Home Page - "Tarraco Virtual"
Bera's Arch
The Mercantil Forum
Amphitheatre Roman
The Roman Aqueduct - "The Devil's Bridge"
The Roman Walls
The Scipio's Tower
Culture and Tourism
Roman Circus
The Provincial Forum
Necropolis Museum

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It is built between the Roman Walls and the wall built in the XVIII century during the Succession War, and it allows the passerby to see a beautiful of the city of Tarragona and also of the Camp de Mart.
The Roman Wall, was built in the III century B.C. with a giantic base formed by big stone blocks with some doors. These doors have been moved with the time such as the Roser's doorway or Sant Antoni's doorway which were built in the XVIII century. These doors connect this part of the city with the old part of the city.


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The original Roman Wall structure has been modified through the ages by the buildings made nearby. During the last years some measures have been adopted in order to preserve the Roman Wall because enviromental conditions such as pollution, humidity, etc., were endangering it.


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