{ L i s a ' s - J o u r n a l }

May 5th

I bet to my friends I'm this over polite girl scout. Whats wrong with being polite? I like being nice to people.. At least I'm not some stuck up bitch whos picked on then decides to devote her life to making others miserable just to make myself feel better. I hate people like that. A little bit off subject.. some of my friends.. something someone says to them.. Like if someone calls them a name. First thing they do is get ready to fight them. Just because some loser calls you a name.. and not to mention their opinion isnt worth crap.. you don't need to resolve it with beating the crap out of them. ( is it pms talking? ) hehe, I need calmer friends.. but they wouldnt be able to handle me :)
I really don't understand guys. I'm not saying every guy does this.. but a lot sure do. At least where I live. Since when does showing your affection involve being cruel? Theres this kid named Randel at school right. And he has a crush on me. Well you know how he shows it? He makes fun of me! Constantly! Ok if ANY guy what so EVER is reading this. CUT IT OUT!!!!!!!!!! I think a lot of girls will agree with me when I say, that it shows immaturity! And I'm also sure the girl you're crushing on would rather you be sweet and nice to her, then mean and cruel. Hello?

I broke up with Matt. Why? I just wasen't happy with him. I felt like he would rather be downloading every sinceless thing on the fricken net then talking with me. And that probably was the case. I told him.. he asked why.. I said I wasent happy.. and he left. I'm still hopping we can be friends. Am I delusional to think thats possible? I'm also in love with someone else. I didn't tell Matt that.. I didnt want to hurt him even more.
Hmm I'm really sleepy. My mother is out of town, and Loren and I have the house to ourselfs. I've been having really bad cramps lately, and I'm not sure if I'll go to school tomorrow. I probably will.. would be boring hanging around the house all day. Good night all *big hugs*

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