Highly Recommended Suicide, Loss, and Grief Books
The books below also cover aspects of life beyond life, ADC communication, angels, suicide prevention, and how to grieve, mourn and see light in the dark hole that seems endless. I hope you will find some peace, relief, and solace as a result of finding a book in my collection that helps.
In association with amazon.com, I offer you the top books that I have come across that have helped me to find some light in this darkness. Just click on the book cover image or title to go directly to amazon.com for reviews, author interviews, and simple and very safe online ordering information.
The Rooms of Heaven by Mary Allen. This book has taken my #1 to-read for 1999. Mary's book dares to combine the kind of insight that many of us in this society are afraid to face when it comes to death; much less the death of a kindred soul to suicide. She, as I, lost her soul companion in the midst of a life that could not hold them from finding some escape from a solitude that was too loud. Mary, thank you for giving this to us, for sharing this.
No Time To Say Goodbye by Carla Fine.
Stephen Lives! by Anne Puryear.
- A Special Scar: The Experience of People Bereaved By Suicide by Alison Wertheimer.
- For Women Who Grieve: Embracing Life After the Death of Your Partner by Tangea Tansley.
- My Son...My Son: A Guide To Healing After Death, Loss, or Suicide by Iris Bolton.
Healing After The Suicide of A Loved One by Ann Smolin and John Guinan.
- Time Remembered: A Journal For Survivors by Earl A. Grollman.
- Companion Through The Darkness: Inner Dialogues on Grief by Stephanie Ericsson.
- A Time To Grieve: Meditations for Healing After The Death Of A Loved One by Carol Staudacher.
- Losing A Parent: Passage To A New Way Of Living by Alexandra Kennedy.
The Messengers: A True Story Of Angelic Presence And The Return To The Age of Miracles by Julia Ingram and G.W. Hardin.
By The River Piedra I Sat Down And Wept by Paulo Coelho.
In The Wake of Suicide by Victoria G. Alexander.
- Why Me? Why This? Why Now? by Robin Norwood. I am currently reading this, and it is excellent. It discusses how we can face unbearable adversity in life.
- Suddenly Single: A Lifeline For Anyone Who Has Lost A Love by Hal and Susan Larson.
The Wheel of Life by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross.
- Working It Through: An Elisabeth Kubler-Ross Workshop on Life, Death, and Transition by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross.
- Why We Live After Death by Richard Steinpach.
Or Not To Be: A Collection of Suicide Notes by Marc Etkind.
- The Other Victims of Suicide by Sharon Craft.
Death, The Final Stage of Growth by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross.
- Life After Life by Raymond Moody.
- Suicide Survivors Handbook: A Guide To The Bereaved And Those Who Wish To Help Them by Trudy Carlso.
Waking Up, Alive: The Descent, The Suicide Attempt, and The Return To Life by Richard Heckler.
- Waking Up, Alive: Life Lessons from Survivors of Suicide Attempts by Richard Heckler. Audio cassette.
- Silent Grief: Living In The Wake Of Suicide by Christopher Lukas and Henry Seiden.
Hello From Heaven! by Bill & Judy Guggenheim.
George Anderson's Conversations With The Other Side.
A Mother's Story by Gloria Vanderbilt.
Man's Search For Meaning by Viktor Frankl.
The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran.
Touched With Fire: Manic Depressive Illness and The Artistic Temperament by Kay Redfield Jamison.
My Garden Visits by Justin Matott.
- Life After Suicide: A Ray of Hope For Those Left Behind by E. Betsy Ross.
Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman.
- The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield.
Why Suicide: Answers to 200 of the Most Frequently Asked Questions About Suicide, Attempted Suicide, and Assisted Suicide by Eric Marcus.
- Light Beyond The Darkness: The Healing of A Suicide Across the Threshold of Death by Dore Deverell.
- A Slender Thread by Diane Ackerman.
- When Living Hurts by Sol Gordon.
- Step Back From The Exit: 45 Reasons To Say No To Suicide by Jillayne Arena.
The Courage To Grieve by Judy Tatelbaum.
I Remember You: A Grief Journal by Laynee Wild.
Remembering With Love: Messages of Hope for the First Year of Grieving And Beyond by Elizabeth Levang and Sherokee Ilse.
- After A Suicide: Young People Speak Up by Susan Kuklin.
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Dedicated To My Love: Michael David Williams, and to all Survivors of Suicide.

This page last updated March 11, 1998