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On Islam






White lights sparkle in the night
Intricate patterns of hopes and dreams
Reminding me of the possibilities
To cling to my future like vines
Entwined into my very essence.
I cannot choose to surrender
I must continue to fight
Until I too can shine
Like the sparkles in the night.

It was only an hopeless fancy,
It passed like an April day,
But a look and a word and the dreams they stirred
They have stolen my heart away!
They say that time heals all things,
They say you can always forget;
But the smiles and the tears across the years
They twist my heartstrings yet!

- George Orwell

Nature wants only life, no matter how or what
She only operates with large amounts
And paints us as she likes, either big
Or just an empty zero, as she counts
Past and gone!

- Halm

The truth exists for the wise,
Beauty for a feeling heart!
They belong to one another.

- Beethoven

Spring came to life, so blooming so fair,
Alas! it found her no longer there;
Moments of joy, and ages of sorrow
Are the fate of the lovely, today and tomorrow.

- Beethoven

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Last modified : June 20, 1999.