{ L i s a ' s - J o u r n a l }

May 9th

Thursday we went to Busch Gardens. It was our graduation present. It seems just like yesterday I was getting off the bus and going to a new school.. middle school. These 3 years went by so fast. I met so many knew people.. and I cherish that I met them. So many kids are saying, "Oh I can't wait for summer..". Well I sure can. I mean I grew up with these people and after the next 4 weeks.. I won't ever see them again. The other kids will see each other.. their going to highschool together. I won't.. I'm starting off knew in another city and I won't know a single person. I certainly know I'll be crying my eyes out on the last day of school.
I should probably get back to the topic of Busch Gardens. Well like every single time I go there, I was on my period. I've been there 4 times.. and each and everytime I've been on my period. Jeez! Anyway, It was Shannon, Me, Crystal, and Sarah. I didn't know these girls really well, but I was cool with them. Most of my friends either didn't wanna go or got in trouble so just couldnt. So, I mostly talked with Shannon. SHe's really nice.. we're both obsessed with horses so we got along wonderfuly. She owns two of her own, and I should be making my way over there soon to go riding with her. Sarah was in our group too.. she's handicap. She's really nice.. was scared to death about most of the rides. Since she was handicap we got on all the rides within a minute. Can you believe that? I was apeshit! I was so happy.. we went on every single ride twice. I did a lot of screaming that day. :)
On the way home Scott and Ryan sat in back of Shannon and I on the bus. Scott isnt that bad when he isnt making fun of me. We talked the whole time.. and then the topic of Randle came up. For those of you who don't know.. this kid like has a major crush on me. He asked me out five fucking times on Friday. I guess he just needs to learn what no means. Teehee, I'm the perfect person to teach him.

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