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On Islam






Towards a Better Understanding

I suspect that all of us, to one degree or other, are embarked on a lifelong search for identity, a quest for a purpose in life or a sense of fulfillment. Sometimes I believe that it is through peering into the existence of others that I succeed the best in discovering the most about myself.

- Dachi

We are all institutionalized in one form or another, locked away in our separate realities, our parochial loyalties, our fixed ways of seeing ourselves and strangers. ... ideas can open our cells. They can liberate us from prisons we have ourselves built. I seek the ideas of others for help - the diagnosis and treatment of my own isolation and the enlargement of my understanding ... coming away from each person with a wider angle of vision on the times I live in, on the issues I am expected to act upon and the choices I can make as father, husband, journalist and citizen.

- Bill Moyers

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Last modified : June 20, 1999.