{ L i s a ' s - J o u r n a l }

May 1st

I'm really terrified of this man living next door to us. I don't know why. I just have this feeling around him. Like I should get help and just.. run. At first I thought it was me being paranoid, but I talked to some loving friends online. They told me I should probably pay attention to my gut feelings. I've NEVER been this terrified of a person. I don't know what it is about him.,. maybe it's his eyes. Their dark, and he has this big pot belly, and he stares at me. Am I crazy? I feel so silly being afraid of this man.. like he's probably harmless or something. Never know right?
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I went to the mall tonight with some friends. Heidi and Stacey. It was fun. We had dinner at a restarant, then shopped around the mall. I saw my friend Blake. Blakes a sweet guy. He's hilarious.. it isnt even funny how entertaining this kid is. He's fun to hang with.. can always put a smile on anyones face. I think thats a wonderful quality. :)
Anyway, we headed around the mall. I found a nice skirt and top that looked awesome on me, if I do say so myself. I walked out of the dressing room and both Staceys and Heidis jaws just kinda fell open. I'm like, "hehe thanks!". Their so used to seeing me in jeans, was nice to point out for once I actually like other things.
Theres this big carosel in the middle of the mall. Stacey and I dragged Heidi on it. She was so embarrised. She ducked down on the horse and was pink the whole time. Stacey and I were trying to pull her up when this guy who watches the karesel and makes sure it works ok, came up. He was about maybe 17 or 18. He talked with us the whole time. Real nice guy.
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