Outlandish Archives


| 1998 | 1999 |


Caroline Humphrey - 11/03/00
My Email: soundexpress@supanet.com
When did you first read the series?: 1994 onwards
Which book's your favorite?: Crosstitch then Dragonfly
What's your favorite quote?: Jamie's letter to Jenny that Bree reads
Your recommendation of any like authors and/or books: I haven't found anything like them
What do you like best about this site?: I like hearing what other readers liked best
What would you like to see at this site?: A picture of all the main characters as Diana G imagines them
Comments: I've read the whole 4 books 3 times now and can't wait for the next one. The characterisations are so complete, and I like the way nobody's perfect, even georgeous Jamie. My best friend recommended Cross Stitch and now all of our family and friends are hooked!


Katrina Skinner - 10/30/00
My Email: katrina.skinner@rentworks.com
When did you first read the series?: Early 2000
Which book's your favorite?: All of them
What's your favorite quote?: Too many to choose from !
Your recommendation of any like authors and/or books: Robin Hobbs Liveship series
What do you like best about this site?: Other DG Fans
Comments: The series so far was fantastic. Never before have I been so engrossed in a book. Please please please write some more so we can re-live Clare & Jamies adventures and love story all over again. They are books you just read over and over.


Shirley Race - 10/28/00 16:58:40
My Email: shirlrace@juno.com
When did you first read the series?: just recently
Which book's your favorite?: all of them, so far.
What's your favorite quote?: every word in her books
Your recommendation of any like authors and/or books: no one like her
What do you like best about this site?: the universality of Gabaldonists
What would you like to see at this site?: can't think of anything to add
Comments: Reading DG assures me that writers are born, not made. I can see an active imagination is so necessary.....not to mention the skills acquired through years of research & writing. I am just happy to be able to read the fruits of her labors. Looking forward to the next ones.


susan andrews - 10/21/00
My Email: sandrews44095@yahoo.com
When did you first read the series?: Started 4/00 - now on #4
Which book's your favorite?: Outlander
What do you like best about this site?: that it's here!
Comments: Can't get enough of these books. I am glad to hear that there is yet another to look forward to
When I've finished Drums of Autumn. (Just started into it). I love Jamie & Clair - remind me somewhat of my husband & I in personality - but what keeps me going is the element of surprise in all of the stories. I am constantly blurting out
When something happens that I hadn't expected. My thanks to Ms. Gabaldon for making these books so addicting! I have never wanted to read this much in my life!


vicki fogue - 10/13/00
My Email: bettyboop4221@yahoo.com
When did you first read the series?: 1992
Which book's your favorite?: outlander
Your recommendation of any like authors and/or books: jude deveraux
What do you like best about this site?: i like the questions
What would you like to see at this site?: more about diana
Comments: i still wish they would make them into a movie so i could see jamie and clare on the big screen, they are alive to me. anyone who reads these books am sure agree. please let me know more of -- When another book is coming out.


Isa Jayne McClure - 10/10/00
My Email: isa@theriver.com
When did you first read the series?: May 2000
Which book's your favorite?: 1.Outlander,w/Voyager a CLOSE 2nd
What's your favorite quote?: can'tpick just one. My favorite scene is where Jamie sees Bree's photographs, and falls apart.
Your recommendation of any like authors and/or books: Jack Finney's "Time and Again"


Audrey - 10/03/00
When did you first read the series?: 1991
Which book's your favorite?: outlander


Hauck, Simone - 09/18/00
My Email: robbel@t-oneline.de
When did you first read the series?: march 2000
Which book's your favorite?: all
What do you like best about this site?: the lovestory
Comments: Please soon next 2 books. Can`t wait so long. Great books, read them in very short time. My english is very bad, because Iam german and 21 years out of school. Searching now for such a wonderfull Lovestory (with SEX) as you wrote. Best wishes from Germany -your Simone-


Corinna - 08/30/00
My Email: flodigarry1@hotmail.com
When did you first read the series?: 1995
Which book's your favorite?: Outlander/Cross Stitch/Feuer und Stein
What's your favorite quote?: eh...
Whenever there's an argument between Jamie and Claire it gets funny!
Your recommendation of any like authors and/or books: nothing like it...
Comments: Originally German, choose to live in Scotland BECAUSE of Jamie & Claire, been here since 1998 and would like to find friends!


Jessie-Jean Pustis - 08/29/00
My Email: j.pustis@charlesesmith.com


Stacy Sobocinski - 08/27/00
My Email: sds21_98@yahoo.com
When did you first read the series?: July 2000
Which book's your favorite?: I absolutely love them all!!!


paula gardner - 08/19/00
My Email: my yahoo@costcomom.com
When did you first read the series?: may 2000
Which book's your favorite?: dragonfy in amber
What's your favorite quote?: can't choose just one
What do you like best about this site?: all the news and updated info
What would you like to see at this site?: more inside info


Shirley Johnson - 08/17/00
My Email: catladyshirl@peoplepc.com
When did you first read the series?: as they came out
Comments: I have always been interested in time travel and history and this series gives me the best in both worlds


Jan Williams - 08/16/00
My Email: marthajan@hotmail.com
When did you first read the series?: 1998
Which book's your favorite?: outlander
What's your favorite quote?: suddenly it's as though I have a living flame in my arms
What do you like best about this site?: questions
What would you like to see at this site?: Pictures and music
Comments: I am amazed at your followers emotional involvement of the characters calling them real. The questions they ask of you are amazing. It seems the readers think you are their personal friend. That really is an honor to your ability to write with such intensity.


Petra Brown - 08/13/00
My Email: brucepet@execulink.com
When did you first read the series?: Started 4years ago
Which book's your favorite?: Voyageur
What's your favorite quote?: Bree -- When she tells Jamie that he is father
Your recommendation of any like authors and/or books: Jude Devereaux Knight in Shining Armour
What do you like best about this site?: Not finished it yet
What would you like to see at this site?: Can not say yet
Comments: I really hope to see Diana in Fergus this coming August. I missed her
When she came to London in 97. Keep up the great writing and like everyone else I am waiting for the next book/books.


Nadja Hartmann - 08/12/00
My Email: NAHartmann@aol.com
When did you first read the series?: know
Which book's your favorite?: Outlander


Patti Luzano - 07/24/00
My Email: PLL427@aol.com
When did you first read the series?: Just finished 1st book. Reading 2nd one now.
Which book's your favorite?: Don't know yet.
What's your favorite quote?: Don't have one.
Your recommendation of any like authors and/or books: Time travel historicals are the best
What do you like best about this site?: Haven't been through it yet.
What would you like to see at this site?: A listing of all time travel stories.


Jan Lutz - 07/16/00
My Email: heresahug@yahoo.com
When did you first read the series?: about 3 yrs ago
Which book's your favorite?: 1st "Outlander",then"Drums of Autum", but I Love them all.
What's your favorite quote?: just about anytime Jamie is being so tender with Claire
Your recommendation of any like authors and/or books: Chicken Soup For The Soul" just about all of them
What do you like best about this site?: I find it interesting and it keeps me interested until the next book comes out.
What would you like to see at this site?: that Diana is coming to Borders books in Akron, Oh
Comments: I have to agree with Diana, that it is more important to take the time to write another excellant book as I've been so dissapointed in other writers I've read thinking the stores would be good butthey don't compare with this series. Sara Donati did a good job on "Into the Wilderness" and now I know her 2nd book is out. Thanks again to Diana for providing such wonderful books that I've read and re-read.


Rebecca Owen - 07/03/00
My Email: roadreb@netscapeonline.co.uk
When did you first read the series?: I read Cross Stitch (Outlander) about 5 years ago but didn't realise there were more books in the series until last year. I re-read Cross Stitch before starting Dragonfly in Amber this March. I finished Drums f Autumn yesterday. I thought I was a fast reader but obviously not as fast as some!
Which book's your favorite?: Cross Stitch, closely followed by Voyager.
What's your favorite quote?: I'll let you know
When I've re-read all 4 books (and the next two).
Your recommendation of any like authors and/or books: I think those people who enjoyed Dragonfly should take a look at Les Miserables (and I don't mean the musical).
What do you like best about this site?: The fact that I will be able to discuss my favourite books in the same way I can discuss my favourite TV programmes.
What would you like to see at this site?: A picture of the wedding ring.
Comments: When I first read Cross Stitch I was convinced that it had been written by a British author. I was surprised to find out that DG is actually American, but it does become more obvious in the other books. The series doesn't appear to be as popular in the K as it is in the USA, but it really deserves to be. It would be nice to see DG visiting the UK. I'm sure a bit of UK TV and magazine exposure would hook a few people, but in the meantime I will do my best to spread the word. Perhaps Diana would like to do a book signing/reading at the Highland Games in Braemar? I'd love to chat to other Cross Stitch/Outlander fans. I'll be checking the website again very soon.


angie elliott - 06/22/00
My Email: aelliott@emma.buncombe.k12.nc.us
When did you first read the series?: 3 years ago
Which book's your favorite?: dragonfly in amber
What's your favorite quote?: too many to have just 1
Your recommendation of any like authors and/or books: patricia veryan
What do you like best about this site?: information about upcoming events and books
Comments: Thank you for writing such interesting books. My husband bought the first 2 books for me at Christmas 3 years ago. I had them both read by the end of January. The books went everywhere with me. He then bought the last ones this past Christmas and I am starting to read the whole series over again. I always come across somthing that I have missed the first time I read them


Michele C. - 06/20/00
When did you first read the series?: Summer 1998
Which book's your favorite?: Definitley the 1st!
What do you like best about this site?: Fun to read the comments from others and how much they enjoyed these books too!
Comments: My older sister sent me these books, once I got started, I couldn't put them down! I spent the whole summer of 1998 at the pool with my kids reading these books! I didn't want anyone to tlak to me, because I was sooo into the story! I love the way Diana weaves in history, Sci-fiction and romance into one! Now I have my other sister hooked on them, and now we are all waiting for the last two books!


Kris DeCoeur - 06/15/00
My Email: avonleagyrl@aol.com
When did you first read the series?: mid-1999
Which book's your favorite?: Outlander
What's your favorite quote?: the usual-blood of my blood
Your recommendation of any like authors and/or books: these are one and only
What do you like best about this site?: lots of info
What would you like to see at this site?: pic of her husband-THE Jamie!
Comments: Here I thought I was the only one who appreciated these books, not to mention who wanted to BE in them. Thanks so much!


Mona - 06/12/00
My Email: chaioakes@aol
When did you first read the series?: March ,2000
Which book's your favorite?: Outlander
What's your favorite quote?: There are so many wonderful parts in the novel, I cannot choose a favorite.
What do you like best about this site?: To read that others love to reread the books over and over again because I do, too.
Comments: It's wonderful to read people's reaction to the Outlander series. I personally have not been quite so affected by a work in a long time, and I am afraid previous favorites pale in comparison.


Nicole - 05/20/00
box My Email:yllana27@yahoo.com
box When did you first read D. Gabaldon's books?: When I was about 14, 4 years ago.
box Which one is your favorite?: All of them.
box Comments: This is the only series of books that are long enough for me to take more than a few days to read. They are also the only series I own because I read them so much. Hardcover, of course!


Fiona Chia - 05/16/00
box My Email:fionay@singnet.som.sg
box When did you first read D. Gabaldon's books?: In 1994 when I was pregant with my first child.
box Which one is your favorite?: The first!
box Do you have a fav. quote?: No...perhaps only the word "Sassenach".
box Comments: My younger brother was the one who introduced me to the first book in 1994 when I was overcomed with morning sickness. I was completely hooked. Reading till the wee hours of the morning and continuing thru the day where possible! When the book ended, I felt a complete loss! I just didn't want to be 'detached' from Jamie and Claire. I waited ardently for a really really long time before I could finally lay my hands on the sequel, and ditto for the other two! I'm re-reading Outlander for the fourth time. Regards, Fiona Chia - Singapore


Maureen - 05/12/00
box My Email:senders@attcanada.net
box When did you first read D. Gabaldon's books?: just 347pages into Outlander
box Which one is your favorite?: everything so far
box Comments: Absolutely amazing book, I am looking forward to reading all the rest, and as soon as I can. I never thought I would get so wrapt up Claire's life so soon. Again, Amazing!


JoAnn Reive - 05/11/00
box My Email:tinmanhere@home.com
box When did you first read D. Gabaldon's books?: roughly 4 years ago and I keep reading them.
box Which one is your favorite?: each and everyone of them
box Do you have a fav. quote?: no not really
box Comments: When is your next book coming out and what will it be called. I am looking forward to purchasing it as I have some gift certifaciates to use.


Tammy Veller - 05/10/00
box My Email:tamveller@aol.com
box When did you first read D. Gabaldon's books?: 7 months ago
box Which one is your favorite?: all
box Do you have a fav. quote?: je suit preist
box Comments: Now that I've read each book twice, all I think about is when will FC will be here. Can't wait!! Please, Pleeaaaaase Hurrrrrrryyy!


Katrina E. - 05/06/00
box When did you first read D. Gabaldon's books?: Jan. 2000
box Which one is your favorite?: Dragonfly in Amber
box Do you have a fav. quote?: How could I choose?
box Comments: I'm always looking for new stuff to read, so one of my friends lent me the Outlander series. I loved it and am even doing an English project on it!


Andrea - 05/01/00
box My Email:wildcat@nebi.com
box When did you first read D. Gabaldon's books?: Winter of 98
box Which one is your favorite?: Outlander, slightly over the rest.
box Do you have a fav. quote?: When J & C were walking from her sore arse. "Well, I didna think it right to roger you in that state however fierce I wanted to. And I did want to," he added laughing again. "Terrible strain on my natural instincts." And also," I wanted ye from the first I saw ye- but I loved ye when you wept in my arms and let me comfort you, that first time at the Loech."
box Comments: I've been a faithful reader since I was probably 10 years old. Starting with Judy Blume. But never have I wanted to re-read anything before. I just finished Outlander for the second time and caught so much more than the first time. I fell in love with Jamie and Claire all over again. I read it first 2 years ago and can't wait till the next book comes out, so I started it again. Probably will read it another time or two. I am amazed to hear that other people are now thinking in the scottish accent(sometimes talking in it too.)It is just so charming, especially if they're tall and "roy" headed like Jamie. I'm also a Nora Roberts fan and was thrilled to see on her site that she also enjoys Diana Gabaldon, so many more readers may be introduced to Jamie and Claire Fraser.


mary ann g - 04/20/00
box My Email:gallapatrick@hotmail.com
box When did you first read D. Gabaldon's books?: 7/98
box Which one is your favorite?: voyager
box Do you have a fav. quote?: sassenach, who in god'name is John Wayne. You are now go to sleep.
box Comments: i have read and re read DG's books and still can't get enough. Every time i read them i find something that i might have missed while reading so fast and so taken with the moment that it is like reading a new book every time.


bekkah - 04/14/00
box When did you first read D. Gabaldon's books?: 99
box Which one is your favorite?: it would be impossible to choose
box Do you have a fav. quote?: anything Jamie ever said to Claire
box Comments: I actually started reading Outlander because my friend said there was a lot of sex scenes and I was lonely... but then I immediately got hooked and read all the other ones in two weeks flat and have reread them again and again since. It's impossible for me to read anything else since because DG is such a great writer, she makes me feel like I'm Claire and Jamie is mine and no other book has ever done that for me. I'm going to go crazy if the other book doesn't come out soon!


annette ashton-redlin - 04/07/00
box My Email:ashtonredlin@yahoo.co.uk
box When did you first read D. Gabaldon's books?: they seem to have been with me always
box Which one is your favorite?: crosstitch-the first
box Do you have a fav. quote?: ....sassenach
box Comments: I thought I was the only one - I can't believe that there are so many people out there who feel the same about these books - I re-read them, read favourite bits and would love to be in them!


claudia - 03/23/00
box My Email:blakes@boreal.org
box When did you first read D. Gabaldon's books?: 1994
box Which one is your favorite?: tie betwix out and voy
box Comments: love the series, i can't wait for more, reread constantly, i want a jamie fraser


Diane Kane - 03/19/00
box My Email: dianebkane@aol.com
box When did you first read D. Gabaldon's books?: Around four years ago.
box Which one is your favorite?: Crosstitch
box Comments: Born and raised in Scotland (and still living here!), I can tell you that there is no fiercer critic of a book written about Scotland than the native Scot! If the written dialect was incorrect,the book would be dismissed out of hand, or worse, ridiculed. read "Crosstitch" and truly believed the author to be Scottish, or at least a Scottish enthusiast. Many thanks to DG for a wonderful story. However, sorry to disappoint many of you but, as far as I know, there are very few men like Jamie left in contemporary Scotland! Slainte!


Mindy - 03/15/00
box When did you first read D. Gabaldon's books?: Christmas 1998
box Which one is your favorite?: Outlander and Drums of Autumn
box Comments: I absolutely love all the characters. I don't mean the usually.."love what you did with character development, blah, blah, blah"...I mean I feel like I actually KNOW all the characters. I want you to know that I will be alone for the rest of my life bec use I am comparing men I meet with Jaime and none of them measure up...Thanks a lot. Anyhoo, I'm just reading the series over and over until you release the next book. PLEASE hurry up!!!!


Tammy Veller - 03/05/00
box My Email: tamveller@aol.com
box When did you first read D. Gabaldon's books?: 01-15-00
box Which one is your favorite?: Unable to choose! I love them all.
box Do you have a fav. quote?: je suit prist- (i think that's right)-I am ready.


Sunny Lamoreaux - 02/25/00
box My Email: Sunnylamoreaux@msn.com
box When did you first read D. Gabaldon's books?: I first read Outlander when it first came out--have read it many times along with all the rest, and bought the audio tapes to listen to on long road trips
box Which one is your favorite?: ALL OF THEM!!!
box Do you have a fav. quote?: Nothing comes to mind right now
box Comments: I love these books! I would like to join some chat groups, but don't know much about them, since I'm just starting to get online--I know...almost thirty and never been online--


Janet - 02/25/00
box My Email: janlsand@hotmail.com
box When did you first read D. Gabaldon's books?: 1997?
box Which one is your favorite?: Outlander & Drums of Autumn
box Do you have a fav. quote?: all the heartwrenching ones by Jamie
box Comments: I started at the end of the series by accident. I picked up DOA from a paperback rack at Wal-Mart. I never quite figured out who Fergus and Ian were or why they were in the story, but I was fascinated by Jamie & Claire and Bree & Roger. At the end of the book I found out that I had missed the first three...so went right out and bought the full set in hardback. Like everyone else, I am impatiently awaiting The Fiery Cross. I find myself scanning the DG website on a regular basis, craving the "quick fix" of a new "spoiler". What a bizarre obsession! Thank goodness I didn't know about the series from the first publication date. At least I got to read four in a row! Although I am a voracious reader, since reading the Outlander series, I find most other authors disappointing. Keep up the good work on your website. It is beautifully done.


Terrie Tipton - 02/17/00
box My Email: chelsie2@peoplepc.com
box When did you first read D. Gabaldon's books?: 4 years ago
box Which one is your favorite?: drums of autumn
box Do you have a fav. quote?: I can't narrow it down to one.
box Comments: I've been an avid reader since I was about 10. Never has any story become a part of me like the story of Jamie and Claire. I now go to highland games and listen to celtic music. The story and culture touch a place deep down within me that I call home. My favorite scene is the first time Jamie and Brianna meet. I don't know how many times I've read my books. Often I just pick one up and start reading, I know the stories so well anywhere in the book will do. I just wish all the books could be well over a 1,000 pages they're never long enough for me.


Patricia - 02/02/00
box My Email: apriva@aol.com
box When did you first read D. Gabaldon's books?: Found Outlander in the library about 2 years ago. I then went to buy it at the bookstore and, lo and behold, there were two more!
box Which one is your favorite?: Can't say. They're not books to me
they're "Experiences".
box Do you have a fav. quote?: "He was wearing the loose petticoat breeches the sailors wore, in which he could easily have concealed three or four dead mullet, let alone a fugitive firmness."
Voyager, Turtle Soup
box Comments: Glad to have found you - my friends don't understand my obsession. Funny enough, my dear husband does. (He's also amused he's become an internet widower.) Are there any NON-obsessed Oulander readers?


Raelene Liddicoat - 02/01/00
box When did you first read D. Gabaldon's books?: 1999
box Which one is your favorite?: Outlander
box Comments: Why didn't Claire and Jamie have a son Jason like in my dream. Whose skull did Claire find when she was in the present? Was is Geillis?


Melody - 01/30/00
box My Email: dinkins@icx.net
box When did you first read D. Gabaldon's books?: June 1999
box Which one is your favorite?: Voyager
box Do you have a fav. quote?: Maybe no, maybe so.
box Comments: I love these books, these characters. These stories, Jamie and Claire, Frank, Brianna and Roger, these people, are in my heart now. I have always loved to read, need it like the air we breathe, and this is wonderful. I will keep these characters with m forever.


Molly Patrick - 01/15/00
box My Email: mommyiain1@aol.com
box When did you first read D. Gabaldon's books?: September 1992
box Which one is your favorite?: all of them!!!!!!!!!
box Comments: Diana has spoiled my taste for anything else. When I want to sit down to read I only want to read these books and this story line. I can only read with no distractions, because I actually do go "Through the Stones"!!


Joelle - 01/11/00
box My Email: demijones@post.club-internet.fr
box When did you first read D. Gabaldon's books?: 1994
box Which one is your favorite?: Outlander (Le chardon et le tartan in French)
box Do you have a fav. quote?: it would be all the 4 books!
box Comments: I love these books! I have read them in French and in English and I can't wait for the next.


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