{ L i s a ' s - J o u r n a l }
May 17th
Friday evening I was typing away on my computer when the phone rang. I picked it up half laughing because a joke someone made online. I heard beth sniffing and crying.. all of a sudden she just broke down and was crying histericly. I kept asking her what was wrong and I was walking around my room really nervous. All of a sudden she just screams, "Berry is dead!!". Oh my god my heart just.. died. I can't believe he's dead. Its so hard to comprehend. He was driving his 4 wheeler, ran a stop sign and a van hit him.. he went flying. He was prounced dead at the scene. Theres so much I want to say and am feeling.. its like I can't get it all out properly. I'm to mad to write.. I'll try again tomorrow.