I really don't understand guys. I'm not saying every guy does this.. but a lot sure do. At least where I live. Since when does showing your affection involve being cruel? Theres this kid named Randel at school right. And he has a crush on me. Well you know how he shows it? He makes fun of me! Constantly! Ok if ANY guy what so EVER is reading this. CUT IT OUT!!!!!!!!!! I think a lot of girls will agree with me when I say, that it shows immaturity! And I'm also sure the girl you're crushing on would rather you be sweet and nice to her, then mean and cruel. Hello? |
I broke up with Matt. Why? I just wasen't happy with him. I felt like he would rather be downloading every sinceless thing on the fricken net then talking with me. And that probably was the case. I told him.. he asked why.. I said I wasent happy.. and he left. I'm still hopping we can be friends. Am I delusional to think thats possible? I'm also in love with someone else. I didn't tell Matt that.. I didnt want to hurt him even more. |
Hmm I'm really sleepy. My mother is out of town, and Loren and I have the house to ourselfs. I've been having really bad cramps lately, and I'm not sure if I'll go to school tomorrow. I probably will.. would be boring hanging around the house all day. Good night all *big hugs* |