


Welcome to my Family Page!

I am married to Bernadette "Dawn" Brown.
We were married on the
in 1962 in Pinetown, South Africa.

We have four children three daughters and a son.
We have been blessed with six Grand-children.
Three grand-daughters and three grand-sons.

Our eldest is a daughter Charmaine who was born in Johannesburg, South Africa.
Charmaine married Steven Porter in August 1982.
They have only one child a daughter, my grand-daughter Stacey Porter.
Charmaine and her family live in England.

Our second eldest is also a daughter Catherine who was also born in Johannesburg, South Africa.
Catherine first married Michael Ware and they have two children a daughter and a son.
My grand-children Samantha and Gregory Ware.
After divorcing Michael, Catherine lived with Gavin McFadyen and they also have two children a son and a dughter.
My grandchildren Jason and Jessica McFadyen.
Catherine and her family live in South Africa.

Our third child and only son is Harold who was born on in Johannesburg, South Africa.
Harold is married to Vanessa Griessel
They have one son my grand-son Rian Kubannek.
Harold and his family live in the USA.

Our fourth and youngest child is Sandra who was born in Johannesburg, South Africa.
Sandra lives with her boyfriend Dustin and is not yet married.
She celebrated her 21st birthday in August 1998.



Divine LoveDivine Love




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