The Freeburg High School Band is a very busy group throughout the school year. In the Fall Football Season, they are the Marching Midgets, performing for Home Football Games with the Auxiliary Units: the Pom Pons and Color Guard (also known as Flags), as well as marching in the SIU Carbondale Homecoming among others as well as the Belleville Optimists' Santa Claus Parade in November. A few weeks later, the band performs its Christmas Concert. The Winter Concert is performed in February. Students also, at this time, will voluntarily prepare a solo or participate in an ensemble for the IHSA Solo and Ensemble Contest that is held in March along with dusting off Marching Uniforms for the St. Patrick's Day Parade in St. Louis. Paralleled with this is preparation for the IHSA State Organizational Contest for full concert band. Normally, it happens on the same weekend as the Spring Concert. At this concert, awards are presented. The director gives one member of each class a Most-Improved-Player Award. The Arion Foundation Award is given to a Senior (voted upon by that student's peers in band). Also, the director bestows the John Phillip Sousa Award to the Senior who shows exceptional leadership and talent in the area of Music. On every even numbered year, the band goes on tour to a major city or attraction in early June. The band has toured to many places such as Florida, Colorado, Boston and Canada.