Divine Love


  Before the world was or the dust of the world was, an Almighty Power with Almighty Energy being the source of, all CREATION, LIFE AND DIVINE LOVE that is, REASONING WITH UNDERSTANDING REALITY RIGHTEOUSNESS COMPASSION MERCY KINDNESS TOLERABLE PATIENT CONSIDERATION FORGIVING PARDON ORDER AND PEACE. This is the Divine Love of the Almighty Creator who created all things and is the one and only one, who perpetuated all creation to be in existence. 

  The first priority of the Almighty Creator of life and creation is to have no other one or image before the Almighty Creator.

  The second priority is for mankind to use divine love towards each other and all creation.

  Divine Love is conterminous with the laws of life that governs mankind. It can only exist in a mind of purity to give a perception to true understanding of reality and give mankind righteousness, emotional and physical health, to prolong their days in peace. Those that find this Love  have found more than money or gold. They will have found peace with them self and others. A stronger will to love the Almighty Creator with body mind and soul, also love their fellow mankind and all creation. That even when doing the most insignificant things will be aware of the Almighty at all times.

  It is important to know ones self and then to analyze one's self and find any weakness or bad habits that will cause, any form of destruction against: Divine Love,  and one's self, or others. Then by changing from all destruction it will be the beginning of finding Divine Love.

  Doing destruction or accepting the will to do destruction is one of the many ways of being against Divine Love. All those that are against the laws of life are against their own life and the life of all creation

  This pure Love is unable to exist with destruction. By loathing destruction mankind will want life. By being against Divine Love it will be a vice to mankind, that will cause acts of destruction to bring death to their fellow mankind and their own destruction.







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