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On Islam






I Burried Us Today

I burried us today
Picked up the shattered pieces
Of our lives
And safely tucked them away.
Somewhere in my life I learned
That love was bad and hurt.
But, for one brief glimmering instant
I tasted the sweetness
Savored it,
As it devoured my soul
I felt the warmth and glory
That comes with finally finding that which you never had.

And for that tender moment of time
You filled me with the richness of your essence - the magic of your soul.
I burried us today
In my feeble attempt
To find some semblance of reality.
Some hope for the future,
Some glimpses of something
Far greater
Waiting to sweep in
And fill the chasm
Created by the death of us.
I refuse to believe
That love has to end in death
In pain
In tears.
I have tasted its glory
When our souls danced
Their slow rhythmic dance
To the beat of our merging hearts.
I burried us today
In a sweet ritualistic notion
That somehow
This would make it better.
Ease the pain;
somehow resurrect us;
Renew the moments;
refresh your heart.
It was a glorious ceremony.
I felt the warmth of your kisses on my cheeks
Only to realize that it was merely slow sweet tears of
The kind that drift slowly down your cheeks
'Til they kiss your heart
And warm your soul.

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Last modified : June 20, 1999.