Some of you might wonder: " Who is this woman, anyway? Understandable! I do the same thing when I surf the net and look at home page after home page. It seems so much nicer to be able to put a face and a bit of history to each stranger. So for all you who feel the same way, this is what makes me tick!


Born:................... 1962, Gemini
In :..................... Frankfurt/M ~ Germany
Hair :.................. Dark Brown
Eyes:................... Blue
Hight:.................. 5'3"


my family, children, my friends, animals, people, sunshine, moonlight, trees, rocks, my house, the way water moves on a lake, wind chimes, long car rides, books, music, poetry, wind in my face, overgrown gardens, moss under bare feet, spring, rain on a window, ...


unfriendly people, wars, lies, money, rude smokers, tornado watches, intolerance, selfishness, harsh words, discrimination, the fact that every day plants and animals are extinct, hunger, mosquitos, empty promisses, divorce, answering machines, ...


Color: blues and greens;
Food: yams,mashed potatos and gravy;
Sound: drums, all sounds aroud trains;
Singer: Elton John; The Judds;
Group: Jethro Tull;
Song: Time In A Bottle ( Jim Croce )

Mama and Jack, Sharon and Dad,
Grandma Coletta, Patin,Mom and Papap
Ralph, Thomas and Birgit, Lydia, Andrea, Jackie, Donald,
Kelly and Keith, Dana and Steve, Lisa and Rich
Benjamin, Jim, Josh, Dorian, Alexander, Faith, Nathan
Aunt Sissy, Uncle Larry and Barbara
David and Lidia,Jerry, Michael,Larry

but most of all my own family:
my wonderful daughters Angelika, Anna and Teresa!
I love you very much!
You are in my heart every minute of the day!

I was born and raised in Germany,where I met my husband, Jock. At the time he was a PFC in the United States Army. That is when my life with the Military began. A year after our first daughter was born in 1983, we moved to Ft. Campbell, KY. Not quite 2 years after that, in 1985, a year after our second daughter's birth, my husband got a 12 month assignment to South Korea, on which I and our two daughters couldn't follow. At the time, it seemed best to go back to Germany.
We spent the next 12 years there, in the small town in which I had been raised. My husband was lucky to get assignments for the general area around that town, so we never had to move anymore. 1990, only months before the birth of our third daughter, my husband's unit participated in Desert Storm. He returned March 16th 1991, a week after our little sweety was born. You can imagine how wonderful that was for all of us!
1997, after his deployment to Bosnia, we finally made the big change. We sold our home and packed up our things including our dog Buddy and the cat Santos. Everything wrapped up and the pets in a kennel we made our way to the United States. Now we live in the Detroit area in beautiful Michigan. This country has given us a warm welcome. I am proud to be part of it now.

Thank you!

I would love to hear from you!


Thanks to the JIM CROCE ~ THE TRIBUNE PAGEI found the Time In A Bottle MIDI!

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