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spot Hold on to kilts folks because ABC has signed a deal to make "Outlander" into a 4 hour mini-series. It should air sometime during the 2001 season. Diana says that a script has been written but it still needs final approval from the heads of the studio, so no casting as of yet. And just to let you know, other than writting the book to begin with, Diana has nothing to do with the movie... she isn't writing the script and she definately doesn't have any input into who's cast. She is very busy writing "The Fiery Cross" and is glad not to have any of the hassles or distractions that go with a movie. Still no confirmed date on "The Fiery Cross", but I hope that maybe will see it sometime next year.


spot I'm not sure if everyone out there who love "Outlander" knows that it was first published in Britain as "Cross Stitch". Normally there aren't any differences between US and British releases but there are some subtle difference in "Outlander" and "Cross Stitch". The differences are not in plot, so don't fear. "Cross Stitch"'s only available in Britain or over the internet. I ordered through www.bookpages.com. The total price including shipping was about $20, because of the international postal rate. There are many other places to get a copy just search for British on-line bookstores.


spot If you'd like to know what Diana sounds like, you can listen to her read the introduction from "Drums of Autumn" at the Free Gallery of Author's Voices. It's free and lots of fun.

spot If you like the books try the audiotapes, released by Bantam Doubleday Dell. Geraldine James, who starred in Ghandi, does an excellent job at reading this abridgment. Ms. James with her british accent gives you a sense of what Claire would sound like, she also does all the Scottish accents--providing the reader with an idea of the pronunciation of the often read Scottish phrases, she also does great Irish and a pretty good American accent. I listen to them while I'm in my car traveling. Although they're abridged, you don't feel too cheated.

spot Recorded Books Inc offers unabridged audio books of "Outlander", "Dragonfly in Amber", "Voyager" and "Drums of Autumn". Narrated by Davina Porter, they're about 36 hours long. You can purchase the tapes for about $150 or you can rent them from Recorded Books Inc or you may be able to find them at your library.


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