Michael's friends in Heaven

Sites of fellow SOLOS tributes:

(click on name to go to site)

Ali Patrick, 13
Adrian Lee Shipley, 21
Angela, 16
Angela, 21
Arlyn Maria Beal, 18
 Arron, 13
 Beau Carter Beasley, 12
 Becky Dagley, 33
 Ben, 14
 Ben Murdock, 16
 Bill Clayton, 17
 Bill, 25
 Blake Hansen, 19
 Bobby, 31
 Brett, 43
 Donald Butch Thomas Schuntz, Jr., 24
 Butch, 38
 Cami, 27
 Carl, 35
 Chad Pospeshil, 17
 Chris Harding, 17
 Chris Wilson, 18
 Dana Paul Brown, 38
 Daniel Danny Triplett, 14
 Daniel Danny McKay, 28
 David, 17
 David Martin Pomeroy, 21
 David Casner, 25
 Major Maxwell Dean King, 43
 Dell Doyle, 32
 Gavin Beem, 20
 Geoffrey A. Anderson, 20
 Hugh Hisashi Blowers, 17
 James, 21
 Janet, 25
 Jason Richard Wheeler Clark, 19
 Jason Ross Lenhart, 21
 Jay McGinnis, Jr., 29
 Jeffrey Allyn Miller, 17
 Jeffrey Jeff T. Pugmire, 24
 Jennifer Lynn Marcoux, 17
 Jeri Lynn, 16
 Jimmy, 27
 John, 42
 Jon, 21
 Jonathan Swinson, 17
 Julie Marie Tillery, 13
 June, 41
 Kathleen Ellen Hoffner, 34
 Kenny, 42
 Kevin O'Brien, 35
 Kristen Jenkinson, 12
 Larry, 41
 Luke Copeland, 16
 Mackey Feary, 43
 Mark Paul Adams, 17
 Mark Baker
 J. Mark Stevens, 36
 Michael, 20
 Michal Marom, 17
 Phillip Matthew Prosser
 Rafe Wilkerson, 29
 Raymond, 16
 Rick, 28
 Ricky Bingham, 18
 Robert, 25
 Roseann, 44
 Rusty, 29
 Shane Edgar Kuhn, 22
 Shane Presley Farr, 27
 Shane, 38
 Shari, 16
 Stephen Carson, 27
 Stephen Nyle Aldridge, 22
 Steven A. Cargal
 Tom, 45
 Tom, 46 
 Trevor H. Eggleston, 19
 Trevor Ian Smith, 15
 Tristan Edward Harrison-Barbet, 27
 Tyler Gerrit Edward Boonstra, 13
 Vern David Terry, 29
 Wendy Lynn Throop Sunderlin, 19

My Son Jimmie, A Dedication

Paul Mason

Marcus Bowman

Katja Christina Faust

Christopher N. Carter

Our Friend Joe

All the following are beheld in loving memory at  Parents of Suicides :

Aaron McCormick, 26
Allen D. Boring, Jr., 32
Charles "Brandon" Roberson, 16
Brian Scott Davis, 20
Brian Hearn Poole, 24
Cherie, 24
Christopher Michael Tyni, 15
Claude John Burleson, Jr., 40
Cody David Bradley, 18
Connor Benton Craig, 20
Craig Stewart Tolley, 15
Daniel J. Kennedy, 16
Geoffrey Tanses, 20
Jonah James Galbraith, 28
Justin, 17
Kevin Eugene Rhodes, 19
Misha Linn Singleton-Monce, 24
Scott, 19
Sean Jeffrey Milligan, 29
Terri, 25
Trena Lee Grimmett, 16

special thanks to Christine Smith and all her work as founder of  1000deaths , creator of the above list and SOLOS member herself (Trevor Ian Smith).

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1997-1999; molly r. leach; always for michael d. williams---

all credit for this page goes to christine smith, forever in memory of trev---