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That which you have been given is but a fleeting comfort of this life. Better and more enduring is that which Allah has for those who believe and put their trust in Him; who avoid gross sins and indecencies and, when angered, are willing to forgive; who obey their Lord, attend to their prayers, and conduct their affairs by mutual consent; who bestow in alms a part of that which We have given them and, when oppressed, seek to redress their wrongs. [Al-Qur'an, Sura: 42 (Ash-Shura), Ayat: 36-39] We must understand and accept the unfortunate fact that in this age Islamic and Muslim are two adjectives with distinct meanings. Islam provides the best way to lead this life in every sphere but it is seldom applied sincerely and completely by the Muslims. Hence the misunderstandings in the minds of both Muslims and non-Muslims. The acts of certain Muslims which contradict the appeals of the conscience are not necessarily Islam. Let me tell you, that there is not a single Islamic country in the world - Muslim countries, yes, lots of them. And there are no Islamic terrorists/extremists (though, they may claim so), they are only misguided Muslims, because Islam DOES NOT sanction cruelty and inhumanness. So, before forming any opinion about Islam, study it separately, and inspite of what Muslims are unashamedly doing all over the world in the name of Islam. Maybe G.B. Shaw did this and then said something to this effect, "Islam is the best religion and Muslims are the worst followers." But he was not entirely right. There are good Muslims out there - lots of them. It's just that they happen to be the silent majority and the lousy ones make a lot of noise and get the undue attention of the media. People need to be able to take better and more informed decisions about their lives. For the sake of yourself and the humanity, know Islam, take it and
adopt it and spread it. It will save.
All the institutions and systems of modern civilization have failed
utterly in removing the misery of humanity. Although people are more
aware (but unfortunately, less informed and sometimes misinformed),
social and family life has degraded to unprecedented depths. Mankind is
crying for a saviour. And that saviour is ISLAM - for Muslims as
well as non-Muslims. So, don't shy away and be bold to choose.
The western civilization, with all its learning and wisdom, is nothing
but a blind man. No doubt, they are in search of truth, but are without
the light of true faith in one Almighty Creator which separates
Truth from Falsehood. They are like the 'Blind Men of Hindustan', who
held different parts of an elephant and claimed its likeness to
different objects, all being wrong. The west (or for that matter, all
who try to find the answer in something other than Islam) is like a
blind man tap-tapping his stick. Having true faith in Allah and
following the ideal of the Prophet of Allah, may the blessings of Allah
and peace be upon him, opens the eyes of heart and mind, and all
universe makes sense and either you find the answers to your queries or
they disappear, because they are no more relevant. You are no longer in
a haze of conflicting and confusing philosophies. Your feet are firmly
on the ground and you find meaning to your life.
You people consider this life in the world as the be-all and end-all.
For you, everything finishes when one dies. Whereas Islam maintains
that real life begins after this death. This world is only a means to
a higher end, i.e. the Hereafter. This concept changes the meaning of
everything. Then you don't indulge in this world. You only use it.
Then you can't get abused by this world.
Your civilization is making people commit suicides. They don't want to
live in a society governed by your principles and so-called 'high and
democratic virtues'. People are getting out of the most developed of
your societies. Please, come out of this hell and enter the vastness
and health and goodness of Islam. Islam brings you out from the slavery
of people and takes you to the magnanimous slavery of our one Almighty
Creator; and it takes you out from the misery and smallness of this
world to take you to the bounties and vastness of the Hereafter.
Islam first makes the society kind-hearted, concerned, aware, caring,
magnanimous, honest and loving. Only after this it puts penalties like
cutting of hands and beheadings for those elements who act against such
a society. Islamic state is a welfare state in its true sense.
For information on Islam, go to the Islamic Knowledge Page. A good Introduction to Islam is also available for the seekers. Another site on this great religion is from Ibrahim Shafi
The Islam Page.
Huma's Mamalist: A Depository of Islamic Links Islamicity in Cyberspace: A Must See Site The Noble Qur'an: All about the Holy Book |
© 1998-1999 Khalid Shuja. All rights reserved. Last modified : June 20, 1999. |