Dear God, Great Spirit, and all the Angels, I pray to you tonight on behalf of Michael David Williams, and also for all the families and loved ones affected by suicide.

I pray that Michael is at peace. I pray that he is surrounded by white light and has the endurance of insight and sees the beauty that always was within. I pray that all those who have taken their own life have peace, and are able to help comfort their loved ones by coming through to them like Michael has to me, to show that life continues beyond this one.

I pray that where there is struggle, a hand reaches out, and fills the heart.

I pray that when there is serious depression, isolation becomes comfort in knowing one is not alone.

I pray that when there seems no hope, that a great effort be made to reach out.

I pray that when the night seems endless, the morning star will make a point of shining bright.

And in all this confusion and pain, I pray that one day I will know the answers to these tests, and that I might be able to share my spirit and life with Michael on the same plane again. I pray that I might be able to fulfill all that I am meant to while here, and thank the Lord and Great Spirit for giving me time with Michael and for the gift of life, so delicate, so transitory, so true.

Thank you, God, for all you have given me. Thank you for sharing with me so many of your gifts. Thank you for the gift of Michael David Williams. I can only hope that my life in its remaining years will create joy in the heart of all those I love, and even those who do not know me, because of the goodness within. I am forever thankful. Bless Michael, and keep him in solitude and grace. Let him be without doubt that we shall never be apart. And continue to keep the door open for him to share with me his new life.

Bless all those who left too soon. And bless their families, for I know too well the pain.

Thank you. Amen.

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