Hey just got back from the block party! Whats the block party? Oh, well its a thing my town does once a year. Its a huge party helled in the main streets, and EVERYONE is there getting drunk. The teenagers have a parking lot to themselfs with a DJ and everything. It was awesome, I saw so many people I knew. I also saw my father.. I think I forgot how much I love being around him. Just all the, "Oh do you know so and so? Oh so and so this is my daughter lisa. ", "blah, hi nice to meet you so and so". "Blah, blah, politic bullshit, blah blah", hehe. I love hearing it, and my father knows EVERYONE! I'm so proud of him, I really am. I know I've talked harshly about him in some journal entries before, but I just can't hate him, I love him too much. I dont know why, I'm just so used to hating him, hating being around him, and hating his views and such. I donno what happen. I guess it happend for the better though. I caught up with Danille. She has this new boyfriend, tobby. I remember him from last year.. he used to date my other friend. Beth and I hung out with them for quite a while. Danille and Tobby were all over each other. I was so fricken bored I actually timed them of having each others tongue in the others mouth for 5 minutes, 46 seconds.. and the reason they stopped was I asked if they planned on coming up for breathe anytime soon, hehehehe. how pathetic of me actually reporting what my friend does with her tongue :) Oh well you'll get used to me don't worry. After the blockparty dad gave me a ride home. He asked if I wanted to come back to the house with them eat pizza and watch a movie. I actually said yes. I don't know why but I usually abvoid doing anything with my dad that I don't have to absolutly do. I love him to death though.. and I enjoy being with him.. just not when my brothers around. We went back to his house and watched the movie and pigged out on some pizza. The movie was, "A thousand acres". Wasen't that bad, really. |
My friend Sarah is going on the Jenny Jones show. Her mother called in, and their going in to be on the, "Daughters who dress too sexy for their age.". I kinda feel bad for her. I've seen those shows before and the people in the audience pick on the people on the stage pretty roughly. I hope she knows what she's getting into. |