{ L i s a ' s - J o u r n a l }

April 29th

Did I ever tell you about that essay contest I won? Well our teachers held this contest, and about 20 kids won out of 300. I was one of the 20. The topic of the essay was to write about the person who made the most affect on your life. We all got together ( the winners ) and had a reading. The library was beautiful.. the lights were dim, flowers everywhere, and candles on everywhere. It smelt like roses. I was so nervous. April was there ( the topic of my essay ) my mother, and Aprils parents. Anyway I was crying from my friend who had gotten up before me and read hers aloud. She stumbled up to the podiem, sobbing her heart out. The teacher came up to her and was willing to read it for her but she said no, and she continued even though there was these huge tears rolling down her cheeks. I was so happy for her. I know how much she hates public speaking but she did it for her mother, who she wrote about.
I just went back and read some of my entries. I sound like a mad woman. I think I'm gonna cool it with the language though.

Later, the teacher called my name. I myself stumbled up there and looked up at everyone. Hell, I hate public speaking too.. but I still got up there and read mine, and this is a piece of what I read,

When my parents got divorced, April was there for me. I needed somebody to talk to, a friend, and that friend was April. April worked for my mother for about six years. Her job was to clean the house, watch over things, and take care of my brother and I. After a while I stopped thinking about her as my babysitter. I thought of her, and still do, as a role model.
No one else could have been a better role model than April. She was kind, loving, understanding, and always able to put a smile on my face. I was so close to her, and I will always look up to her. She just had this amazing way of touching a person's heart. You could stick an upset or grumpy person in a room with her, and they would surely come out smiling.
I remember when I was little, April telling me that she thought God put her on this earth to take care of all the animals. For someone as lovely as her to grace this earth, it makes me wonder about my position of being agnostic.

I looked up and she was balling. I hugged my teacher, got my award, and gave April a huge hug. It felt wonderful.

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