Vocational Education
Telecommunications Project
A joint project of the English School Boards in Quebec, Canada.
June 2, 1998
Vocational Education Telecommunications Project
As a joint project of school boards offering vocational education in the English language in Quebec, Canada in in conjunction with the Ministry of Education of Quebec a project was launched to utilize the internet and email systems to support vocational education teachers across the province. The primary objective of this project is to provide opportunities to teachers to have access to a greater source of information and to be able to exchange with other teachers that are teaching in the same discipline or within the same field of application.
The initial work is being coordinated by a project organizational team under the leadership of representative of the Ministry of Education. Initially, the project commenced with six school boards and hopefully will expand to regroup all school boards offering vocational education in English.
Prior to embarking upon individual and joint school board projects, a series or work-meetings have been held to develop guidelines, objectives, and operational models to pursue a successful integration of the technology into each Adult & Vocational Education Center. To facilitate this operation, a series of in-service sessions have also been organized on the use of the internet as a teaching/learning tool and the facilitating of communication between centers and individual teachers through the use of email.
The Organizing Committee
Noel, Barbara , Irene
Paul , Harriet
From a different perspective
while waiting for this page to be reconstructed.
The tellecommunications project, as it enters into its second year and while continuing to be coordinated by a working team, has taken on an animator to support the continuation of linking the school boards and their expertise across the province.
This project, receives the bulk of its funding in conjunction with special funding provided for the in-servicing of vocational education teachers. This is a jointly funded project through Federal transfer payments to the Province for the provision of minority language educational support. In this case, English being the minority in Quebec.
In conjunction with the project, it is expected that more adult and vocational education centers will be equipped to embark on tellecomunication linking with grant funding that is being provided by the Ministry of Education of Quebec to ensure technological advancement and support to education through computerized communication.
1997-1998 Project
With a new complement of boards wishing to participate, the project in 97-98 is off to another year's start. An initial survey of hardware, software, and connectivity is being undertaken. With the injection of ministerial funding to the adult & vocational centers under the MEQ - NTIC project it is expected that the project should accomplish new successes.
As a continuation of the project, new objectives have been set and an inventory of conectivity, equipment, and needs of the various centers has been undertaken.
Additional workshops have taken place and will be planned for representatives from the school boards.
School Boards Encouraged
School boards through their respective Adult & Professional Education Centers are encouraged to visit the PROCEDE (Provincial Organization of Continuing Education Directors, English) site and keep abrest of the current information on adult and vocational education in Quebec. This site can be accessed at (/athens/forum/8331):
"Link to the PROCEDE web-site".
English Presence on the
In conjunction with the
Vocational Education Inservice Project and the
ongoing Telecommunication Project, the English
sector will gain a presence on the Inforoute.
Paul Lamoreux has been
contracted to support the development of the
English content on the Inforoute. It is
anticipated that this will provide the opportunity
to further advance the activities of the school
boards in utilizing this technology. Moreover,
enhancing the exchange of information for teachers
should result in supporting the learning activities
of our adult clientele.
During the current year the coordinating committee has been working with the various school boards to further enhance the use of technology within the school boards. A revamping of the English pages of the "Inforoute" is well underway and an additional sub-site has been developed to bring an awareness to the teachers of the available inservice opportunities being organized for them.
Links to Sites
of Educational Content
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• Harmony Elementary School Construction File:
• Integration of the Arts {Harmony Elementary School}:
• "Lassie" in the Chateauguay Valley:
• H.S.Billings Career Education Center Construction File:
This page will continue to be updated as more information becomes available
and as the project further develops..
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