Links, and more thoughts

The following are some site resources I've found on the Web regarding grief, death, suicide, and loss. In truth, there needs to be many more good sites about Surviving Suicide. But the links I've provided below are ones that I frequent and feel should be emphasized as "must-visits". Excellent site links to Suicide, Grief, Loss, and After-Death studies:

The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, and 1000 Deaths, both excellent sites. Click on icons to visit.

Amban's homepage is a haven; is the same.

The Paranormal network researches what I consider to be the normal; the booklink is a list I've made for grief and loss.

Both these sites offer extensive support and resources for grief of any kind.

On the left, an excellent Suicide Support site, on the right, Bruce Moen's fascinating Afterlife Knowledge site.

Another "home" for those of us dealing with PTSD, grief, loss, suicide, depression...etc. I've found it to be yet another haven.

*#Suicide: mIRC discussion group.* mIRC is an excellent relay chat program, *downloadable for free here.*
*Suicide Education & Support Group*
*Alt.suicide holiday page.*
*Chris Dransfeldt's suicide help page*.
*Depression and Suicide.*
*Dr. Grohol's Suicide Helpline.*
*Haveaheart's Depression and Suicide Home.*
*PBS's Living With Suicide*.This particular site has a section of writings from Survivors. Highly recommended.
*San Francisco Suicide Prevention.*
*24 Hour Support*
*Shaka Foundation for Youth* 24 Hour assistance for youth in need worldwide.
*South Dakota Crisis Hotline*. This link has been updated (11/2/98)
*Melancholic Side of the Moon* About Gay teen suicide, with personal testimonies.
*Songs of The Phoenix*
*Reach Out: for young people going through rough times.* Highly recommended site for teens struggling with life and depression.
*Living After The Death of a Loved One .*
*"My Suicide Report"*(this is not authored by me)
*Crisis Services.*
*Suicide Info & Links*
* 1000Deaths & S.O.L.O.S. Listserver*
*Chuck Harding's Survivors of Suicide Web Ring.*
*SOS of Austin, TX*Austin Phone number: 472-4357. This site sponsored by Hotline to Help
*Survivors of Suicide*Until recently, not enough has been said about the survivors of suicide...
*Suicide Survivor Mailing List* Send email and in body of message insert "subscribe: suicide-survivors", and your name.
*Seattle and King County SOS* Telephone: 206-461-3210.
*After Suicide*of Massachusetts, cofounded by Victoria Alexander, author of In The Wake of Suicide.
*Suicide & Depressive Illness* Excellent site.
*Suicide Myths*

Tributes have moved to its own separate page sadly, due to all the SOLOS tribute sites out there.

Now What? How can I move into the future knowing he's not here anymore?

These questions are a part of me every day. Every moment I am aware that he is gone, that he is still here, but that he is gone from this life forever as we know it. This brings me great pain. Beyond words. I try and have faith in the fact that I know he lives on, just in a different way now than he did here. But many times these thoughts only make it more complicated and painful. I try to visualize that our lives are such a small part of such a huge scheme, and that milenniums and universes and stars surround us and have forever and will forever. And to think of the great importance of our small lives even in the vastness of everything, of eternity, makes me feel both relief and great despair, knowing both that Michael had more to do here as his unique self but also knowing that he is living on and our love does, too. And that I will be with him again, not so long from now in the scheme of things.The future is now, and yet in the wake of Michaels' suicide and "death", I feel for the first time that I don't need to be a huge part of that future. At least for now. I need to slow down, and the world is going to have to let me. I don't like the way our society handles grief, death, depression, and loss (not to mention aging). I know I am not alone in feeling this. I do know that if I don't slow down, I might be on the other side sooner than I think. I can't listen to society anymore. There is no schedule for grief. And it's only been six months since Michael has been gone. I want to live my life as a tribute to him. I want to feel him smiling at me, and to know that if he were here in the physical he'd be right by my side. I don't know how I'm going to live this life with him not here. But I have to. I still have things I need to do, to give. And when I see Michael again, we will pick up where we left off, and our love will extend into timelessness.

I Love You, Eternally, my sweetheart, Michael David Williams. I Miss You So Much. And I Forgive You. I Really Forgive You.
Your Girl, Molly




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