You know that feeling when you're driving down a street, with the windows open, a great song on playing over the radio just blaring, and the sun on your face? Just picture that :) Its a good feeling really. |
It's saturday.. ooohhh thank god. Woke up today around 9AM, and after 10 hours of sleep, I was still VERY sleepy! I met my instructor for tennis today, his name is Mike. He's kinda old, but really nice. It was a fun lesson, I think I'm really going to like tennis. I almost hit this lady though with the ball, but she was soo nice about it, hehe. After that I went home, and got ready for Heidis party. Heidi is a real hoot, I like her a lot. Sometimes I feel like she's my little shadow, but she's still fun to be around. We swam the whole time, and played games like "marco polo" things I havent played in just about years. She really loved the gift I gave her, "Or pretend to". I got her this adorible teddy bear, and a little box to put nicknack things in, and a bracelet. |
God, I'm so tired of being so sensitive. I'm just a blubbering little baby now. The littlest thing will hurt my feelings, or make me burst into tears now. I know exactly why that is to. Its these damn birth control pills.. I mean before I started taking them, I wasent so sensitive. Thats what my mother thinks anyway. God I wish I could stop taking them! I need them though because of my cramps. Like the other day, at school, Shannon said something to me, kidding around, and I suddenly burst into tears and run from the room! I'm like pacing throughout the school, balling my eyes out and asking myself why the fuck am I crying and why can't I stop? I guess there are some + effects of it. I dont know if its me or the pill, but I've also been a lot more nice about hurting peoples feelings, you know? Not like I'm some bitch who hurts others feelings.. but just how many teenagers step as quietly as I do when it comes to huting peoples feelings? I dont ever do that on purpous, when most dont give a shit. You know? I know how it feels to be picked on or to just feel down right crapy, so why put others through it? Maybe I'm just a dweeb *shrug* *smile*. |
I wrote an essay recently about April. April is one of the best people in my life. She was my babysitter, my shoulder to cry on, my best friend, my role model for years.. and hell.. she still is. She stopped working for my mom so I dont see her as much anymore. Anyway I wrote an essay on her for school and it won! That means I get to go to this awards thing with about 40 other students, out of like 300. I was so proud, was just about shinning. I invited april to come along and we all read our essays out loud and drink tea. April was just about in tears when I told her I wrote about her and that I won. She's such a sweetheart, and I love her. I hope she likes my essay.. I know when my mom proof read it she said it was wonderful. I'm nervous :) |