I'm so sleepy, but I thought I'd get this one entry in. I've had a long day. Was normal at school, kind of difficult to get back into school mode after a week n a half of spring break. I was kind of excited though to go back. I was dying to see my friends. Last night I had a horrible stomach ache, and got to hug the toilet a bit. I was actually trying to fight it off in the morning so I could go to school. I never do that lol. Usually try and stay home :).
After school I decided to go over to the Highschool to try out for Guard. You know those girls who wave the flags around all together. It was between that and trying out for a dance group. I was like no way man, I can barely dance with a group of friends let alone dancing by myself for try outs. Before try outs Daniel, Heidi, Gretchin, and I walked over to Texico. They actually lit up a ciggarette and were barely away from the school. A couple of our teachers drove by as we walked but it didnt bother them, they kept on puffing. They offered it to me and of course I said no. I hear all this stuff about peer preasure, and how its oh so hard to say no to your friends when they offer you something bad for yourself. Hmmm.. I guess I won't ever have that problem. I just said no thank you and they backed off. So peer preasure might just be a problem with the week or what? Oh boy I think I'm gonna get a couple of mean guestbook entries from that one.. bring it on. :) We went to try outs. There were maybe 10 girls trying out.. they all seemed very nice. I couldnt, though, try out with them and learn the rutean because I have to have some papers signed or somethin like that. So I sat back and watched with all my friends who didnt have papers either. Turns out the program is only for kids who will be attending Charrlotte High School next year. So that was a waste of my two hours, since I won't be going to CHS. We walked around the highschool and stopped to talk. There was a group of boys at the end of the hall gauking at us and laughing. I could hear them making fun of us. I swear people can be so stupid and cruel. I walked over to them and asked what their problem was and made it clear they were being immature and cruel, and I told them to grow up. Heh how was that? An 8th grader to tell juniors to grow up. Gee I hope they took offense. |