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The Provincial Forum
Necropolis Museum




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  Heritage of the World



Two thousand five hundred years of history, of mixing of cultures and continuous human habitation, have made of Tarragona, a city with an extremely rich heritage. From the Iberian culture, with the settlement called Kesse, to the omnipresent roman culture of the imperial Tarraco; from the visigothic presence to the refined Moslem civilization; from the Christian culture with its roots in the persecutions of the 2nd century with its first martyrs Saint Fructuoso, bishop of Tarragona and his deacons Augurio and Eulogio, to the medieval Tarragona, with the magnificent romanic-gothic cathedral. These are our complex and extensive roots. Our commitment as representatives of the citizens of the modern and industrial Tarragona of the end of the millenium, is not only to make possible their economical well being, but also to make evident their historical past and to preserve their heritage as part of the universal culture. This cultural heritage must be seen not only from a nostalgic and romantic perspective, but also as a basic element of the life values of the citizens of Tarragona and all humanity.

This is why I am now asking for your support to our application to UNESCO for Tarragona to be declared Heritage of the World. This support will constitute a further motivation to continue in our city’s long tradition of preservation and diffusion of its legacy.

Thank you.


Joan Miquel Nadal I Male

Mayor of Tarragona

To give your vote in favor, click on the book and fill in the form.

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