Siobhan is a little dragon. She is only 231 years old. She came to me from the Dragon Adoption Agency. Since she has only lived with me for a day there is nearly nothing I know about her. As time goes by we will get aquainted. Be asured, that I will share with you the interesting things and wonderful moments we have together. Check in from time to time to see how it goes.

Well, Siobhan and I have been able to spend some time together now and we are beginning to trust each other enough to share some things.
Siobhan was found in a clearing up North. The only thing she remembers is waking up without her mother, who has not been seen since.
Here is a picture of the clearing.

Guess what! After taking her home, that night I heard some weird noises out in the front yard. I took a flash light and all the bravery I could muster!
Huddled under one of the huge pine trees I found what I thought to be a racoon. After a little prodding and careful poking with an old branch, all a sudden it spoke!
"Please, it pled, don't hurt me!"
Boy, oh boy, did my skin get covered in goosebumps!
This is what I saw, when I turned the beam of the flashlight on the intruder, full blast:

Now, I had just adopted a dragon, that was strange enough. But now I was beginning to wonder about my sanity. Could it be? A little blue creature, that spoke to me?
Sure enough, it picked up it's little head, looked at me with those mournful eyes and went on,
"I mean no harm, it is my friend who lives in your house now!
She was with her mother, and I, Nork saw what happend back at the clearing! You are all in great danger ~ that is why I came ~ to warn you!"

You can imagine that I was so astonished, I just didn't know what to do or say. So I decided to do the simplest thing. I sat down right next to the little guy, folded my hands in my lap and said, "Well, why don't you tell me all about it then?"
All the while I though to myself, that this could only be my imagination playing tricks on me. After all the day had been a long and tiring one.
Nork took a deep breath. In a short time he told me the most unlikely story I had ever heard.
"You have noticed, that there have been incidents in your world that are unexplainable to you......young dragons have been found, forest have been burnt down, an unusual amout of earthquakes have occured! This all is the work of Hardoragk the giant. He is the gate keeper between your world and our realm.
Only he has the crystal, that is the key to the gate. Now that he has vanished, the gate is unprotected. The beings in our realm have stumbled upon its secret location. That is how Siobhan ended here. Her mother decided to take the risk and went to explore the human world.

to be continued..........

Would you like to adopt a dragon of your own or any little pet or creature? Go here to check it out!

Adopt a Dragon Foundation

Visit some other places in the clearing from here:

MIDI on this page is THE YEW TREE by "The Battlefield Band"!
I found it at THE BARDS REST, an excellent web page with medieval music, stories and more! Thank you!

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