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My sincere thanks to John Cheraz, Dutch Hoffmann, and historians William Styple and Brian Pohanka for their contributions to "Life Stories of Civil War Heroes."

Prior to posting this site on September 1, 1998, I scarcely had any knowledge of building Web pages. Fortunately, John Cheraz provided me with tools and guidance through the initial stages of site building. As for the contents of this site, though I have written most of the articles and essays in this collection, I am grateful to have received assistance, feedback, and contributions from valuable sources. Dutch Hoffmann has added humor to the serious subject of war with his entertaining, historically-based letters, written as if he were a Confederate cavalryman. Bill Styple has supplied text, artifacts, and images in articles pertaining to Philip Kearny. Brian Pohanka has shared not only his knowledge of the Civil War, but has contributed writings, editorial comments, images, and advice. Mr. Pohanka has encouraged me in the ongoing efforts at this site, and for all his care and work in preserving the memory of the Civil War soldier, continually serves as an inspiration.

And thank you, visitors, for participating in this Civil War experience.

Your Obedient Servant, "1st Dragoon"


My thanks to the individuals who have honored this Web site. These awards belong to the site contributors, and are dedicated to the soldiers and veterans of the Civil War. (Click on a selected image to visit the corresponding Web site.)

Civil War in Miniature Award   Civil War Interactive 4-Star Award   Civil War Site of Excellence Award   Site Excellence Award
History Television award

Not the Worst of GeoCities awardAthens Community's Pride of the Pantheon award

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