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Steps leading into the tomb

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Starosel Needs your help!  500,000 Leva (c. $250,000) is needed to protect the monument from treasure-hunters and to preserve it for the future.   In fact that monument belongs to all Bulgarians all over the world and to all connoisseurs of the Antiquity. Can we help to make it our monument very soon – before it is damaged by the October rains, and the winter snow?  Hundreds of people (Bulgarian and foreigners) have visited the Starosel temple-Tomb. Among the guests was the vice-president Todor Kavaldzhiev.
  • You can write to the Bulgarian government,  and tell them how important this discovery is to you
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August 26, 2000. In the TV show of Dr. Bozhidar Dimitrov the guest was Dr. Georgi Kitov. A lady on the phone after an hour answers to the hot line opened, said: ‘For the first time I am happy that almost from the starting of the show was trying to call and the line was all the time busy". The interest was really from all parts of the country despite the very expensive telephone calls in Bulgaria. At the end of the show Dr. Dimitrov had explained that he had asked the Ministry of culture how much were really the expenses of finishing, conservation and socialization of the monument. The answer was 500,000 lv. (c. $ 250,000). The account number in levs of the team of Kitov was given with kind request for financial support from the T.V. watchers.

The Thracian Temple-Tomb of Starosel in Sub-Sushtinska Sredna Gora Mountains (Hissar Municipality)

The monument was discovered in 2000. It has been investigated by Dr. Georgi Kitov in the last summer of that century. The temple-tomb of Starosel is the biggest one in the Balkans dated according to the excavator from the later 5th century BC. It is a magnificent monument of powerful ruler of Thrace, possibly Sitalk, c. 445/440-424 BC (?), comparable with his politics towards establishment of Thracian hegemony in the Balkans.

Dubene-Sarovka and Starosel Temple-tomb are some of the greatest discoveries of Bulgarian archaeology at the end of the 20th century. They open a new page of the investigation of the ancient history in the Central Balkans, facing the significant participation of the population from the both sides of the eastern Sushtinska Sredna Gora Mountains in the cultural-historical development of Upper Thrace and in the Balkans during prehistory and the classical Antiquity. For millennia the time had borrowed unique and sensation secrets of for-, early and classical Thracian society lived there, which were just unearthed.

Entrance to the tomb

The Entrance to the tomb
Massive steps lead to the tomb entrance

The view from the steps
The view from the steps
The tomb may have to be reburied due to lack of funds

The location of the site
Starosel is near Plovdiv, Bulgaria
You can help through donations to the foundation or writing to the Bulgarian government

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