and historians from Kazanluk Historical Museum, Radnevo Archaeological Museum, Turgovishte Historical Museum participated actively in the discussion.

At the Round table, a key thesis was formulated and defended by archaeologists and historians. After an extensive discussion the participants concluded that the emergence of the political power in Upper Thrace in 5 and 4 centuries BC was based on the long tradition of the development of the social hierarchical structures and elite politics in the region under discussion.

The meeting also included Archaeological Exhibition "Dubene-Sarovka and Starosel excavations in the heart of the Balkans" where the displayed finds and color photos demonstrated the rich ancient cultural heritage of Northwest Thrace.

National and regional newspapers and radio stations informed daily for the meeting in Karlovo, defined as a considerable cultural event in Bulgaria. Interviews with the participants were included in the news broad-casts of Karlovo, Plovdiv and Stara Zagora radios and published in newspapers. Journalists from the National Radio, "24-Hours" – Plovdiv, Plovdiv Radio stations and the Karlovo newspaper attended the sessions.

The symposium was sponsored by Prehistory Foundation (Bulgaria). Karlovo Mesokombinat and Karlovo Vinarska Izba donated for the cocktails. Thank you so much!


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Above: Participants in the Karlovo Symposium and some quests by the Official Opening in the Koprinarov House-Karlovo Town.

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Dr. Lolita Nikolova, the Mayor of Karlovo and the member of Bulgarian Parliament Mr P. Slavov spoke at the Official Opening of the symposium

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Dr. Kitov presented the newly discovered Starosel Temple-Tomb and Alexandrovo Tomb at the first session of the symposium.

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Z. Archibald delivered her report in a session with chairperson Prof. M. Tacheva.

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The Museum of History from Dobrich joined the Symposium to visit Starosel Temple-Tomb.

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Above: Participants in the Symposium and guests visited Starosel Temple-Tomb at the end of the meeting.

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Dr. G. Kitov and Dr. L. Nikolova opened the Archaeological Exhibition "Dubene-Sarovka and Starosel Excavations in the Heart of the Balkans" displayed in the Art Gallery – Karlovo Town.

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New finds from Dubene-Sarovka were shown at the exhibition that was visited by numerous Karlovo students and adults and by many guests. New window displays were donated at the opening of the exhibition from Prehistory Foundation to City Museum of History in Karlovo Town, to be used for Dubene-Sarovka materials. At the time of the archaeological presentation in Karlovo, the Karlovo artist D. Histov (next to Dr. L. Nikolova) had a graphic and water-color show in Berkeley (California).

Entrance to the tomb

The Entrance to the tomb
Massive steps lead to the tomb entrance

The view from the steps
The view from the steps
The tomb may have to be reburied due to lack of funds

The location of the site
Starosel is near Plovdiv, Bulgaria
You can help through donations to the foundation or writing to the Bulgarian government

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