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Pages from My Civil War Journal

book, candle and spectacles

This section is dedicated to the people who lived during the Civil War. Featured here are stories, letters, and images from the lives of the men who wore the uniforms of the blue and gray, as well as information about the Presidents of the North and South. Also included in this section are stories and images from the lives of civilians who made their own significant contributions during the Civil War era.

Robert E. Lee's Letter from Savannah, March 1862
The Last Days of Abraham Lincoln
Jefferson Davis in Richmond
Ulysses Grant's Thoughts after the Surrender
Vinnie Ream: Sculpting a Name for Herself in History
General Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson: Life of a Resolute Soldier in Lexington

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Joan O'Donovan's Old Fashioned Black and White Clip Art Collection.

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