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Wilkommen, Bienvenidos, Welcome, Benvenue


Christian College "Emanuel" 

Private institute, established and recognized by the Ministry of Culture and Education in 1993, offering integrated bilingual education (Spanish - English) and christian direction in pre-school through grade school levels. 


  • To provide an integraed, with christian direction, bilingual (Spanish - English) educationwhich requires that each student: 
    • participates in his integraed education by way of active methods and tecniques 
    • contributes to the well being of family, nation and world 
    • may come to know and accept Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior  


  • To form the student educating with integrity in phisical, social and spiritual dimentions, in conformity with temporary and eternal destiny.  
  • To impart christian education based exclusively on principles in the Bible. 
  • To cultivate a healthy patriotism, based on respect and admiration of historic values.  
  • To fortify the nationalistic conscience, enriching the feelings that identify the paraguayan being, to defend and maintain the autonomy, the security and the sovereignty of the nation.  
  • To cultivate in the student a love and respect for the familiy.  
  • To cultivate in the student a moral esteem toward work, as a condition for human realization.  
  • To impart teaching in the English language so that the students will understand, read and write.  


The Christian College Emanuel was born, driven out of the necesity that existed in our surroundings for a college that offers integral christian education. It is a private institution with a christian position. 

Born in a simple way, sustained of the philosophy not to bother parents with petitions of contributions and handling itself only with the monthly payments and donations absolutly voluntary from friends of the institution, from this country as well as overseas, including parents from families that desire to do it like this, expressly in benefit of children who are in need (in form of scholarships).

The classes of christian education that are imparted to the students are strictly taken from the contents of the Bible. 

Each family will teach their child the aspects that will caracterize the christian denomination that he professes.

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