klaus - 09/21/00 07:28:56
My URL:http://www.oberelzerkeramik.de
Location: eifel/germany
How I found your Home Page: zufällig
viele grüsse aus der eifel und weiterhin alles gue from klaus

richard - 08/28/00 02:09:38
My URL:none yet
My Email:rfcourt@aol.com
Location: ohio
How I found your Home Page: surfing
Danke for a nice page.

Ruth Mai - 06/24/00 22:10:28
My URL:http://members.aol.com/MaiServiceNet/
My Email:maipromotion@email.com
Location: Kempen / Germany
How I found your Home Page: German Corner Web Ring
Die Seite gefällt mir sehr gut. Ich habe meine Seite auch im German Corner Web Ring angemeldet und hoffe daß ich bald dazugehöre. Besucht mich doch mal und schreibt auch in mein Gästebuch, es ist noch fastleer. Viele Grüße aus Deutschland Ruth

Sandy, aka Furby - 06/20/00 15:36:56
My URL:http://www.sbcrafts.atfreeweb.com
My Email:smartyn@gfn.org
Location: Michigan
How I found your Home Page: LOTH
Hi, I just wanted to wish you a very Happy Birthday. Hope your day is filled with smiles. ((hugs)) LOTH Sis Oh, and don't forget to "open" your present below (click on it)!

Joelle - 06/19/00 13:30:09
My URL:http://members.aol.com/Revjoelle/ME.html
My Email:Revjoelle@aol.com
How I found your Home Page: LOTH
Have a good one!

Chris Wills - 04/28/00 13:31:41
My Email:cwills2060@aol.com
Location: Scotland
How I found your Home Page: Looking for Anacreon
Your site is a pleasant suprise in a hard world

princecandy - 03/18/00 00:28:58
My Email:www.princecandy@yahoo.com
Location: california
How I found your Home Page: luck
You are so talented and wonderful the home page brings so much of a welcome feeling

Fred Weidler - 02/02/00 12:44:40
My URL:http://www.show-in.com/talktour
My Email:WeidlerTV@aol.com
Location: Mainz, Germany
How I found your Home Page: Super
Wer möchte seinen Germany-Trip kostengünstig von einem Profi dokumentiert haben? Meldet Euch bitte per E-Mail Fred Weidler, MAINZ

Don - 01/04/00 01:25:34
My URL:http://www.travelsthroughgermany.com
My Email:travelgermany@hotmail.com
How I found your Home Page: webring
Please add our web link to your page. We will do the same for you. Once you contact us I will contact my webmaster to add you. Thank you for your time. Don http://www.travelsthroughgermany.com

Pru - 10/03/99 17:51:48
Location: Alabama
How I found your Home Page: Clicked on it
I really enjoyed the information you had to share. I did not read it all, but I will be back! And I will also tell my 2 sisters about it! Thanks!

Blaine Rebello - 08/02/99 15:19:57
My Email:DAgda1313@aol.com
Location: Colo.Sprs.,CO
How I found your Home Page: A fine and faire lady.....
Judy your place is wonderful I will come here often thank you for your love and guidance...Hail and Fare thee well.....Bright Blessings on you and yours....Blessed Be .

Diana - 06/20/99 01:15:28
My URL:http://www.sover.net/~dmb
My Email:dmb@sover.net
Location: New Hampshire
How I found your Home Page: From LOTH
Hi Judy! Your site is just wonderful, I enjoyed my visit.

Norma - 06/19/99 20:45:40
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/6562/home.html
My Email:stormyj@angelfire.com
Location: North Carolina USA
How I found your Home Page: LOTH
Enjoyed stopping by to visit with you. Hope you have had a Happy Birthday.

Jim - 06/04/99 01:06:02
My Email:jim8642864@aol.com
Location: michigan
How I found your Home Page: luck of the draw i guess...some would say fate
Very well done. I hope I can build something this impressive one of these days. :O)

Donanbarb - 05/30/99 02:06:51
My Email:Donanbarb@aol
Location: Kalamazoo
How I found your Home Page: Chat Room
I liked the music

Nicole - 05/20/99 18:25:28
My Email:Nicole2534@aol.com
Location: Bay Aresa-California
How I found your Home Page: a friend...
Immediately added to "My Favorite Places" for future use quick-link! Your web-site is a delight, the music wonderful, the atmosphere so relaxing... I love it and certainly will recommend it!

Thuy duyen - 05/16/99 18:41:05
My Email:aiyeuem0@aol.com
Location: FL
How I found your Home Page: a friend sent it to me
very nice home page. It is beautiful, I am sure my other friends will like it too

joe pfeiffer - 05/16/99 00:36:12
My Email:frusfarm
How I found your Home Page: u told me, thanks!
great stuff willow thoroughly enjoyed it, well have to talk, thanks, your friend, joe

Skat - 05/15/99 06:49:45
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ma/skatwitch
My Email:Skat@angelfire.com
Location: Massachusetts
How I found your Home Page: Aw, I already knew about it!!
Your site's still looking great! I haven't seen you in awhile - hope everything's ok in your neck of the woods! Blessings, Skat:)

James Sleeman - 05/11/99 04:43:48
My Email:JamesSaids@aol.com
Location: Hopkins
How I found your Home Page: Talking to you and your profile
was Very Nice talking to you hope to again some time :)

Tom - 05/07/99 13:57:12
My Email:tomterifc8@aol.com
Location: Detroit

Sado-Mascyst - 05/03/99 22:10:41
My Email:Sneaky_Freak@hotmail.com
Location: Dover,OH
How I found your Home Page: you silly
You are the coolest person i have ever had the oppertunity to talk to on-line......

WanderingYew - 05/03/99 01:30:12
My Email:wandrinyew@aol.com
How I found your Home Page: talking to you
haken to that big old willow singing about sleep now....

shimmera - 04/29/99 17:13:49
My URL:http://www.gatecom.com/~shimmera/index.htm
My Email:iris69@hotmail.com
Location: Wyandotte, Michigan, USA
How I found your Home Page: Icysa told me about it :)
blessed be! really nice site!!!!!!!!! high 5's

snoozzin - 04/24/99 00:05:00
My URL:http://members.aol.com/SNOOZZIN/index.html
My Email:snoozzin@aol.com
Location: New York
How I found your Home Page: A special person gave it to me
Hi There, It's been awhile since I have visited. I just love your poems and the midi...It's always refreshing to come to your pages....Love the Willow.....

Sally - 04/20/99 02:22:25
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/mi2/beet/index.html
My Email:zzSallyzz@angelfire.com
Location: Westland, MI
How I found your Home Page: You sent me a link!!
Hi! I loved your pages, poetry, and your "Buddy" adventures!! Thanks for sending your link again, I didn't get a chance to really view your pages in as much detail (before I lost your link = red face!) last time. The clearing is a very beautiful and s othing place to be. God's best blessings always!! (and more importantly, from the Goddess too!!) Sally V.

LadyM - 04/18/99 00:27:28
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Paris/Chateau/7263/Intro.html
My Email:MyLadyM@aol.com
Location: Colorado
How I found your Home Page: we are friends....she smiles
Beautiful Storm! {{{{{{{{{Huggles}}}}}}} LadyM

eeweeks - 04/05/99 23:06:13
My Email:eeweeks@juno.com
Location: Sacramento, California
How I found your Home Page: Friend suggested it

Bob - 04/03/99 01:01:06
My Email:bluescatt@aol.com
Location: Detroit
How I found your Home Page: guess
I feel like a complete dummy....cannot find my original ebtry. Maybe after I add this I will be able to see it.

Matty - 04/01/99 14:07:24
My Email:inuit.nala@uta1002.at
Location: Austria
Hi Judy your homepage is very super gelunge. I´m erfreut, that have es geschaft to your homepage. next biggere Schritte folgen. Bis neulich kleines

Bob - we chatted - 03/29/99 14:17:29
My Email:bluescatt@aol.com
Location: Wyandotte,Mi
How I found your Home Page: you gave it to me, silly
I haven't exp;ored enough to comment on the page, but I do have a question. Is that you that is pregnanrt? (:-) I also think tou would really like Wyandotte.....lots of antigue shops....coffee houses/art galleries......I may invite you over

Violet - 03/23/99 21:43:15
My Email:vmoc@usa.net
Location: Canada
How I found your Home Page: another homepage
Your poetry is beautiful..with meaning... I ..myself...am in the processing of completing my homepage and I also will have my own poetry on it.. Loved your page...very nicely done...

Sunny - 03/20/99 16:21:07
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/Sunny77/
My Email:icstars2@hotmail.com
Location: Iowa
How I found your Home Page: surfing a webring
Thank you for the relaxing and beautiful site you created on the web. I knew Frances Scott Key wrote the Star Spangled Banner but I didn't know all the details. Thank you for letting an American know. Your poetry was wonderful. Don't stop writing. Su cerely, Sunny

Storm - 03/16/99 00:28:35
Testing *g*

MIKE WARREN - 02/28/99 02:21:56
Location: YOU KNOW
How I found your Home Page: YOU TOLD ME

Kelly - 02/20/99 02:40:47
My Email:KekoKelly@aol.com
Location: Brunswick, Ohio
How I found your Home Page: Our Dad
This is a wonderful page. I am glad to see your as talented as me. Hehe. I can see that this took alot of time and who has all the brains in the family. It is really a nice site and it makes you think as your reading. Keep up the good Sis. Love ya (*..*)

Keith Castle - 02/20/99 02:07:55
My Email:Vmaxkeith@aol.com
Location: Ohio
How I found your Home Page: You
Pretty neat

Dad - 02/18/99 19:43:51
My Email:papadb@webtv.net
Hi Honey It will take me a while to read the entire page but it looks very interesting . I didn't know I could have a child with such an amazing imagination. Love you very much dad

Marsha - 02/17/99 22:34:31
My Email:MSMARFY@aol.com
Location: Nevada
How I found your Home Page: Friend

Mary - 02/15/99 18:24:29
My URL:http://home.nycap.rr.com/crsrds/mary.html
My Email:ftplds@coast.net
Location: Michigan
How I found your Home Page: You signed my guest book!
Hi Willow, my good friend: I surfed over to thank you for signing my guest book and to reciprocate. The prayers of my LOTH sisters really helped to speed my recovery. Thank you, dear friend. Mary

Legolady - 02/15/99 05:15:11
My URL:http://www.cgocable.net/~lmckinno
My Email:lmckinno@cgocable.net
Location: Canada & proud of it!!!
How I found your Home Page: You know silly lol
Awesome site, lots of info, glad I came here.

Katers - 02/06/99 05:25:01
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ks/katerspage
My Email:katers@earthlink.net
Location: California
How I found your Home Page: LOTH message board
I wanted to let you know that i have netscape and your graphics are showing up just great for me! I have enjoyed my visit to your site, please visit my site when you get a chance!

mick - 01/28/99 18:28:39
My Email:you know
Location: home
How I found your Home Page: been searching for weeks
Finally found your page again. Read your wonderful poems and have passed your site on to at least a dozen friends. Keep writing. mick

Suz - 01/28/99 12:37:23
My URL:http://www.auracom.com/~smacken/
My Email:smacken@auracom.com
Location: Nova Scotia
How I found your Home Page: You came to mine, thank you
You have a wonderful spot here Willow, i really enjoyed my stay, if you need anything, let me know!!

SHELLY - 01/22/99 18:42:47
My Email:MyLadyM@aol.com
Location: MidWest
How I found your Home Page: LOTH~GIGGLES~HUGGLES~!
Beautiful page.....Judy...thanks!

W1ndhorse - 01/05/99 06:41:54
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/gracecando_/index.html
My Email:gracecando@tripod.com
Location: everywhere
How I found your Home Page: friend
Hi, Storm! Just sending your url to my family...hope they visit! If they don't, they lose!! We need to catch up~Hugs!!

Kathie - 12/19/98 22:37:14
My URL:http://geocities.com/Wellesley/Garden/1724
My Email:kathie.too@prodigy.net
Location: Michigan
How I found your Home Page: Returned your visit...:)
Great site...I love your poetry! You are really talented. I will be back.

Nurista - 12/19/98 04:23:08
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Workshop/2777/
My Email:afgha@yahoo.com
Location: Alabama/USA
How I found your Home Page: Surfed from LOTH member page.
Hi, Enjoyed your site. I love that song by Jim Croce, one of my favorites! Come visit, and sign my guestbook while you're there.

Willowolf - 12/04/98 04:48:46
My Email:htindall@hotmail.com
Location: Florida
How I found your Home Page: Wolf sister come to call.
Hello my sister.......LOVE the page (especially the willow.....grin). Willows have always been my favorite trees. My parents have two massive, very old ones in their yard. I remember, when I was very little, I thought that faeries lived among their bra ches (they were actually fireflies....smile). Thanks for sharing your page with me. Nuzzles......Willow

Andrea Doom - 11/24/98 22:08:17
My Email:a.doom@ipfb.net
Location: Germany
Einfach Spitze. Ich wünsche Dir und Deiner Familie alles nur erdenklich Gute.

Joan Wright - 11/24/98 17:34:52
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/me/Wrights/index.html
My Email:trouble@telplus.net
Location: Maine
How I found your Home Page: Searching for homepages on the army.
My son-in-law is in the Army and he is stationed at Camp Stanton, South Korea, so I have been searching for web sites on Army life. I enjoyed my visit here very much. You have put a lot of work into it. I will come back for another visit real soon.

Peggy - 11/23/98 13:35:39
My Email:peggyduffy@yahoo.com
Location: Michigan
How I found your Home Page: your email
HELLO LOTH! Wow, we are close (as you know I'm in Livonia). This is going to be a short one :( I'm at work. The email you sent went to upper management (there is a manager here PDUFFY, I'm PDUFFY1) so it's best to use peggyduffy@yahoo.com, it's person l. I'm glad you wrote and I will write a more detailed email soon. GREAT page you have here!

Kat - 11/22/98 15:12:20
My URL:http://members.aol.com/Katri76695/index.html
My Email:Katri@aol.com
Willow,what a wonderful page. I loved your story, Information Please. It is A touching tale. All your stories are good. Keep well my friend.

Poppy - 11/18/98 18:53:43
My Email:dclab@earthlink.net
Location: California
Hallo Sturm, hatte ich einen Blick an Ihrer Site und es ist sehr wundervolles Thank, das Sie soviel für über yourself.And ein wenig teilen Ihnen auch soviel für Ihr sapport danken. I nur gewesen sein in den USA seit Januar dieses Jahres. Es ist zu mir fur htsam, bis jetzt weg zu sein: Da alle meine Freunde und Familie zurück in meiner Mutter Haupt sind, die land.I keine Freunde hier ab dennoch haben, aber ich hoffe, einiges zu finden. Dieses ist einer der Gründe, die ich das Ladys der hHeart-Gruppe verband Nehmenobacht mein neuer gefundener Freund. Und ich genoß wirklich Ihren Garten. Mohnblume Poppy

Sylvia - 11/02/98 04:00:02
My Email:Sylgem@AOL.com
Location: AOL
How I found your Home Page: :)...you know how
Hey, I just read the "warning poem"...loved it....makes aging sound much better than Lancome could ever promise.

Sylvia - 11/02/98 03:50:21
My Email:sylgem@AOL.com
Location: AOL
How I found your Home Page: You told me to :)
Judy, it is so amazing to see what you have done with this page since I last visited. You're one great chick :))))

Arwen Nightstar - 10/31/98 15:59:24
My URL:http://www.mindspring.com/~arwennightstar
My Email:arwennightstar@mindspring.com
Location: Griffin, GA
How I found your Home Page: You signed someone else's book
This is a great page and I loved the Buddy Dog stories! Check out pictures of a Swedish Entelbrucher....it is related to the Bernese Mountain Dog and Buddy has the look of some of that breed. BB Arwen former Dog Groomer

Onkel_Ken - 10/27/98 02:26:38
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/il/wd9gng
My Email:wigger@piasanet.com
You have an informative page that is history itself. It is apparent that you have exerted great effort in its creation. It is always critical to present a balanced and non-political record of history. Onkel_Ken Webmeister WD9GNG's German / American Homepage http://www.angelfire.com/il/wd9gng/ Tour beautiful German castles! Learn wonderful German Folksongs! Visit the Black Forest! Look up your German genealogy roots! Listen to Oktoberfest music! Experience German/Swiss/Austrian wonders!

10/26/98 07:31:48
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Cool page Thanks for letting me sign your guestbook

Jim - 10/25/98 22:57:38
My Email:db4321@aol.com
How I found your Home Page: a very good friend
Thank you dear friend for sending me here

Firesilk - 10/24/98 17:50:45
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~firesilk
Location: Indidna
How I found your Home Page: You signed my guestbook
Blessings of light, thank you for visiting my page and I am pleased to return the favor. You have done some nice work here and I see we have similar taste in music..May the Goddess watch over you

Art. - 10/24/98 13:07:32
My Email:Alk1942
Location: Aol.com
How I found your Home Page: site was sent to me
I really enjoyed your site immensly, thanks for sharing it with me. Art.

Philippe - 10/17/98 15:25:48
Location: France
How I found your Home Page: from you
Well, I 'm sure that you guess what I'd like to write .............................

Fendi - 10/12/98 17:00:01
My URL:http://expage.com/page/knirps
My Email:f_fendi@hotmail.com
Location: Canada
How I found your Home Page: Viewing another guestbook
It is a pleasure to visit other dreamers....love your stories eh...we all do have a child's heart...GOD BLESS....come n visit and let's have cofee!!!!

Melanie Smith - 10/06/98 23:29:03
My Email:Jewelz9398@aol.com
Location: Louisville, Kentucky
How I found your Home Page: My mother e-mailed it to me.
Each time that you add on some things, please e-mail it to me. I enjoyed reading this...... Thanks.....Melanie

Nikki - 09/20/98 16:36:36
My Email:WyldKat123@aol.com
Location: Memphis,Tn
How I found your Home Page: From you
Awesome great and very nicely done!!!

wolfwoman - 09/14/98 17:49:25
My Email:wolfwoman_howl@yahoo.com
Location: Kansas
How I found your Home Page: Browsing

Talmira - 09/08/98 20:29:00
My URL:http://members.aol.com/Tyrsdottir
My Email:Tyrsdottir@aol.com
Location: Virginia Beach VA
How I found your Home Page: You singed my guest book
I love it. Your stories had me crying! The poetry is lovely and Buddy had me laughing. Keep up the wonderful writing!

Skat - 09/06/98 01:15:13
My Email:Skatulaki1@aol.com
How I found your Home Page: you IM'd me the link!
{{{{{Storm}}}} Beautiful site! I'm still checking it out! Wonderful stories and poems! I'm sure I'll visit often! Skat

Judy - 09/04/98 13:05:18
My Email:Stormwilow@aol.com
Location: Michigan
This is a test, since some people can't seem to sign my guestbook..... While I am here, I would like to thank all of you for your kind and supporting words. You have made me very happy! BB, Judy

Marylu Magnuson - 09/03/98 20:22:11
My Email:pinecrone@aol.com
Location: Black Hills South Dakota
How I found your Home Page: Just lucky I guess!!!
Dearest Judy: I am honored to be a part of your website and in such a special place!!! Thank you from my deepest Self. You did a beautiful job. All of your pages are wonderful. Keep up the good work hon. Marylu (PineCrone)

andrea floyd - 08/29/98 16:39:24
My Email:TNgal123@aol.com
Location: chattanooga TN
How I found your Home Page: thru an email link
great site, very relaxing after a hectic day at work. keep up the beautiful work

Jennifer - 08/24/98 16:50:15
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ny/CandleCreations/index.html
My Email:mepy2@aol.com
Location: New York
How I found your Home Page: StormWilow@aol.com
its a beautiful page, i hope to come back and see new things later.

Mikhalia - 08/20/98 02:33:46
My Email:mikhalia@aol.com
Location: Texas
this page is very inspiring. The music was wonderful and it was well written. Thank you and Blessed Be!

PineWolfHr - 08/12/98 21:47:43
My URL:http://members.aol.com/PineWolfHr/PineWolfHr-index.html
My Email:gracecando@tripod.com
Location: Long Island
How I found your Home Page: my pen pal sent it! I have only one pen pal, but I found out I have really good instincts in picking them!!
HEEEHEEEHEEE....YOU ARE WAAAY COOOL! *CHUCKLE* *grin* oh what a good mood you and Buddy got me in! LOL...Trying to put such good humor to the experience of two hybrid wolf puppies who are double trouble with a side for worry too...aaaahhhhh...going back to sit by the willow tree and giggle some more. Maybe Buddy will come by so I can pet that silky coat. He's a League of Doggy Nations, for sure! And Buddy, you sure are Handsome as well as intelligent and a good story teller!! Seems you may have a bi of Rottweiler in you by those colors...my Queen Rudi and Prince Max are in Heaven now...two of the finest Rottys ever.

Wollfie (Marylu) - 08/09/98 20:05:57
My Email:wollfwynde@aol.com
Location: south dakota
How I found your Home Page: you gave it to me!!!
Sweet Willow Your pages are so beautiful.....you are a beautiful writer!!!! Your new poem should definitely go on your poem page sweetie!!! I will keep this site and check it often!!! Life Light Love Wollfie

angie - 08/07/98 17:05:06
My Email:angiebel@yahoo.com
Location: FL
How I found your Home Page: browsing
I had a dog that looked like buddy, her name was maggie... she was part lab, shepard and rottwieler, some of her brothers and sisters had the mixed brown and white spots on them, like buddy... only she looked exactly like rott., only smaller, like 35 lbs ompared to average of 100. so maybe this will help you in determining the breed of lovely buddy...... nice page by the way....

Pamela - 08/07/98 02:04:27
My Email:HICKMANPC@aol.com
Location: TX, USA
How I found your Home Page: by reference from a friend
What a lovely garden and a lovely day. Thanks.

Jorjia(Georgia) Jacques - 08/07/98 01:35:48
My Email:jorjia@ipa.net
Location: Holiday Island Arkansas
How I found your Home Page: sent to me by my sister-in-law

Bernard Stenning - 08/04/98 20:12:40
My Email:T30818711@AOL.COM
Location: Portsmouth England
How I found your Home Page: Sent to me by E-Mail
This is a good idea, being in England we do not get anything like this, great pity, still this Goverment cant last for ever.

Ron - 08/03/98 06:46:49
My URL:http://Members.aol.com/Comlet/index.html
My Email:Comlet@aol.com
Location: Portland, Oregon
How I found your Home Page: My guestbook LOL : )
GREAT Site,,, I'll be sure to share it with my readers,, Keep up the fantastic Job! Your net friend, Ron

Lisa - 08/01/98 00:38:39
My Email:MotherO1@aol.com
Location: Chicago Burb
How I found your Home Page: from Nette's NetPage
very pretty page! glad i got to view it :)

Renate Gardner - 07/31/98 18:12:09
My Email:Oma1ren
Location: Payson, Utah
How I found your Home Page: Reveral by Silvia

Abuela12 - 07/21/98 19:10:07
My Email:abuela12@aol.com
Location: Calif.
How I found your Home Page: thru newsletter
I LOVE Buddy the Dog because I have a Buddy the Dog and he is wonderful. Please please please when you write the next part on herding let me know. Cant wait to share this story with my hubby and son cause they love our Buddy Too. He herds us around he yard all the time. lol Great Page!

Bosse - 07/18/98 14:14:02
My URL:http://hem1.passagen.se/bopa5690/index.htm
My Email:bo.p@iname.com
Location: Malmö Sweden
How I found your Home Page: Bill Gates told me.
Hi. Great site you have here. I really enjoyed my visit. Keep up the great work. Have a great day and take care. Bosse (from sweden).

amy - 07/18/98 07:50:31
My Email:wicaa@aol
Location: hawaii
How I found your Home Page: anngell888
Ilove the music it is so relaxing

Brenda (aka Mystic) - 07/18/98 06:20:23
My URL:http://www.evansville.net/~mystic
My Email:mystic@evansville.net
Location: Indiana
How I found your Home Page: Better sit down...It's a long, long story...
Just dropping by to say 'hi'...Really nice site, great poetry. We have a lot in common. My husband's in the military, I'm a Gemini, have blue eyes, brown hair, and I'm about 5'4". :) It looks like your Buddy might have some Rottweiler in him; his markings are like that of a Rottie..just different colors. Thanks for signing my GB and for the kind words left in it. Please visit again sometime. ~PEACE...Pass it on!~ Brenda (aka Mystic)

*Free For All Link Page (add link 'automatically'), Free Graphics,...More! Please visit.*

Allison - 07/17/98 02:57:38
My URL:http://www.ootw.com
Location: NJ
How I found your Home Page: another guestbook
I enjoyed my visit to your site

Gishine - 07/15/98 17:55:53
My Email:Gishine@aol.com
I really enjoyed your home page it was really peaceful and nice you did a wonderful job.

Lost Dog & Wife JudyLOL - 07/07/98 02:51:44
My Email:jhamt@aye.net
Location: Indiana USA
How I found your Home Page: You invited us
Cool page Judy. Nice name too I have the same one, LOL Gonna go see more.

Jock - 07/07/98 02:01:26
My Email:defiantx18.aol.com
Location: daheim
How I found your Home Page: good fortune

Kara Townsend - 07/03/98 02:54:21
My URL:http://www.dynamicSex.com
My Email:dwebmistress@yahoo.com

Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you!

Janet aka Tabitha281 - 07/01/98 18:13:32
My URL:http://members.aol.com/Tabitha281/index.html
My Email:jlow@mailcity.com or Tabitha281@aol.com
Location: Tx
How I found your Home Page: From you visiting mine :-)
Your doing a great job on your page, keep up the great work. Janet aka Tabitha281

Heidi - 06/26/98 04:53:14
My URL:http://members.aol.com/WildTeasel/index.html
My Email:WildTeasel@aol.com
Location: Southern California
How I found your Home Page: You found mine first : )
Thank you for taking the time to visit my page ,, Your page is beautiful. I am impressed. : )

Jimmy - 06/25/98 03:56:51
My Email:JFSTR57@AOL.com
Location: Illinois
How I found your Home Page: from OldrNWyzer
great site keep up the good work ,i'll check back often.

Andy aka Eagle_Wings on IRC - 06/22/98 00:56:33
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Pier/8918
My Email:asavelle@graceba.net
How I found your Home Page: a visit from you to my page ... Thank you :-))
GREAT!! site. Very unique way of making the visitor feel welcomed :-)). Great poems and links can't wait to see the updates to your page. It will be a pleasure to add your site to my Bookmarks.. can count on me returning very often :-)). Keep up the ANTASTIC work!!!!!

Joe - 06/15/98 04:20:51
My URL:http://www.alpirsbach.netsurf.de/twister/germany.htm
My Email:twister@freudenstadt.netsurf.de
Location: Germany
How I found your Home Page: There was a little GB ...
My Comment in German language ( better grammatic ). Kurzes Hallo nach Michigan. Habe Deine HP über ein Guestbook gefunden und mit Interesse durchreist. Bei mir selbst sieht es etwas ähnlich aus wie bei Dir, nur sind meine Eltern beide US. Ich lebe bereits seit klein auf in Mary´s old Germany, bin aber ein waschechter Michigander mit Ursprungslocation in der Upper Peninsula. Mein english ist vom sprechen her perfect, aber meine Rechtschreibung ( Horror ). Du hast das Umziehen bereits hinter Dir, auf uns kommt das Theater nächsten Sommer zu. Geplant ist zwischen Juni und August ( Moskito season ). Es grüßt Dich und Anhang aus dem Black Forest Joe ( original yooper ) und Renate ( german girl )

Martha - 06/14/98 20:20:08
My URL:http://www.gianni.net/martha/martha.htm
My Email:martha@gianni.net
Location: Brasil
How I found your Home Page: thanks you sent it to me
You have a very nice homepage Judy. I am glad to see it. The Monet is wonderful and it's so nice to visit your web... thanks...obrigada... greetings from Brasil.

Jocelin Borisow - 06/13/98 03:56:24
My Email:jebsb@hotmail.com
Location: NJ
How I found your Home Page: MPN-ICQ
Cute page. Where did you get the counter? I like it!

Brigitte - 06/08/98 20:47:16
My Email:Kranzerl@aol.com
Location: Texas
How I found your Home Page: (~_*)
Hey Judy I really love your homepage Girl keep the good work up Your Friend Brigitte

Sorcsia - 06/08/98 13:31:34
My URL:http://www.glassblocked.com/Magick.html
My Email:Sorcsia@aol.com
Location: Michigan
How I found your Home Page: Just Lucky
Your site is charming. You have a special way with words and your love of life comes through on the pages you write. Love and Light to you and yours.

MoonMother - 06/04/98 23:22:27
My URL:http://www.serve.com/moonmother/
My Email:moonmother@juno.com
Location: Dandridge, TN
How I found your Home Page: heard the music of Jim Croce
Hello Saille, Delightfull page. I love your poetry and everything, music, graphics. It feels warm and inviting to be here. Thank you. Wishing you love and Light always........MoonMother

mary - 06/03/98 21:48:58
My Email:nutzmom
Location: angela
How I found your Home Page: you sent it to me
good job i love it !!!!!!!!!

BubbaDucky - 06/03/98 13:43:41
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Alley/9794
My Email:BubbaDucky@hotmail.com
How I found your Home Page: Directions from a friend
This is a nice place you have here. I'd say that you're learning how to build web pages pretty well. Keep up the good work and I'll keep checking back to see how you're doing.

Eva M. Poulos - 06/02/98 19:22:47
My Email:E4Eva98@aol.com
How I found your Home Page: you told Me!!!!!!!!!
it is so cute!!!!!!!!;-)

Snoozzin - 06/01/98 23:17:48
My URL:http://members.aol.com/snoozzin/index.html
My Email:snoozzin@aol.com
Location: Hamburg, New York
How I found your Home Page: A birdie told me :)
Love your page. You are doing a teriffic job. Just look how far you have come. Keep up the good work !!! Your new page looks great .... May All Your Dreams And Wishes Come True !! Snoozzin

Stuart - 06/01/98 22:45:53
My URL:http://www.btinternet.com/~stupot2
My Email:stupot2@btinternet.com
Location: Liverpool, England..... Like!
How I found your Home Page: Another guestbook, Sarah's!
I love the site! It's cool, cool, cool hip and groovy! I just hope you enjoy my site as much as I enjoyed yours! Not that that would be a hint to visit my site; Oh no! Anyway, I love it once more for luck. See ya, Stu!

Jim - 06/01/98 13:00:54
My Email:db4321@aol.com
Location: Utah
How I found your Home Page: from "beyond"
It's really nice

OakWyse - 05/31/98 11:08:01
My URL:http://members.aol.com/OakWyse
My Email:OakWyse@aol.com
Location: NY
How I found your Home Page: Your entry in my guestbook
Willow Whisper, Merry Meet! You have a beautiful site, and we have much in common. I loved the poems, especially "To Be Witch". Peace to you, my friend! Love, OakWyse

Dave - 05/30/98 03:45:39
My Email:Bud1@bigfoot.com
Location: MI
How I found your Home Page: Tim
I like your background...

Tim Beach - 05/30/98 03:39:17
My Email:Panman410@aol.com
Location: You know.
How I found your Home Page: You know this too.
Have I told you how much I love purple?

Sylviaanngell888@AOL.com - 05/30/98 02:45:41
My Email:anngell888@AOL.com
Location: Sacramento
How I found your Home Page: you told me to..LOL
Love ths ound...haven't checked the other stuff yet..LOL...will do it right now, though.. Love ya Sylvia

Winddancer Greenlake - 05/29/98 14:54:56
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~stein_zeit/winddancer/wicca_index.htm
My Email:winddancer@spektracom.de
Location: Bayreuth, Germany
How I found your Home Page: durch Deinen Eintrag in mein Gaestebuch
Liebe Saille - liebe Judy! Hab vielen Dank fuer Deinen Eintrag in mein Hexenbuch. Nur so konnte ich auf Deine Homepage kommen, die mir sehr gut gefaellt. Sie zeigt mir, dass Du ein Mensch bist, der viel mit dem Herzen denkt. Fuer Deinen weiteren Weg wuens he ich Dir Mondlicht und sanfte Brisen! Deine Winddancer

Essence - 05/24/98 08:19:24
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/soho/lofts/6869
My Email:GypsyRose_@hotmail.com
Location: Arizona
How I found your Home Page: A link off of someones guestbook
What a lovely page :) The stories and poems were my favorite part. Many blessings to you!

Sister Ulv - 05/23/98 20:11:54
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/tn/wolfchild/index.html
My Email:CalloftheWild@bigfoot.com
Location: So.California
How I found your Home Page: In Annie's guestbook
I feel your energy here and your lust for life. And I have to admitt that the telling of your dragons adoption made me smile. I too have a small dragon. She is my "woobie" and her name is Calli. *G* I hope you get a chance to visit me. Bright Blessings, S s

Anita & Terry - 05/23/98 15:05:50
My Email:Heidifido@aol.com
Location: Belleville/MI
How I found your Home Page: you told me :)
Liebe Judy Das ist aber eine tolle Homepage!!! Wuenschte ich haette soviel Talent wie Du mit dem Computer :( . Werde diese Homepage an meine Freunde weiter schicken, gelle das ist doch OK mit dir? Love Anita

wgb_2 - 05/19/98 17:46:33
My URL:/Eureka/Plaza/3356
My Email:wbeck3@yahoo.com
Location: CA
How I found your Home Page: You signed my guestbook
Hi. Nice page. I enjoyed my visit. Great poems! Thanks for the nice things you said about my page.

Marla - 05/18/98 22:58:30
My Email:stewartm@nqks.com
Location: Kansas
How I found your Home Page: You shared it with me.
My hat is off to you, Judy. You have done a wonderful job. I even had time to visit a couple of the links and enjoyed them. I'll be back soon to take another look. Have fun!

The Immortalmage - 05/18/98 03:00:30
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Dimension/8263
My Email:immortalmage@hotmail.com
Location: The Tower
How I found your Home Page: You signed my guestbook
I just want to say that you have a really nice site and I'll be back soon. :) Thanks also for the nice things in my guestbook. Eldekaar blushed. :)

SUSANNE - 05/17/98 21:15:27
My URL:http://members.aol.com/snoozzin/index.html
My Email:snoozzin@aol.com
Location: New York
How I found your Home Page: You told me
I just love your page. You are doing so well. Keep up the good work..Maybe I can figure all this out too ...someday !! God Bless snoozzin

Sam Thirouin - 05/16/98 05:05:58
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Arena/5735
My Email:thirouin@speed1.net
Location: Parkersburg,WV USA
How I found your Home Page: Link in my Jethro Tull guestbook
Pretty kewl page here... I especially like the graphics, and the poetry... Very awsome...

Angela - 05/14/98 20:15:50
My Email:Smith2355@aol.com
Location: MI
Hallo Judy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gute Arbeit mache so weiter,wir sind richting stolz auf dich. Alles Liebe Angela,Paul,Kevin and Bella

HG Picnic - 05/07/98 17:19:00
Location: germany
How I found your Home Page: zugesand
Hallo Judy,ich finde Deine Home Page wunderschön,vor allem das Lied . Ich höre es immer an wenn ich an dich denke. DU bist meine allerbeste Freundin ,hast immer einen Platz in meinen Herzen. Deinen Regina

Ralph - 05/07/98 12:59:28
My Email:mrde.grimm@t-online.de
Location: Frankfurt
How I found your Home Page: Hit me with your rhythm stick
Hi sis, Your really did a great job! Now you have to teach me, how to do it. All my love.

Tonya Cross - 05/06/98 21:33:31
My Email:Slvrmoon6@aol.com
Location: VA
How I found your Home Page: You sent it to me.
Love it!!

Geli - 04/24/98 14:08:26
My Email:Nutz in MI@aol.com
Location: i still live in your house
How I found your Home Page: i clicked on the link you sent me
Hi Mommy How are you doing? I like your page so far ,and when you are an expert in pages you can help me make my own page.....I will make one with alot of teen stuff.....well byebye..Love Ya Geli

Wtchswolf - 04/23/98 15:42:25
My Email:Wtchswolf@AOL.com
Location: Oklahoma
How I found your Home Page: you sent it to me
Bright Blessings to you, my sister, I wish you great success on your web page. I will tell and send as many of my friends here that I possibally can. May the Goddess shine Her light on your lifes path where ever it may lead you. MP L*L Your Big sister, Wtchswolf

Mickey - 04/23/98 03:38:04
My Email:Mickeyduke@aol.com
Location: Alabama
How I found your Home Page: K-Mart Nursery-little tree told me.
I have learned so much from you...about life in general and about AOL in particular. I am grateful for the heart you have shared with me, and I am looking forward to many years together to let our lives become more and more intertwined. My prayer for you is that you will walk in the Ultimate Truth, and touch everyone you come in contact with, as you have touched me. I love you.

michelle - 04/22/98 19:52:16
My Email:rdjmgb
Location: Michigan/near Judy
How I found your page: it's a secret, lol
Judy, you have done a great job! Can't wait to see how it progresses. I am glad you did it first so now you can show me how, lol...J/K of course. Really though it is great, I hope to get myself one soon! Michelle

Sylvia - 04/22/98 05:18:56
My Email:anngell888
Location: AOL
How I found your page: You and only you :-)
I'm so proud of you. I have no idae how to do this...you truly are one amazing woman .. I'm glad I got to meet you in this amazing realm of techworld...... Ich bin echt stolz auf Dich. ():-) Sylvia

Juniperjewel - 04/21/98 23:52:07
My URL:http://goecities.com/area51/shire/2401
My Email:juniperjwl@aol.com
Location: the internet
How I found your page: a little bird told me
Good luck w/ur page MOM hope it turns out very well.

Jude - 04/21/98 16:42:43
My Email:OldrNWyzer@aol.com
Location: Texas
How I found your page: WllowWhspr
Great job Judy!! I'm looking forward to coming back to see how the page progresses. :-)

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