Feel free to browse and download pictures!

Band Pictures

Concert Band at the 1998 Winter Concert (144 KB)

Concert Band at the 1997 Christmas Concert (37 KB)

Adam Morgan - Percussionist (33 KB)

Clarinet Section (55 KB)

Jon Lamborn - Trumpet (43 KB)


Chorus Pictures

Chorus at 1997 Christmas Concert (32 KB)

Chorus shares its recipe for Christmas Cookies (49 KB)

First Chair Quartet (22 KB)

All-State/Honors Choir Singers (including a freeburg student) (122 KB)


Stage Band Pictures

Stage Band at the 1997 Christmas Concert (49 KB)

Brass Section of the Stage Band (37 KB)

Stage Band again.... (30 KB)

Jeff McCullough - Guitar (composer of Sea of Dreams) (48 KB)

Mike Preston (r) and Jeff Danford (l) - Alto Sax (47 KB)

Color Guard/Pom Pictures

(coming soon)