The other day I was soo upset! We had gotten our test back, and I scored so fucking low I thought I was gonna cry! This test was to tell you around what area of work you'd be good in when you're older. Well I missed a day of it, and the part I did take I scored so low I figured I could probably be a damn good bum when I get older! I think I have some work to do.
Today was alright I guess. I don't understand how people can be so superficial. My friend heidi was being Mrs. Mellow Dramatic today. She lies soo bad. She spent the whole day swooing over some guy she made up in her head, that she said she met. She lies to me all the time, I'm just too nice to point it out to her that shes making a fool of herself. Anyway she spent the whole day making up some sort of dream man, that she suposidly met, and was sooo in love with. AHH!! I don't know why but that bothers the hell out of me! Might just be the fact that she's a lier.. but.. heh.. you know. She's fun to be around but jesus. I didn't really say anything in the last couple of journals about Matt and I. Earlier in the week, we were barely talking to one another. My god, if anyone out there wants to know a good way to kill my heart, get someone I love to not ever speak to me. That's pretty much what happend. I mean he wasent mad.. we just both found it sooo hard to talk to one another. That was hell, I must say. But hey, we're talkin now! *wooh*. You're probably thinking out there, "What kind of a relationship is that if they can barely talk to each other?".. well I got one thing to say.. I DAMN GOOD ONE!! :))!!. |