(Last updated: February 22, 1999)
I work in the Education Sector and am employed by the New Frontiers School Board . Within our school board (school district for those on a district system), I serve as the Director of Adult & Professional Education Services and have additional responsibilities in the area of Information Technology Services, Transportation, and Special Projects & Development including the construction of new educational facilities.
. . Our School Board . .

The New Frontiers School Board: {Come visit our school board site} is located in Southwestern part of the Province of Quebec, Canada and situated between the St. Lawrence River (southwest of Montreal) and extends to the U.S.A. and Ontario borders. It serves approximately 4,000 students in the youth sector (K-11) in its 8 elementary schools, with an additional elementary school being constructed to open for the 1997-1998 school year and 2 regional high schools. In addition, the School Board has an active and growing Adult & Professional (vocational) Education sector.
Our Vision Statement
The New Frontiers School Board is committed to "Education a Lifelong Journey" in developing the learning and
citizenship potential in each of our students.
{ To be Continued }
Provincial School System Re-organizes
The New Frontiers School Board, like all the other school boards in the Province of Quebec, is in an intense period in the first year following the re-organizaton of the provincial school-system.
In the past, school boards (School districts for those on a district system) have been traditionally organized along confessional lines, Protestant & Catholic, each serving their respective linguistic clientele (English & French).
Effective July 1, 1998, the school system across the Province of Quebec, Canada was re-organized along linguistic lines (English/French) rather than a confessional system. Within this reform the number of school boards was reduced considerably.
During the planning for re-organization the Chateauguay Valley School Board was successful in negotiating modifications to the proposed law resulting in a "new" English-language linguistic school board being configured on virtually the existing territory of the former Chateauguay Valley School Board and named the "New Frontiers School Board". This "new" linguistic school board became one of nine (9) school boards providing English-language educational services in Quebec.
Sub-directory Links
The following links are provided to access sub-directories and information on:
Within the sub-directories, links are provided for our schools that have their own site/page on the Internet and links to related resourse sites of interest to educators.
The Chateauguay Valley School Board
My personal page.
This portion of my site was completely lost in the service provider's "crash".
I hope to have it fully restored in the very near future and updated regularly.
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• Home Page:
• Harmony Elementary School Construction File:
• Integration of the Arts {Harmony Elementary School}:
• Telecommunications Project:
• "Lassie" in the Chateauguay Valley:
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